Story of A Girl

Chapter 1: New

Another day of high school. Which means I have only 180 more days until I graduate, and then I can leave this place, and everyone here behind. That's a beautiful thing. So maybe I am being a little over dramatic. Forks High School isn't all that bad. It's not like I don't have any friends, I do. Emmett Swan, and Jasper Whitlock are the best friends a guy could ask for. The three of us are the captains of the football team. Emmett is the center, Jasper is the wide receiver, and I'm the quarter back. Most of the team is made up of seniors, there is only one junior, his name is Jacob Black, and he is the running back. We are the number one team in our division, and that is something to be happy about. Especially because for the last five years we have been last. The main talk today is the arrival of a new girl, Isabella something, I cant remember her last name. Forks High hasn't had a new student in over three years. So of course this girl is already a celebrity. It was lunch time. The best part of the day.

Our table, containing the whole football team, were having a discussion on how hot this new girl is. I've seen her from a far, and from what I could see, she was really good looking. "She is by far the hottest girl at Forks." Mike Newton, the safety was saying. "I second that." Jacob added. "I wouldn't go so far to say she is the hottest girl here, but she is in the top two." Jasper said, focusing on something on the opposite side of the caf. Someone I should say. He has been practically in love with Alice Brandon since freshman year, when Alice asked Jasper for a pencil. He hasn't even said one word to her. He is a die hard believer in love at first sight. I kicked his chair, and he looked at me, then shrugged. "Think she is a virgin?" Tyler Crowley, the tight end, asked. I heard Emmett huff. "Definitely, man. Just look at the way she walks, she is too much of a prude to have lost it." Mike said, nodding behind Tyler. I followed his gaze, and the new girl was talking to the school sluts, Jessica Stanley, and Lauren Mallory. Been there, done them. So what? I'm a player, so sue me.

If I had to guess, I would say she is a virgin. I would even bet that she has a promise ring. I chuckled. What a waste, she a good looking girl. "I'd tap that, without hesitation." Mike

said. "Pop her cherry, if you know what I'm saying." Mike added, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. Only a true virgin would say that. And trust me, Mike is a true virgin. He acts like he isn't, but the whole damn school knows he is. I'm not. Haven't been since sophomore year, her name was Brittany Moran. She was a senior, and captain of the cheerleading squad. Boy, was she hot. I know Emmett, and Jasper aren't either. Jasper lost his to a girl named Maria, and Emmett hasn't told us. "Oh, please, Mike. Like you could get into her pants. Leave the popping to the professionals." I said, smiling. And yes, I do put myself in the category of professionals. Ask anyone, and they can tell you I've deflowered many girls. But they were all very willing. Mike glared at me, Tyler and Jacob laughed. A few minutes later, Tyler, Mike, and Jacob got into a discussion on who is going to deflower the new girl. Could they be anymore desperate? I followed Jasper's gaze, and sure enough he was staring at Alice. He should just ask her out already. Before someone else does.

Alice was sitting with Rosalie Hale. For as long as I can remember they have been friends. Total opposites. Rosalie has a model type figure, tall, blonde, piercing blue eyes. The star of every hormonal teenage guys sex dream. Alice, on the other hand, is barely five feet tall, she has hazel eyes, and spiky black hair that points in every direction. "you should just as her out already." I told Jasper. "Sure." He said, sarcastically. "I'm serious, you don't want someone else asking her out first." I said. "Oh, yeah. Like who? You?" He asked, looking at me. Almost daring me to say yes. I laughed. "No, not me. She isn't my type." I said. "Oh, that's right, she isn't a virgin. Of course she's not your type." Jasper said, rolling his eyes. "I take offense to that." I said, acting like it hurt. "You're a big boy, you'll get over it." Jasper said, patting me on the back. I looked at Emmett. I was surprised he hasn't said anything about the new girl. Usually he is in any conversation about a girl. He was staring at his plate. He has only taken about three bites out of. Totally not an Emmett thing to do. I looked at Jasper, and then nodded to Emmett. Jasper looked at him, and shrugged.

"Hey, Em. What's up?" I asked. "Nothing." He grumbled. He's been acting so weird today. But he wont tell us why. We were quiet again. Tyler, Mike, and Jacob were still discussing. Now they were talking about a course of action to take. Wow. Lame. They suddenly stopped talking, and looked in the same direction. "Here she comes." Mike whispered. I turned to my right, and saw the new girl walking to our table. I was sitting at the end of the table, and Emmett was sitting across from me. He wasn't paying attention. He is surely missing out. I watched the new girl. She walked with her arms wrapped around her body, but her head was held high. How weird, I thought. On one hand, she was walking with confidence, and then on the other, she was walking like she was holding herself together. Her brown hair was straight, but at the same time it had a natural wave. As she got closer, I noticed her face was heart shaped, and that her bottom lip was a little bigger then her top. They were also very appealing. She was standing in front of our table now. Her eyes were brown. But not a dull brown, like most girls have. They were a deep chocolate brown, and I didn't want to look away.

She caught me staring, and turned to look at me. "What do you want?" She asked me. Her voice irritated, but still sounded amazing. I thought fast of a reason, so I didn't look like a complete idiot. "Your virginity." I said, calmly, smiling my infamous crooked smile that girls loved. She began looking through her pockets. Emmett had looked up now, and he was glaring at me. Glaring? At me? Why the hell would he do that. "Sorry." Isabella finally said, sighing dramatically. Emmett turned to look at her. I did the same. She met my gaze. "Don't have it with me." She said. Emmett's mouth fell open. He was acting like this was some big deal. She was obviously lieing. "Must have left it back in Phoenix. Oh well." Isabella added, shrugging. Whoa. Did I hear what I think I just heard? She is not a virgin. No, she is, she is. She has to be. Wait, why do I care so much if she is or not? It must be because if she isn't a virgin then I cant have the pleasure of being her first. Right? Yeah, that's it. I'm sticking with it. I mean, what else can it be?

It looked like Emmett's eyes were about to bug out of his head. His mouth was still hanging open. Isabella reached out, and shut his mouth for him. "You'll catch flies." She said, patting him on the head. He smiled slightly, then stopped. Emmett became serious Emmett. Who never comes out. He gave her a weird look, like he was asking a silent question that only the new girl understood. "Eh, long story. Now push over." She said, pushing on his shoulder. He rolled his eyes, and moved over in his seat. Only leaving her a few inches. Emmett looked smug. Isabella groaned, and sat on his lap instead, whipping the smug look clean of his face. "There was no way my ass, was going to fit in that space." She said, matter of fact. The whole table was watching them. I was even watching them. Emmett never said he was hooking up with the new girl. Why didn't he tell us? That is big information to know. Once again I ask, why do I care so much? I couldn't possibly be jealous of Emmett.

Isabella began eating Emmett's lunch, he gasped. "Don't be a big baby. I forget to grab my lunch money this morning." Isabella scolded him. "It's not like you were eating it." Jasper told Emmett. Emmett scowled at him, while Isabella smiled at Jasper. "I'm Isabella, nice to meet you." She said, reaching her hand out. Jasper took it and smiled. "I'm Jasper." He said. Isabella took the last bite of Emmett's pizza, and got up. "I'm gonna go now, don't want to be late on my first day. Nice to meet you Jasper. Emmett, I will see you at home." Isabella said, walking away. "Bye Bella!" Emmett called after her. "Bella?" Jasper asked. "Home?" I asked.