Hey everyone! Thanks for waiting for the last and final chapter of this story. I hope that you'll like it.
Chapter 7: The Night At The Dance:
Kallen, C.C., and Shirley were sitting at the table in the student council room. In their hands were pictures that were taken at last night's party in Euphemia's room. They were very disappointed.
Kallen growled out loud. "These pictures are worthless! Lelouch didn't even show up last night!"
C.C. shuffled through the pictures like the others. "It seems that he somehow figured out what were up to and got Suzaku to take his place." C.C. added.
Shirley continued looking through them before looking at the others. "Well that's how smart Lulu is."
A few seconds later, Euphemia walked in with a smile on her face. At first, she didn't know that the other girls were in the room. She was in a world of her own. She was glad that she spent time with Suzaku. They hadn't been able to see each other since the crazy plan started.
"Euphie!" Kallen's voice shouted out.
Euphemia snapped out of her trance and looked over to see who called her. She realized that Kallen and the others were sitting there at the table. "What is this? We didn't get any pictures of Lelouch. We only got pictures of Suzaku in the underwear we were trying to get Lelouch to wear." Kallen said with a disappointed, upset tone. She stood up in front of Euphemia. "Did you tell Lelouch what we were up to?"
Euphemia looked nervous. She didn't want to give away that Lelouch was in on it too.
Then, Shirley had spoken up. "Maybe Lelouch just figured it out." she suggested.
Kallen sighed, calming down and sat back down in her seat. Euphemia was glad that Shirley had said something. That way, they couldn't get mad at her for actually telling Lelouch.
"Well the dance is tonight. What are we going to do about Lelouch?" C.C. asked.
"Well. I guess he's going with Euphemia. So we can go and try to figure out something there." Kallen said.
"All right. Enough is enough!" The girls turned their attention to Euphemia. "It's too late now. You guys haven't been able to get Lelouch so maybe you should let it go. Go talk to him and maybe one of you will get to go with him and I could go with Suzaku." They looked at her for a few seconds. Euphemia thought that she had finally got through to them. At least she hoped that she did. Then, the girls turned back to each other.
"All right. We have until tonight to think of a way to get Lelouch." Kallen told them.
Euphemia's head dropped. It was no use. She walked out of the room before they could involve her in their next plan. She went to go find Lelouch and Suzaku so she could tell who she was really going to the dance with.
In the gym, Suzaku was practicing his fighting. Lelouch was walking toward him. Suzaku turned around and smiled. "Hey Lelouch."
Lelouch stopped nearby him. "Suzaku. You seem happy."
Suzaku couldn't get being with Euphemia out of his mind. "Yeah. I finally got to spend time with Euphie thanks to you and this underwear you gave me."
Lelouch looked confused. He couldn't believe that Suzaku was still wearing that. "Huh?"
Suzaku closed his eyes still smiling. "It works out great when I'm practice."
Lelouch shook his head. He didn't want to listen to anymore or get that image in his head. Then, Euphemia walked in and went over to them. They turned their attention to her. Suzaku smiled more once he saw her. "Hey Euphie."
Euphemia walked up to Lelouch with a serious look on her face. "Lelouch. I'm ending this right now. I'm going to the dance with Suzaku."
Lelouch shrugged. It didn't matter to him. He wasn't sure about going. "Okay."
Suzaku was wondering what they were going on about as he looked between them. "But I thought you were going with me anyway."
Euphemia turned to Suzaku. "It's a long story that I'll explain to you later." Euphemia turned to Lelouch. "And Lelouch. Kallen and the others are going to be there so watch out." she warned.
Lelouch nodded. He understood that they might be up to something. Euphemia grabbed onto Suzaku's arm and headed out toward the exit.
Later that night, people were crowded in a big room that was set up by the student council. It had a huge dance floor with a stage at the front. On the wall above the stage, there was a huge screen. Euphemia walked in with Suzaku on her arm. They looked around at the huge crowd around. "Wow! There are a lot of people here." he pointed out.
Euphemia looked around, trying to spot if Kallen, Shirley, and C.C. were there. "Come on Suzaku." She pulled Suzaku's arm, walking through the crowd. If they were there, she had to know.
Lelouch was in the crowd, looking around toward the stage. Euphemia had found him first. "Lelouch! Have you seen Kallen and the others?"
"No." he responded, seriously.
Suzaku smiled at Lelouch. "So? Did you get out of taking all three of them to the dance?"
"Not exactly." Euphemia told him quickly. She was still on edge about them being there and what trouble it could cause.
Kallen, C.C., and Shirley walked over to where the three of them. Kallen put her hand on the side of her waist. "Hello Lelouch."
"Ladies." he replied back. He didn't smile. There was a glare between him, Kallen, and C.C.
Shirley had decided to stay out of it. Euphemia waited to see what either one of them were going to do next. Then, Kallen spoke up. "Lelouch?! Why did you think it was okay to take all three of us to the dance?!"
Lelouch looked surprised and upset. "What?!"
