I am so sorry about any delays; With my real life stuff having been busier than ever, I have not had hardly any time to update this between my sweet boyfriend and college being hectic!
I wuvs all my fans who stay dedicated and hope you enjoy this long delayed chapter!

I do not own Naruto, Akatsuki, or anything besides my own wtf ideas _

Chapter 6: Plans for my Subordinate, My Love

Song of the Chapter:
Now or Never – Three Days Grace
Reason: Putting off the inevitable can be dangerous but the pleasure in prolonging joy might make events flow together more evenly.

Madara was pleased to have the base to himself and Akemi but the cost of it was paperwork and taking care of other matters that would occupy almost all of his time. Akemi at first contented herself by assisting him with some of the scrolls but soon grew weary and upon borrowing ink, a brush, and another scroll, began to do some calligraphy. Madara felt his eyes ache upon staring at the kanji and with a sigh he tore his eyes off the words to focus on her.

Akemi had not noticed Madara's attention shift as she continued to draw the kanji. His gaze focused on her graceful fingers as they delicately swept the brush into intricate patterns. He stood up and walked slowly behind her as he allowed his hands to rest on her shoulders. She finished the kanji and placed her brush to the side as Madara's hands wondered down her sides to rest at her waist. "You look bored."

Akemi nodded as she removed his hands so she could stand up. "Very. I do not recall how we were able to deal with all that political work back then." She allowed his arms to once again envelop around her stomach while she leaned her head back to recline in his chest. "The time you can actually be yourself and you cannot take a day off."

Madara responded by pressed his lips against her neck. She sighed as he kissed up her neck to finally end with a soft kiss on the lips. "Work must be done for the good of the organization. We must all make sacrifices Akemi-chan." She scoffed and she turned around and pecked him gently on the lips.

"Have Pein do the paper work and let us go have fun. I have not been on a picnic in ages." She tried to tug his arm but Madara was adamant in doing his paperwork and remained unmoving. "Madara-kun…" she growled.

His eyes flickered to her angered orbs. "This work is secret from Pein. Besides, it needs accomplished now. Your picnic can wait." Her dark eyes flashed red for a second before taking on a flash of amusement.

"Perhaps I can wait until someone else comes. I am certain Itachi would enjoy a picnic." Madara tensed visibly and Akemi gave a trademark Uchiha smirk. "Or maybe someone else… Kakuzu-kun maybe…" Madara's eyes took on the Sharingan as he pressed Akemi against the bookshelf as his left hand pinned her wrists open her. She groaned hitting the shelf but her eyes watched the seething man who glared at her.

"How the hell are so you familiar with Kakuzu?" The tomoes in his Sharingan spinning in a hypnotic manner and Akemi felt her eyelids droop. "Well?" His sharp voice brought her attention back to him immediately and she had a pink blush noting how close Madara was to her in this compromising position.

"After the attack failed…" Madara's eyes softened as he released her wrists and gave her a surprisingly gentle hug. Akemi said nothing else and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

Madara felt the moist tears onto his neck and sighed while rubbing her back gently. "I did not mean to make you cry Akemi-chan." She nodded and held onto him tightly as Madara scooped her into his arms bridal style and held her tightly in his arms. She curled instinctively closer to his chest and he chuckled. Walking, he deposited her gently into a chair in the kitchen. "Gather a small lunch for us and in twenty minutes, I will come with you on a picnic alright?"

Akemi smiled as Madara walked off. She turned to the refrigerator and grinned upon seeing fruit. If I recall correctly… this is his favorite…

Madara was trying to get at least a scrap of work done before this picnic but all he could see was Akemi crying and the look in her eyes when he conceded defeat. Why is she so emotional today of all days…? It is not like I forgot about… Oh shit. Madara slid back so quickly on his chair that he almost tipped over. He teleported back to his room and starting looking for the present he had retrieved for the kunoichi many decades past. Where did I put it? He glanced at the clock as his eyes widened. Only a couple moments left and she is really particular about time. He finally spotted the box, buried under a pile of old Leaf Village mementos and he grabbed the small black box and palmed it. He was about to walk away when he spotted something he had not bothered looking at for years.

It was a small picture that had been painted of the two during one of their meetings but after the hot springs incident. One of the Uchiha elders wanted to have something to commemorate the progress that the two have made and indeed progress has been made. This was painted a year after the hot springs incident as the two Uchihas playfully called it and they were trying to maintain the air of stoic behavior but being with a couple stuffy delegates, one of which wanted to paint the meeting, was humorous to the two and just trying to not die from Madara's need to grab Akemi and kiss her senseless was difficult. Akemi had a hand covered in front of her mouth, giggling softly as Madara had called over for more sake. Madara smiled seeing the picture but then noticed the clock. Shit, I'm late!

