There was a knock on my door, that meant it was probably morning…I couldn't tell because I really hadn't gone to sleep yet. I had drawn my blinds closed and sat wrapped up in my bed like I usually do when his name comes back in my mind. But everyday it was the same my day started with a knock on my door from Charlie, and nothing else, not another word from him, just the knock.
I pulled myself out of my bed and decided to take a shower, I needed one. When I was done I put my hair up in a towel and wrapped myself in my robe. I hated getting up in the morning, and I hated sleeping too. Every time I slept I knew I would wake up alone, and it was something that I wasn't really used to yet, I was so used to those cold arms around me in the morning, that when I actually woke up warm it would sadden me. Getting up in the morning just meant that another day had passed, another day I was alone, another day without love, and another day without him.
Once I decided what to wear, which was a pair of faded blue jeans and her favorite purple long sleeved shirt, she made her way downstairs to grab a bite to eat. She wasn't shocked to find that Charlie has left already. It was like this every morning. He was gone before she came downstairs, and that didn't bother her at all, she liked it that way.
I took out a can of coke and put two pieces of bread in the toaster and sat down to wait. It was quiet in the house, and the only thing that really made any noise was the TV that Charlie had left on in the living room that was left on the news channel that was now telling us the weather for today…cold and wet…what a surprise. The other sound that I heard wasn't as overpowering and only happened every so often in the morning and it was the sound of the heater kicking on and off of its own free will.
My toast was down, and I quickly pulled it out of the toaster and laid the slices onto a plate and sat back down at the table. I ate one of the pieces and about half of the other before telling myself that I wasn't hungry anymore. I stole a quick look at the clock and got up; it was time to get to school.
I picked up my backpack upon leaving the house with the keys to her truck in hand. The truck started up as smoothly as could be expected of her truck and I backed out of the driveway. It wasn't a long drive to the school, and even if it was it's not like it mattered. No one was waiting for her there, not one person who was wondering where I was. They could act like they cared, even ask me if I was okay, but it's not like they weren't whispering about me behind my back.
"Idiots…" I whispered to myself as I turned into the schools parking lot. I spotted a decent parking spot and went for it. When out of no where a white, pricy sports car skidded right in front of her and took my spot. The last time I'd seen cars like this they belonged to a family that wasn't exactly normal.
I honked my horn as hard as I could as the driver was stepping out of the vehicle; he was tall with shaggy blonde hair and reddish brown eyes. He was lean enough to be the poster boy for some ad agency, but the shape of his arms slightly hinted that he was also muscular. I began to roll down my window with every intent of yelling at the guy, and he began to make his way over to my truck with a smile that he probably thought was "hott" in the terms of all the bobble headed people around here, but I'd been around people who's looks were far more tempting than his, he wasn't going to get out of this.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" I screamed at him. "You could have killed me, or damaged Nessie!"
"Nessie?" he asked me with a quizzical look on his face.
"My car." I said flustered by his stupid questions. "Now are you going to explain what was going through your mind when you almost killed me?" I demanded.
"Well at the time I just saw a great parking spot, but if I had known that someone as pretty as you was gunning for it I would have let you have it." He said and I just rolled my eyes.
"Be more careful next time, or I'll run into you with my truck. And I can guarantee you that this truck will do more damage to your matchbox car than yours would to mine." I said then put my car in drive again.
"Actually, this is the new 2009 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder they aren't even out yet." He said with a lopsided grin that looked a lot like his.
"Like I said…matchbox car." I said getting slightly annoyed, he reminded me too much of my past.
"What's your name?" he said staring at me.
"I don't have one." I said pressing the gas of my car down and going to find a new spot.
I was half way through fifth period math when the door to the room opened. And there he stood.
"Mr. Hay? I'm new here, my name is Damion Luvaldi." He said.
"They told me about you….um….let's try to find you a seat." Mr. Hay said, and I sighed. I knew where he was going to be put; he was going to be put into the only empty seat in the class. And that seat is the one next to me.
"Why don't you sit next to Miss. Swan." He said and I sighed louder this time and I saw Damion's eyes drift to me when Mr. Hay pointed me out and he smiled. Math class was going to suck for me from now on.
I heard the soft thump as his books landed on the table next to mine, and I felt eyes on me. I just ignored him and paid more attention to what the teacher was saying.
"So…Miss. Swan, hm?" I heard him ask followed by his smug egotistical laugh. And I just glared that the writing on the board.
"Ah, the silent treatment? Well if it's just silent…" he trailed off and before I knew it a piece of folded paper was slid onto my desk.