Shirley had got upset. "You thought it would be okay Lulu?!"
C.C. looked toward her. "Why did you give him that name?"
Euphemia shook her head as she growled out loud. This had to end now. She walked passed them through the crowd. She thought of another way to get it through their heads.
"Euphie!" Suzaku called out. Euphemia walked out on the stage to the microphone. Milly and Rivalz that were standing nearby the stage, wondering what was going on. "All right! This needs to stop now!" she yelled out.
Lelouch and the others looked amazed.
Euphemia stood close to the microphone. "You guys need to stop arguing with Lelouch! He didn't want to take all three of you but all three of you asked without giving him a chance to say no and Kallen, this plan was stupid from the beginning!"
Everyone looked more shocked especially Kallen. Euphemia had finally gotten a chance to say what was on her mind. "I did not want to be apart of this and I did not want to date Lelouch because of some revenge plot. I didn't want to date Lelouch because…he's my half brother."
Everyone's eyes in the room widened. Lelouch couldn't believe that she had just told everyone that.
"Wait! You dated your brother?!" Shirley yelled out.
"No!" Euphemia yelled right away. "I thought this would be a chance for me to know Lelouch a little better so I hanged out with him but because of this stupid plan. Lelouch had decided to go along with it and yes. Lelouch knew the whole time because I told him."
Kallen, C.C., and Shirley turned attention to Lelouch, shocked. "Lelouch…" Kallen barely said. "You rather go out with your own sister than us?!"
Lelouch was shocked. "What?! No!"
Euphemia put her hands to her head with her eyes closed. She couldn't believe that this was seriously going on. "Lelouch! Kallen…everybody! Just come up here! Lelouch decide now who do you want to go with! I all ready have a date and his name is Suzaku Kururugi and because of this stupid plan, I have been spending less time with him but not anymore!"
Everyone was silent for a few seconds, not sure about what to say. Then a boy's voice from deep in the crowd spoke up. "So? Did you really date your brother?"
Euphemia baled her fists together. "No!" she shouted out. She looked toward the direction Lelouch was in. "Lelouch! Come up here now with Kallen, C.C., and Shirley and pick one of them!" Afterwards, Euphemia stomped off of the stage.
Lelouch and the others didn't move. Since nothing was happen, Milly had decided to go on stage. She took the microphone in her hand. "Okay then. Let's have Lelouch come up here to choose who his date to the dance should be!"
Everyone started cheering. Lelouch looked at the girls. They didn't say anything to each other so all four of them decided to go up there. Euphemia returned back to her place beside Suzaku. He was still in shock. "Euphie?"
She closed her eyes. "I'm sorry Suzaku. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to get you involved in this love…whatever is it."
Suzaku smiled a little. "Why didn't you just tell them no?"
Euphemia sighed. She wondered why herself. "I don't know. I thought that maybe something would work out. Still I'm sorry."
He closed his eyes. "It's okay."
On stage, Lelouch stood apart from Kallen, C.C., and Shirley on stage. "All right Lelouch! Who is it going to be?!" Milly said into her microphone.
Everyone started calling out names. Lelouch was sure about who to pick. He didn't really want to be up on stage. He looked at each of the girls, thinking about what he liked about each of them. Shirley leaned forward as she looked at him smiling. She had been his friend for a while. She was usually nice.
Then, he looked at Kallen who was standing in the middle. She was a little pushy but she was feisty. It was something he could enjoy.
Then, there was C.C. There wasn't much he could say about her but she was… interesting. People continued calling out names. Euphemia and Suzaku stood watching in silence. Milly walked over to Lelouch. "So? Who is it going to be?"
Lelouch needed to find a way so that he wouldn't have any of them mad at him. Lelouch smirked with his eyes closed. "Well it would be a hard decision between them and I don't want them to be here alone so if they will have me, I would like all of them to be my dates. Just as friends."
Everyone looked surprised. Kallen, C.C., and Shirley's mouth's had dropped. They couldn't believe that Lelouch had done that. Euphemia shook her head with her eyes closed. She just hoped that the same thing wouldn't start all over again. Kallen was about to say something but Shirley rushed over to Lelouch and took his hand. She wanted this to be over to and try not to get back at Lelouch. "It's okay Lelouch. We all came here to have fun away."
Kallen was surprised at what Shirley had done. She went over and took Lelouch's arm from Shirley. "Right. We just came to have fun."
C.C. slid in between Kallen and Lelouch and grabbed his arm. "Yes. Fun."
Euphemia shook her head again. The girls walked down with Lelouch from the stage set on getting his attention. Suzaku looked to Euphemia. "Looks like Lelouch got out of this one."
Euphemia was wondering how he did. "Yeah. He did."
Suzaku looked over at Euphemia. "Do you want to go?" he asked.
She was glad that he had ask that. "Please before I get involved in their next scheme." Euphemia and Suzaku turned around and walked toward the exit. "So what was with the underwear thing?"
Euphemia shook her head. "Don't ask."
I hoped that you liked the end of the story. As always, let me know if you like.