Akemi was sitting on the counter swinging her legs. Where is he? She frowned as she pushed herself off the counter and landed gracefully. Walking over to the basket she had set up, her frown softened thinking of the day.


Akemi smiled seeing the kimono she had picked out for today's meeting; it had been a gift from her mother before she died. The white silk had black dragons going around the length of it with a black obi to finish it off. One of the servants who helped her dress smirked. "Wearing it extra low to distract Madara-sama my lady?" Akemi laughed and smirked.

"I was not planning on it but that does sound like a humorous idea. Gentlemen of the Uchiha or not, Madara-sama is still a man." A man that knows what he wants, she thought with a smirk. Her thought process was interrupted by a knock. "Who is it?"

"I carry a message from Madara-sama." Akemi tensed wondering what could motivate Madara to send a message before their meeting. She motioned for her servant to open the door and she let herself out. "Akemi-sama, forgive me but Madara-sama needs to cancel this meeting." Akemi's eyes widened and she regarded the servant.

"What has happened? He has shown up to meetings with battle wounds and bones broken; what possibly could stop him now?"

The messenger gave a smirk as Akemi raised a raven eyebrow. "Madara-sama has contracted the common cold." Akemi sighed as she shook her head.

"The fool." She stepped into her sandals and looked at the messenger. "What are you waiting for? It is time to see Madara-sama and evaluate his condition." She walked over to the door and opened it. After a second's worth of a wait, she turned to the messenger. "Well?"

The messenger's eyes widened. "You want me to take you to Madara-sama while he is sick?" She narrowed her eyes and nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The young messenger bowed and dashed in front of her. "Forgive me Akemi-sama; I was unaware that you wished that. People are under the impression that you two are at odds"

Akemi smiled and contemplated for a half second what the reactions of their fellow Uchihas would be if they ever found out about their relationship. "At odds yes, but we are both Uchiha and it is in the interest of all Uchihas that every Uchiha is as healthy as possible." She noted that the messenger waited for her to meet his stride before inquiring further.

"Akemi-sama, I thought you wished the 'war mongers' dead." She smiled as she followed walked by his side. The messenger was always perplexed to no end about the thought of a relationship between Madara and Akemi Uchiha.

"The war mongers should die in a war so that we, the peaceful folk, do not have to worry about fighting ourselves." The smile that she war slowly drifted to the messenger's face.

"But Akemi-sama, I heard that you have the Sharingan and that only you and your brother are the only ones in the peaceful division to have achieved this." Akemi nodded and the messenger saw her appraise him with a crimson laden gaze.

"Yes I have the Sharingan but that does not mean that I resort to use it." By now, they had arrived at the house that Madara and Izuna shared. "Thank you for escorting me." The messenger bowed as he started to walk away but he suddenly paused.

"Akemi-sama, what happened to Megumi-senpai?" Akemi stopped for a moment and turned back to the messenger who noticed, for a fleeting instant, the difference in her eyes. His heart stopped and he looked at her. She blinked and her eyes were normal and soft but still, he was drowning with the killing intent that had overwashed him.

"She was killed by a shinobi." The tone in her voice was sad but there was an odd acceptance that made him nod. Without another comment exchanged, they soon arrived at the house that Madara and Izuna lived.

"Here you are Akemi-sama; I shall announce your presence." She nodded and sat on a bench in the garden. Akemi winced as her eyes started to ache and she rubbed her eyes in irritation.

The messenger was eternally glad to be rushing away from Akemi even though most times, he enjoyed helping her. In his dash through the house, he stumbled but was caught before he could impact with the ground. "Be careful if you must around this household. My brother will not take kindly to you making a racket." The messenger raised his eyes up to see the bemused smile of Izuna Uchiha.

"Izuna-sama, Akemi-sama is here to see Madara-sama." The younger brother smiled and put a reassuring hand on the messenger's shoulder.

"I will go see my brother about Akemi-sama." The messenger nodded and scurried off. Izuna smirked and walked to his brother's room. Without bothering to knock, he opened the door and stepped in. Madara opened his eyes blearily and groaned.

"What do you want? Being sick is torture enough." Izuna smirked as he reclined against the wall.

"Akemi-dono is here to see you." Madara tried to sit up when Izuna placed a hand against his chest and pushed him down. "And you are in no condition to greet her. Sit and I shall bring her to you." Madara growled but in his state was unable to muster the strength to retaliate. "Fine but you only bring her here." Izuna smiled and looked at his brother as he starting to walk out.

"Tell me dear brother, what intentions would I have with Akemi-dono other than leading her straight to the room?" Madara narrowed his eyebrows at the emphasis but was unable to retort as his younger brother walked out.

Akemi sat on the bench in the gardens, watching the cherry blossom trees with a sense of unease. Of all the days he had to fall ill… She stopped pondering her thoughts when she felt a presence behind her. "Hello Izuna-sama."