So you're ignoring me? The piece of paper said.
I let out a little laugh and scribbled back my response, which read.
There's a difference between ignoring and just plain not liking someone.
I handed it back to him and he returned it in under 10 seconds.
What did I do? He responded, I didn't even take the time to respond and I just handed the paper back to him without adding anything to it.
He seemed confused for a moment, but then he scribbled something back again.
Really, I mean I want to be friends with you. The paper read and I openly laughed, almost immediately all the eyes in the room landed on me and I blushed.
Quickly I wrote him back.
Why don't you be friends with Jessica Stanley, the one next to you, she's practically hyperventilating by your presence.
This time it was his laugh that drew the attention in the class. And he shot a look at Jessica and then back again.
She's nothing special. He wrote back.
Don't tell me your one of those sick freaks that goes for the weird and depressing types. I wrote back.
Weird and depressing? Is that what you are?
Give it some time, once you hear the things in the school, you'll change your mind. Besides I'm not interested in being friends. I saw him grimace from the corner of my eye and his hand scribble across the paper again.
Like what things? He asked avoiding how I said I didn't want to be friends.
Things that do not concern you. I scribbled back then the bell rang and I sprang up from my seat and out the door. I didn't get from the classroom before Damion caught me by my elbow and pulled me back.
"What do you want?" I asked not looking at him.
"I want…I want to know you." He whispered leaning in closer to me so I could hear. I shrugged off his hold on my elbow and glared at him.
"I don't want to know you, things are fine for me right now, and I'm not going back to the place I was before. So just leave me be." I hissed spinning around on my heal and storming away.
"What if I can't?!" I heard him yell after me, but I chose to ignore it. I was going to lunch next, well I was supposed to, but instead I was going to hang out behind the school with the people that I didn't even consider friends before, but you can't really judge them until you know them.
"Hey Bella! You're late today, you know what that means!" my friend Chloe giggled looping her arm through mine.
"No, no, no, no, no!" I said. "I haven't even had lunch, please not on an empty stomach! I'm begging you!"
"Nope!" Justin said thrusting the bottle of beer into my hands. It was only half full, I think he did that on purpose.
"You know the rules, if you're late you have to take a bottle. Now, go!" Chloe shouted, almost falling over laughing."
"Fine, fine!" I said, raising the bottle to my lips.
"You owe me later, you know that Bella!" Justin said grinning ear to ear and I just nodded, and began to down the beer. If felt like forever but it was finally gone, well I guess it was only half a bottle.
"There." I said handing Chloe the empty bottle. I felt two arms snack around me, and I instantly knew who it was.
"Leon," I sighed. "I thought you were going to stop with the sexual harassment."
"How am I going to stop when you look so fine?" He breathed in my ear.
"So this is where you've been Miss. Swan." I heard someone say and I quickly turned around and saw Damion.
"What are you doing here?" I said venom in my voice.
"Whoa! Don't be so hostile." He said staring at Leon's arms around my waist and I smirked.
"Is there something that you need Damion?" I asked looking him in the eye.
"Actually no there is nothing that I need right now. My friend Justin here invited me to hang out back here, fancy meeting you here though." He smiled with a twinkle in his eye.
"You're not meeting me here." I said flat out.
"See you later Chloe, Leon…" I said squeezing my way out if Leon's arms and walking up to Justin. I hugged him and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "See you later Justin." Then I leaned in closer and whispered in his ear. "That kiss is what I owed you for the beer, thanks for that by the way." I said.
"Anytime Bells, I would do anything for you." Justin said and gave me a little wink, and I rolled my eyes.
I could see Damion just out of the corner of my eyes, and he seemed to be just watching…what a weirdo.
I began walked away when I heard Damion asking Justin something.
"So are you and Bella an item?" he asked Justin.
Please Justin, just tell him yes so he can leave me alone…
"Yeah, me and her have been together for a while." I breathed a sigh of relief, and opened the back door to the school.
Even if Justin and me weren't really together this excuse would help to keep that Damion creep away from me. I decided to call my lunch over and head for my study hall in the library. I didn't have much else to do anyway.
I found an empty table and sat down resting my head on my arms.
"Why did you run away?" I heard someone ask me. I didn't look up, by now I knew that voice, and I wish I never had to hear it before.
I chose to ignore him and closed my eyes.
"Did I do something to you to deserve this kind of treatment?" he asked sounded a little hurt.
I realized that he really hadn't done anything to me apart from taking my parking spot this morning and many people have don't that to me before I was really used to it. The only thing about him that made me wary was how similar he was to them.
