A/N: Hellou all of you. My Naruto story is progressing nicely. Sorry if this is late thought. I have been on computer far too much if my hand is any indicator. Yeah I spend 18 h per day in front of my laptop. So my right hand is nearly immobilized – Which of course if not a good thing. Well let's hope that it will heal. I solely blame all the fantastic writers in for writing so much and so good stories that I HAVE to read them, which makes me use too much my mouse and all. My hand has never got hurt this way though – Not even when I was playing CS 24/7. Well anyway. On with the story. I thank my Lovely and skilled beta: Original-Botticella.

10. After The Cloud's Sale Through Certain Point Of View.

"I don't believe you! Well it does not matter what I think of you and what I don't. You still never be recognized in this village. Never!" Lockheart said and angrily marched towards the school. I just thanked myself about this litbloomtle encounter. It was necessary, so that I could know what the village wanted. What they thought about me. We continued our little trip to the other side of the village, where my mothers house and my former home stood high. I knocked on the door and Myra came and opened it. Her expression went first to amazement then to recognition and finally to a full blooming smile.

"My Angel you are home" Myra said and gestured us all inside of her house. We went into the living room and sat on the sofas. Marlene was happily at Sephiroth's lap. I got the picture that it was Marlene's favorite spot.

Myra came with a pot of tea with her and started serving us silently. Marlene and the rest said polite thanks. We started drinking in silence.

"Well, care to introduce your friends?" Myra said to us. Guragan and I had fallen into field mode automatically at some point of everything. Guragan first stood up. I cleared my throat.

"This is Lieutenant General Guragan, my second in command and he is also a medic. And SOLDIER 3rd class for that matter." I explained. Guragan started pointing at people as I got through with the introduce.

"This is Reno Sinclair a Turk trainee and my third in command at the time. He is also my personal bodyguard as well as Marlene's.

"Then next is my secretary as well as my second third in command and Senior Turk Marie. She is also my bodyguard. She is taking care of my paperwork and is protecting Marlene as well.

"Then the next is THE General Sephiroth Valentine, my husband and Marlene's father. We live together and have a healthy life.

"As for the little miss. She is Marlene Valentine, Our daughter.

"As for myself, I am one of the three Generals under Sephiroth. I am holding Wutai section, Angeal is working on Midgar and other city areas and Genesis is taking care of the Icicle area. Zack and Sephiroth are taking care of the rest." I said.

"Wow. You have some powerful friends there as well as a good family. How did you enrolled in the army so quickly?" Myra asked. That just spawned a very thick silence. Myra just watched us curiously. I didn't want to say anything. I prayed that someone would save me from answering. I was happy when Reno caught my signal of discomfort and answered.

"It is because he is very skilled. Although I am sure you are wondering his changed face and body as well. That comes because of mako and training. And he enrolled in the army as he fought in Shin-Ra and Sephiroth and Rufus Shin-Ra thought that it would be a good idea to give him a promotion. Somehow the promotions just piled and now here he is. After three months in Wutai and he is a general of that specific area."

"Oh. Well... if that is the case." Myra said. We talked a bit about other things as well until it was time for us to leave. We went back to the town tavern. Tifa was again there. We decided to have some lunch. I was still very sick and tired from the traveling and the war. My wounds would not heal fast, despite the mako that I had on my body.

Gaia wasn't angry at me, because of Wutai. I was her warrior, but at the same time I was her son and because of that she felt a little bit of affection towards me. I was thinking how everything was going on in Shin-Ra. All the Generals were on paid leave and because that I just knew that the paperwork was piled on our tables. I groaned at the thought.

"Is everything okay Cloud?" Marie asked as we were sitting on our table waiting Tifa to gather our orders.

"Yes. Everything is fine. I just remembered that the paperwork is piling very nicely at the Shin-Ra. The thought made me groan." I said. Everyone just laughed at that, except Marlene.

"Papa-Cloud. What is paperwork?" She asked. I groaned again and relaxed my back and my head hit the table. Hard.

"Marlene. Paperwork is the only thing you have to fear in life. It's the strongest enemy of one's being. It's something so terrifying that even I fear it. It's actually my only fear, well not only.. My greatest fear is actually a haircut." Sephiroth started to explain.

"Yes. That's the truth, yo" Reno said suddenly.

"Why is that uncle Ren'?" Marlene asked again. Marlene had her own nicknames to everyone of us. I was Papa-Cloud or sometimes just Clo, Sephiroth was papa-Sephy or Sephy, Reno was always Ren, and Marie was called Mar or then sometimes Gun-lady. It varies. We just somehow knew who was what.

"It is because. Paperwork is extreme evil! Hojo looks like a baby and he's the real evil if compared to paperwork. It piles to our desks and then when we get some of it done and go to get a cup of coffee. It makes little stacks of paperwork. It actually breeds!" I said.

"The only person that has defeated the EVIL Paperwork, is Cloud. But then again he didn't do it alone. He used help so it doesn't count. Then again, Sephiroth would defeat paperwork if only he wouldn't be scared of it. That is because. Well sometime back before Cloud was there to help him his desk. Well it was consumed by it. So he started doing it. In a very fast phase. But in the end, every time he filled one sheet three others would come and replace it. Also. The paperwork has personalities, They smirk and show you their tongues. And the worst yet. Well, Sephiroth tried to kill them, by using fire. And they attacked. So that's pretty much everything." Marie explained.

"But paperwork is an object. It is not living thing. So it can't smirk and it can't have a tongue." Marlene said. They was horrified expressions all around the table.

"If you are not believing us then we will show you the paperwork." Sephiroth said.

"Oh. You mean the paperwork that is upstairs in our room, Papa-Sephy?"

"What paperwork upstairs!?" Were the panicked shouts that rang all around of the table.

"Those that are upstairs. They are in the table." Marlene said as it would be perfectly normal. I started to cry. Sephiroth took a hold of me and I cried to his leather jacket.

"My darling. Let's get upstairs. Okay. Reno and Marie, protect Marlene from the paperwork, we are going to use attack formation 34B." He said. Sephiroth released me and we took hold of our swords. Reno and Marie placed Marlene on the middle of them and they had their handguns and Reno had his EMR on his hand. We slowly went upstairs.

We were by our door. I kicked the door in and Sephiroth went in.

"Clear!" Was shouted from the living room. We went in. There was a working room in our fucking motel room. SHIT. We silently crept in. There the EVIL paperwork was. Sitting on TWO different desks. Also there were some boxes that took the space from the room.

"What's in the boxes, yo?" Reno asked.

"Let's open up one and see." Sephiroth said and swiftly used Masasume to slice one wall of from the box. Paperwork filled the floor.

"Stand back!" I shouted. Marlene looked at the paperwork. IT WAWED!!!!


A/N: I wanted some humor in to this. So I made up the paperwork incident. You can call this a filler, until I get back to my original angsty style :P Ja ne. Logoht.

PS: I am having horrible writer's block with this story. That is also one reason for the filler. I am sorry about this, but I thought that better even shitty update that is short than no update at all.