"Akemi-dono, I can lead you to my brother unless you wish to stay in the garden longer." Akemi was about to stand up when Izuna was behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Her mind's inner alarm went off immediately.

"Izuna-sama… what are you doing?" He said nothing as he continued to massage her shoulders softly. Akemi did not make indication his actions were welcome but Izuna decided to test his luck and his hands touched softly across her back.

"Does meeting with my brother cause you so much stress?" She stood up sharply and Izuna noted her dark eyes had a flash of red around them; a sign that the Sharingan could emerge any moment.

"I would like this meeting over with as being in the presence of one brother is obviously as stressful as the other." Izuna smirked as he led her over to a door and without knocking, opened it wide and shouted inside.

"Akemi-dono is here." Akemi smirked knowing that Madara was most anxious to be out of his brother's presence but when she walked in and closed the door, she noticed Madara sit up slightly from his futon. Her cheeks dusted pink realizing that he was not wearing a shirt as the blanket fell to expose his toned physique.

Once he was certain his brother was out of hearing range, he smirked at her. "Akemi-chan… I feel honored but surely you do not have to stare."

She turned away and crossed her arms but there was a blush that lined her cheeks. "So, how exactly did the great Madara Uchiha get sick?" He scowled as she pushed him back to his bed and felt his forehead.

"It was while I was out on a ninja mission alright? You know once a person stresses their body, they are more likely to become sick." She frowned as she motioned for him to roll onto his belly. Once his eyes were off her, she climbed softly onto his body and straddled his abdomen but before he could protest, she placed her hands on his back and applied chakra. He moaned loudly with the released stress and she stopped for a moment.

Before he could complain about the loss of contact, she frowned. "Shush. It sounds like… something else when you make that sound." Madara smirked and he laughed seeing her pink face.

"I wonder what people would think about the sheltered…" She pressed a knotted portion of his muscle and he immediately shut up.

"Seriously just stay quiet or you can figure this out yourself." Madara bit his lip as she massaged another tense portion of his back but she seemed to sense that indeed it had become a quickly sensitive portion. She leaned on his body to whisper silently into his ear. "You owe me next time."

Madara chuckled as he felt her weight shift again as she stood up. "What would you prefer as your repayment?"

She raised an eyebrow and frowned. "A picnic would suffice you pervert." She brushed off her kimono acting as if she was disgusted while Madara pulled his blankets back up. One second later, the door slide open as Izuna glided back in.

"Akemi-dono, have you deducted the cause of my brother's illness?" She nodded and rolled her eyes for dramatic effect.

"Stress; the idiot is not delegating responsibility to others and it is taking its toll on his body." Izuna nodded and gave her a knowing smirk.

"Then I shall escort you back and attempt to relieve the stress I believe my brother has tried to impart on you." Akemi's eyes widened an unnoticeable nanometer while Madara's eyes narrowed obviously.

"Why do you feel the need to flirt with Akemi-sama? I thought you were focused on matters for the clan." Madara felt a sense of unease at the expression on his brother's face. Akemi's face was mostly composed but he noticed the slightest dusting of pink on her ears.

"To make matters between the clans perfect, we should try a union between the two halves of the class. Marriage is the best option for everyone involved and besides, Akemi-dono is the perfect bride." Akemi looked at Izuna, her face enraged.

"I do not consent to this!" She tried to storm off when Izuna grabbed her arm gently.

"No but your brother did." Akemi's eyes narrowed as she pulled her arm out of Izuna's grasp and stormed back to her home. Madara's eyes bore into Izuna's figure when he smirked. "You should be happy that the elder's of the clan are taking care of this matter. This way, the two halves of the clan will no longer conflict and besides," Izuna's smirk was irritating Madara to no end. "Akemi-dono is a very attractive woman or have you been too preoccupied bickering with her to notice?"

On the inside, Madara glowered at his brother but for the sake of his identity, had to improvise. "Are you certain she will agree? She has a free spirit and although very influential within that half of the clan and she will not give herself up to you easily." Izuna's eager and unhampered smirk made Madara uneasy.

End Flashback

Akemi scowled and was about to whirl out of the kitchen when she collided with a warm body. Looking into Madara's onyx eyes made her heart flutter the exact same way all those years ago and the feelings that reemerged felt so much stronger than before. She was about to speak when Madara's lips crashed upon hers and the gasp of surprise was taken advantage of by his tongue. When they finally separated, Madara rested his forehead on hers, "My dearest Akemi-chan… if I never showed my appreciation of you in the past, let me show it to you eternally."

Akemi looked softly into Madara's eyes and pulled him down for a soft kiss. "This is a nice anniversary present my love," she murmured just as Madara reached for something small in his pocket.