I don't own anything. Little one shot I got today in Biology class. Wrote it in only a few minutes so don't expect it to be brilliant, just humourous.(hopefully)

"Huh." Rodney said after hearing about John's brilliant plan to save not only the Daedalus but his and Dr. Jackson's life as well. "How'd you come up with it?"

They were walking down the hallways of Atlantis on their way to the Control Room.

John blinked. "What do you mean?"

Rodney scowled, "You may have at one point been good at math, but that is only something a genius like me can come up with at such a short time. How'd you do it?"

John was irked, "I come up with good life saving plans all the time!"

Rodney rolled his eyes, "those usually involve barging in guns blazing and getting us almost killed."

John smirked then scowled, "Not all the time."

"Yes all the time. Just tell me the truth, I'm curious."

John sighed, "Colonel Carter came up with it first."

Rodney stopped short, "WHAT?!"

John winced and muttered, "I knew you'd do that."

"What do you mean Sam Carter came up with it first? And why did you think it was a brilliant idea? You could have come out of the window right in the core of the planet, killing all of us!"

"Rodney, shut up."

Rodney spluttered. Sheppard never really said 'shut up', just nicer variations.

John smiled, "I read it in a mission report of SG-1, when there was a Naqahdah asteroid headed to Earth and they used a hyperspace window to pass through the planet. It was basically the same scenario. Relax, ours was more dangerous."

Rodney stormed off, "Dammit!"