Disclaimer: All characters belong to Stephanie Meyer...sigh
"Edward, please…" I begged. We were driving in Edward's Volvo. Where? I have no idea. I've been begging him to let me take off this blindfold for the last ten minutes. I huffed. He knew how much I hated surprises.
"We're almost there," he assured me, his velvet voice brimming with excitement. Since he didn't say no, I quickly reached behind my head to try to untie the blindfold from my eyes, keywordbeing tried. Edward's hand caught mine before I could even touch the knot. I began to pout.
He chuckled. " Nice try, Bella," he murmured before kissing my palm and then trailing his lips on every finger before moving to my third finger, that was now holding my engagement ring, and kissed it gently. I sighed, he always knows how to distract me.
I was brought out of my trance when I felt the engine stop and felt Edward's cool breath in my ear. "We're here," he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. Before I asked where 'here' was, the passenger door opened. Edward took my hand and helped me out of the car, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close to his side. We walked for a moment and then he stopped. He came around behind me and untied the offensive piece of fabric. I quickly opened my eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the darkness. When my eyes finally adjusted, I gasped. The first thing that caught my eye was a huge Ferris wheel twinkled with assorted colored lights. Then I saw the classic teacups, along with a haunted house, a mirror maze, go-karts, bumper cars, you name it, they had it. I smiled. This was definitely going to be fun. I haven't been to a carnival since I was in Phoenix when I was about 12.
"Bella?" Edward called, watching my reaction.
"Thank you, Edward!" I practically yelled, throwing myself at him and kissing his neck, then his cheek, and finally his lips. Our lips moved in perfect synchronization until, once again, I had to breathe. He chuckled and I gave him a questioning look.
"If I knew you would have such a great response to a surprise, I would have gotten you somethi-" he began but I immediately cut him off with my finger to his lips.
"Don't push it," I murmured, smiling at him, my happiness and excitement overwhelming anything else. He smiled at me and kissed my finger before taking my hand gently in his, entwining our fingers together. He stared deep into my eyes and my breath caught. There he goes 'dazzling' me again. He chuckled again, probably at my expression, and began pulling me toward the entrance.
" Come on, they're getting impatient, " he said, amusement coloring his velvet voice. Oh. So that's what he was laughing at. Wait a minute…
" They?" I asked, bemused, finally clearing the last of the fuzziness that was left from Edward's gaze. But before Edward could answer, I heard Alice's light voice…
"Bella!" she squealed, her voice making me jump in Edward's arms. I heard Emmett chuckle as she kissed me on my cheek " I'm so excited! We're gonna have so much fun" she exclaimed. Something about her last statement warned me to stay alert, but I ignored it, too excited to care. I turned around in Edward's arms. I saw all the Cullens standing around us. I blushed a little, wondering how long they'd been standing there. Esme came and gave me a sweet motherly hug.
"How are you dear?" she asked sweetly.
"Excited," I answered her eagerly.
She laughed and returned back to Carlisle's side taking his hand. Carlisle me a smile and a gentle nod " Bella," he said.
" So are you REALLY excited Bella?" Emmet asked. I looked at him confused for a moment.
" Ye-" then I cut myself off, realizing the double meaning in his words. Immediately I ducked my blushing face in Edward's chest. I felt him rumble with low growls. Edward was about to lunge for Emmet, who was now clutching onto Rosalie for suport, when I placed my hand on his chest.
"Not here," I said softly. He looked at me pleadingly. I smiled and whispered in his ear " When we get home you can have a better crack at him." He smiled at me then kissed me on my forehead.
"This isn't over," he said threateningly to his favorite 'big' brother.
Emmet stopped laughing long enough to say " Whatever, dude." I turned back around to continue my previously interrupted conversation.
"Hi, Carlisle," I answered politely. " Hey Rosalie," I said. Ever since the engagement she showed less resentment toward me and I was ever so grateful for that.
"Hey, Bella" she greeted sweetly, giving me a small smile.
"Jasper," I said giving him a light nod and a smile.
"Hey, Bella" he said, still chuckling at what just happened.
"Awww, no love for your big brother, Bella?" Emmet asked in mock sadness. " I thought you loved me," he whined giving me puppy dog eyes. Everyone laughed at how ridiculous he looked.
" Of course I didn't forget you Emmet," I said. " How can I, look at you!" I said teasingly. He growled a playful growl and before I knew it, I was in a breath-taking bear hug.
"Emmet…can't…breathe" I said my voice barely above a whisper, but I knew he would hear it.
" Oh, sorry," he said as he set me down, as I was encircled by Edward's arms again.
" Alright, Alright, enough already," Alice said a little annoyed. "Let's go!" she squeaked grabbing Jasper's hand and pulling him toward the entrance . Emmet gave me a mischievous grin as he took Rosalie's hand and began leading her inside. Esme gave me a knowing smile before taking Carlisle's hand and strolling in after them. I looked at Edward and he was staring at me intently.
"What?" I asked.
"Emmet and Alice keep blocking me, planning something, no doubt" he said warily. I smiled up at him and pecked his cheek, too excited to care about that right now. They were probably just…hmmm. I trailed off in my mind. He smiled back at me, distracting me from my thoughts, excitement now dancing in his golden eyes. "Let's go, love" he said, wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me toward the entrance. Edward paid for our tickets- I don't even want to know how many, or how much he spent on them alone. We walked inside and I gasped, taking in the area around me…
well...how was that? I am going to put up more chapters (obviously =) but please review and tell me what you think. Should I continue?