I pulled him into a hug as i tightened my embrace, knowing full well that things were about to significantly change. I felt my eyes well up with tears, "Mitch, It'll be okay, I'm only going to college and besides I'll be down here all the time visiting you and my family" I've never been good at saying goodbye and this was no exception. I pulled myself away from him, lifting my head to meet his gaze "You promise?" i ask in a small voice.

He nodded and shot me one of his famous smiles "Promise."

"And you'll call every day?"

"Everyday" he reassured me. I must have sounded so needy, but to be honest, I didn't care, I was about to witness by best friend of 10 years, move away, leaving me on my own, starting a new phase in his life, and I was scared that soon, it wouldn't include me. Throughout our school lives, it's been very much Shane and me, we didn't need anyone else, we trusted one another completely . As we got older people began to question our friendship, whether we were more than just friends, saying that we were 'made for each other', even our parents had made remarks about how they could see us getting married in the future, but every time someone would say something Shane would just laugh it off, saying ' A guy and a girl can be friends without being romantically involved' and at first I agreed with him, I saw him as a brother, but as time went on my feelings towards him were certainly not brotherly some completely inappropriate, but did I tell Shane all this? Hell no. How could I? I couldn't just walk up to him and say 'hey Shane, I'm head over heels in love with you'. Shane knocked me out of my thoughts as he said-

"And I'll text you so much that people will have to surgically remove our cells from our hands." I couldn't help but smile; he always knew how to cheer me up. Just then Jake, my older brother by two years came out of my house with two suitcases and a pained expression on his face. Shane was the same age as my brother- 18 and had received the same scholarship as he had. They were both obsessed with music, both with the same ambition- to make the big time, and being accepted into this college was a once in a life time opportunity, you couldn't get in without having serious talent, and receiving full scholarships, they must be special.

"You ready Shane?" he asked once he had thrown his belongings into the back of his old mustang.

Shane looked at me before nodding "Yeah, let's get this show on the road" Jake walked up the drive towards me extending his arms out as i gladly accepted the hug "Don't worry Mitch, I'll look out for him, he'll see the light soon enough" he whispered into my ear. I nodded into his chest, that's right, Jake knew about how i felt; he had for a while now, well ever since he cruelly stole my diary, after some stupid argument about what pizza to order. He pulled away and began to walk to his car. Now it was Shanes turn, he stepped towards me, we were literally inches apart.

He sighed "I'm going to miss you like mad, what will I do if I need one of our midnight chats? Or one of our movie marathons?" I felt my eyes well up again. He leaned towards me, placing a quick kiss upon my lips. I froze to the spot, well that was certainly new. What was he playing at? I could feel my heart racing and i swear my hands had all of a sudden become sweaty, these were certainly not the reactions of someone who considers their best friend as a brother figure."Love ya Mitch" he said quickly, that done it for me, i swear if i wasn't leaning against the door frame i would be in a heap on the floor. I smiled at him weakly, as my ability of speech seemed nonexistent at this point. I watched helplessly as they got into the car and started the ignition, waving enthusiastically before pulling away, i raised my arm slowly, waving back in a pathetic manner as the car turned the corner. I mentally reassured myself that our friendship was too strong to be broken, even by distance, how wrong i was, stupid, naive, besotted Mitchie.

So what did you think? I haven't written a fic in months!(on my old account) so im a bit rusty! And this is my first attempt at a proper Camp Rock fic, even though i do have another one shot posted. Hope the chapter wasn't too short for you guys, i know i get a little frustrated when they are, but this was more of an introduction. Be prepared for some serious drama as the story progresses. It would mean a lot to me if you reviewed, i appreciate constructive criticism, yet no reviews of pure hatred lol!The more reviews i get the quicker I'll update, and any ideas just PM me

L x