
Color and Reason?

Harry sent his friends to the Room of Requirement. He had told them they were going to play a game and that he was going to get a few more people. They wondered who, but went anyway. They would see when they got there.

Ron jumped up. "Why are the Slytherin's here?"

Harry sighed. " I invited them here. We are going to play and everyone is going to get along or leave. If it's not your turn you're going to be quiet, got it? The rules are simple, everyone sits in a circle boy, girl, or house, other house. You start by calling out a color and then explaining why you chose it. At the end of that person's turn you can ask them questions. Nothing too personal and nothing insulting. Now let's get to it."

Harry started. " Red. I like to be part of the action. I like Quidditch, and quick to get a temper, and want to live like I was dying."

" I don't think your quite quick to temper but once you get going to its hard to stop," Blaise spoke up. Ron went to say something but Hermione jabbed him in the side. "I agree." Ron sighed.

Draco picked up. "Blue. Peacemaker in Slytherin. I'm calm, try to help, and loyal."

Since no one said anything, Hermione continued. " Green I think. I try to be nice to everyone. It's like nature and I try to make things simple.

" Sounds like Granger. Agreed."

" What do you mean by that?"

" It was a complement. Your color?" Blaise asked.

Ron was pissed. Why was Harry doing this. "Orange. Because of my family." He received a couple of nods.

Pansy spoke up. " I'd have to say Grey. I'm very guarded and trust no one but those I'm loyal to."

"Why don't you trust," Hermione asked.

"Why should I?" Hermione nodded.

Neville was next. "White. I'm usually a happy person but I know I'm naive too."

"You are a very unselfish person. You're an enigma among Hogwarts." Neville's eyes widened.

"Thank you Malfoy." Malfoy nodded.

"Purple. I'm creative, come up with a lot of new ideas, and I tend to daydream a lot," Millicent said.

Finally it was Blaise's turn. For once he wasn't last. "Brown. I am stable and unchanging. Most things do not faze me at all. I am self-discipline and dependable to those I'm deem worth my time."

"Over shared Zabini." Blaise shrugged. He'd done on purpose. It was the most he'd spoken in a month. "Glad to see you still have a voice." Blaise laughed. He was quiet by nature. An observer. He knew more things that went on in this school than most knew.

Ginny was next. "Pink. I'm laid-back and romantic. I think it's a calming color."

Theodore or Theo as he liked to be called decided. "Yellow. I like new things and am very cheerful. I'm the comedian. Tend to get in trouble a lot but oh well." He was enjoying this.

Luna, last but not the least. "Orange. I'm unique and get along with everyone even if they don't really like me. I'm grateful to have friends. That's it I think."

"Now what did everyone learn today kiddies?" The Slytherin's rolled their eyes used to it and him. Hermione gasped.

"We just told everyone our most basic personality and what things are important to us. Harry! Oh well," she sighed.

The Slytherin's smirked, stood and bowed as one and then let themselves out. Leave Harry to deal with how the ending played out. Maybe the fighting would stop or maybe not.

A/N. This is it peeps. Hope you enjoyed it.

Alright today's my b-day and turned 20. So this will be the last chap from me. Luckily this is the end of the story anyway since I start work officially tomorrow. Thanks to all those who reviewed.