I sighed and turned my head sideways to look at him. "You didn't do anything. There are you happy? So just leave me be." I said.
He ignored my request and sat down in the chair opposite me.
"See I may be a little odd, but I'm taking this very personally." He said.
"Well it's not, so you can clear that off your conscience and just leave." I hissed.
"What then? It if it's not about something that I've done to you, what about me is so bad? "
I looked at him for a moment before answering him.
"I don't like your type." I said
"My type?"
"Yeah, your type." I said.
"I'm not like most guys." He said smirking and reaching out to touch my face….his hand was cold….too cold. I looked up at him in shock…why hadn't I known this before? He's so pale and good looking, and cold…Damn!
"Leave me alone." I said more firmly.
"I will after you tell me what my type is exactly, the reason you can't be my friend."
"You cold, pale and good looking. I tend to lean more towards guys that are alive, in a sense."
His eyes lit up as he took in what I said.
"I am alive, can't you tell, here I am moving and speaking." He laughed.
"What did you have for dinner last night? Was it red?" I asked with a knowing smile.
"You seem well informed." Was all he said to my question, and I knew in that moment how closely he was linked to my past.
"Leave, now. Get out of my town, and out of my life." I hissed and took a closer look at his eyes…the first time I had seen them, I had noticed that they were reddish brown.
"You sicken me…you really do. Trying to cover up the red in your eyes with contacts like what you do isn't sick and twisted." I shook my head in disgust.
He gave ma a little half smile.
"What else am I supposed to eat?" he asked.
"I know what you are, but there are other ways to get what you eat rather than killing people."
"Oh?" Was all he said raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah, other families of your kind hunt in better ways than you."
"And you knew them?" He asked the shock on his face not even hidden now.
"Yes, I did know them, I knew them better than I wanted to." I said running my fingers over the small half moon scar on my wrist. He saw the movement of my hand over my scar and smiled.
"You were bit, eh? One of your friends get a little to friendly for you liking?"
I glared at him. "Don't talk about things you know nothing of. They were all kind people and I loved them like family, and they loved me like their daughter and sister. I loved them all…so much." I said looking down at my little scar. "Then he…they left me…" A small tear fall on my wrist and I brushed it away.
"Broken heart, huh?"
"You're about to have a broken jaw." I said.
"Think you could break it?" He asked teasing clear in his voice.
"Oh, give me a crowbar and a lighter and you'd be down for the count."
"I can see and smell why they liked you so much."
I rolled my eyes and looked away. "As much as I've enjoyed this chat I have to be going." I said turning away from him.
"W-wait!" He called after me and caught my elbow.
I looked at him tiredly. "What? What could you possibly want from me Damion?" I asked tiredly.
"I…I…" He let my wrist go and I looked at him for a moment longer.
"Don't worry, you may be wondering why I seem so different and intriguing to you right now, but give it some time. You'll realize it's just how I smell that keeps you around then you'll leave. Like all of them do. I'm not concerned." I said looking down at his hands as they clenched into fists.
"It's his fault." He hissed.
"Hm? What are you talking about?" I asked looked at him slightly taken aback.
"It's that vampire's fault that you're like this. I bet you weren't like this before." He said looking me up and down.
"Ha! Like you would know what I was like before." I said laughing.
"Don't…don't act like what he did didn't hurt you." He said looking at me with soft eyes.
"It doesn't hurt me." I said matter-of-factly. "I knew that he was too good for me from the beginning. He's everything that I'm not I never deserved him. We live in completely different worlds and that's just life." I said with a sigh.
All of a sudden I was in a cold embrace with stone hard arms wrapped around me. "Never say that…never say that you don't deserve something." He whispered.
"But I don't, and I know that." I patted him on the back. "Look, if we're going to make this easier on you, you might just want to steer clear of me. I mean I haven't smelt my own blood but apparently it's a big deal. So if you just stay-"
"I refuse." He said simply.
"W-…What?" I asked shocked.
"I refuse to stay away from you." He said smiling as his brownish eyes lit up and his dimples came out.
"Okie, the cute guy act is okay for right now, but really…be yourself." I said.
His face darkened and his body became rigid and tense, and all of a sudden I was scared.
"D-Damion? What's wrong?" I asked.
"Bella…go…" He hissed quietly pushing me away.
"What? Why?" I demanded not moving.
"There are five vampire's here." He said just as I was able to hear and see them. In an instant my heart dropped into my stomach and tears started to fall.
"Why?" I said through the tears.
ohhhhhhhhh cliffhanger, yeah i know i do that ALOT!!!!!!!