Before you read, I have to warn you that this is my first Twilight story. I think I got most of the stuff right because I'm in the middle of Breaking Dawn right now, so all the info should be right, I think. Anywho, I wanted to have my first Twilight story be the big full-length one that I'm planning right now, but I thought it'd be simpler if I started out with a little drabble. So...READ!!!


"Yeah, Bells?"

"You're stupid."

"Hey, words hurt! And is it my fault that the door locks from the outside?"

"No, but it is your fault that you dropped the key!"

"Well, sorry that my hand got sweaty!"

"You're a vampire! Your hands don't get sweaty!"

"Oh. Right..."

"Ugh, you're an idiot..."

"And you're a whiner!"

"At least I don't drop keys from outside of a tiny closet!"

"But you do fall over your feet all the time."

"You push me half the time!"

"I do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not! No comebacks!"

"You are so immature."

"Hear it all the time from Rose. Nothing new, kid."

"Still can't figure out how she puts up with you."

"Vampires can concentrate on lots of things at once, remember?"

"So she doesn't listen to you half the time?"


"Smart girl..."

"Again with the words!"

"Sorry. Now, can't you just break the door down or something to get us out of here? Being locked in a closet with you isn't worth trying to find my shoes from last night anymore."

"Oh yeah, that's why we came here in the first place!"

"Yeah, going back to you being an idiot."

"That would hurt my heart if it was beating."

"Emmett David Cullen, can you get us out of here or not!"

"If I wanted to, I could take this baby down, no sweat."

"Ha, finally you figure out that you can't sweat!"

"I wasn't finished. I could if I felt like it."

"If? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Maybe I don't want to."

"WHAT?! Why?!"

"Because you're mean to me."

"Oh, stop being such a baby and get us out of here!"

"There you go again, Swan."

"Cullen, I swear if this doorway isn't cleared in the next three seconds, I'll-"

"You do realize that you're threatening a vampire, right? One who hasn't hunted in a week?"

" wouldn't dare..."

"You're right, I wouldn't. It's just fun seeing your little human reactions."

"Don't pat my head! And that wasn't funny!"

"Really? I thought it wasn't too bad..."

"A: You're thinking again. That's not a good sign. And B: Just break the damn door down before I tell Rosalie that you were flirting with Jessica."

" wouldn't."

"Try me."

"Bella, I'm serious, please don't do that to me! She'd tear me to pieces if she believed it and knowing her, she would! She's even more jealous than Mike Newton!"

"You could put yourself back together, right? You're the invincible, undead vampire here."

"Isabella Marie Swan!"

"How do you know my full name?"

"You're going out with my brother, remember?"

"He mentioned my full name?"

"Yeah, he never shuts up about you. It's always Bella this and Bella that. We know everything about you and honestly, it's starting to get a little annoying."

"Was that an insult?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I'll think about it."

"There you go thinking again. This has gotta stop, Emmett."

"Do you wanna get out of here or not, Bells?"

"Duh! And just for the record, I'll make sure that I'm never alone in the house with you again. Why didn't you tell me that the family was going hunting today and why didn't you go with them?"

"Alice caught me going through Edward's closet for going out with Rose and threatened to tell him if I went with them."


"They're going to the park about 35 minutes from here and they're overflowing with deer. They're her favorite and doesn't want me getting in the way with how thirsty I am."

"Just how thirsty are you?"

"Didn't you see how pitch black my eyes are while you could still see?"

"Oh God, get us out of here before you kill me!"

"Jeez, Bella, calm down. I'm in perfect control of myself. Not sure why..."

"Wait, did you hear that?"

"The door opening?"


"Oh, hey, Jasper. When'd you get in?"



"Why are you two locked in a closet together?"

"Long story."

"Do I want to hear it?"

"Get your mind out of the gutter, bro."

"Must I go get Rosalie and Edward?"

"Dude, do you really think that I would make out with my brother's human girlfriend in my condition?"

"Good point..."

"Thanks, Jasper, for keeping him under control. How long have you been back?"

"Let's just say that I agree with him on Edward's obsessive ways with you. He's very infatuated with you, Bella."

"Aww, really? That's so sweet."

"Oh yeah, and Emmett? Rosalie will be wanting to speak with you about cheating. She'll be waiting for you in your room."


Lol, don't you just love Emmett? He's my favorite vamp besides Edward lol. So, how'd I do? Please REVIEW and tell me what you thought about this little pointless drabble :)

~Rachel :)