I do not own Hogan's Heroes or any of it's characters. I just enjoy them tremendously. The only character(s) I own are Sergeant Tyler Mitchell, RAF, Captain Ronald Davidson, US ARMY AIR CORPS and Sergeant Carter Randall, US ARMY AIR CORPS. This is the third installment of the A LIFE BLOWN APART series. I also thank LJ Groundwater for her advice on the background of the US Army in the 1940s.
Chapter 1 --- The Arrivals
The three new arrivals were introduced at roll call that morning to the prisoners by Kommandant Wilhelm Klink.
"Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the new men who will be joining us here at Stalag 13. This is Sergeant Tyler Mitchell, RAF. Captain Ronald Davidson, US Army Air Corps, and Sergeant Carter Randall, US Army Air Corps. I want you to make them feel welcome and comfortable here. That's all." Klink saluted his fat Sergeant-at-arms, Hans Schultz. "Schultz, dismiss your prisoners."
Schultz returned his salute. "Jawohl, Herr Kommandant." He turned and faced the men lined up behind him. "All prisoners dismissed!" Schultz then turned and trudged away.
The men all crowded around the newcomers except for one. That one was Colonel Robert E. Hogan, Senior POW officer of Stalag 13, and head of a sabotage and intelligence unit in Germany. His code name was Papa Bear. Hogan stayed back, away from the crowd of men so as not to be jostled inadvertently. Hogan had been injured in a tunnel explosion along with Carter about one year ago when one of Carter's detonation devices exploaded resulting in Hogan being paralyzed below the waist. He spent the last year in a wheelchair and for the last three months had been undergoing added exercises in the weight room under the supervison of camp medical officer, Sergeant Joe Wilson, to regain strength in his legs and rebuild the muscles and their strength after they had atrophied while confined to a wheelchair. Hogan was now on crutches and out of the wheelchir, for which he was grateful.
Hogan still couldn't go into the tunnels as his legs were not strong enough. And he still couldn't go out on missions and had to rely heavily on his men, namely Corporals Peter Newkirk and Louie LeBeau, and Sergeants James Kinchloe, known as Kinch to his friends, and Andrew Carter, to pick up the slack. Hogan was hoping to eventually be able to discard the crutches completely. But Wilson told him it would take both time and hard work. Hogan was already working out building his leg strength three times a week. He continued watching the new arrivals.
Newkirk stuck out his hand to Davidson first. "I'm Corporal Peter Newkirk. This here's Corporal Louie LeBeau, Sergeant Andrew Carter and Sergeant James Kinchloe, but you can call him Kinch."
The newcomers all shook hands with the four. Newkirk then waved them over and led them to where Hogan was sitting on the bench outside the barracks. "And this here is the Gov'nor, otherwise known as Colonel Robert Hogan, US Army Air Corps and Senior POW officer. You have any problems or complaints you go to the Gov'nor and he takes them to the Kommandant."
The newcomers all stood at attention and saluted Hogan who returned their salute. He grinned. "At ease, gentlemen. We're all very informal here at Camp Wonderland. We don't stand on protocol here." Hogan slowly got to his feet, adjusting one crutch under each arm and slowly stood up for a moment. "Where are each of you from?" he asked, curious.
The men all looked at each other. Then, the man with brown eyes and hair stepped forward. "I'm Captain Ronald Davidson, US Army Air Corps." He pointed to a slightly younger man with black hair and brown eyes similar to Hogan's. "This is Sergeant Carter Randall. He's the only other survivor of my crew."
"Pleased to meet you," Hogan said with a smile. He then shifted his eyes to the third member. "And you are?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.
The man who Hogan figured was about Newkirk's age, with blue eyes and blonde hair, stepped forward. "I'm Sergeant Tyler Mitchell, RAF, Colonel."
Hogan nodded at him. "Captain, you'll room with me. Newkirk, show the other two where to stow their gear."
"Yes, sir, Colonel. This way, gentlemen." Newkirk waved the three to follow him inside barracks two. Hogan waited until they were gone before he spoke again.
"Okay, guys. You know the drill. We tell them nothing until they've been checked out thoroughly. They know nothing about our operation. Carter, you check out their clothes. Kinch, call London and check out our new arrivals. And have Newkirk make sure they're not hiding anything on them."
"Right, Colonel," Kinch and Carter both replied, going into the barracks, leaving Hogan and LeBeau outside.
"What about me, Colonel?" asked LeBeau. "What do you want me to do?"
Hogan grinned his impish grin. "I want you to prepare breakfast. I'm starved."
LeBeau frowned as he stormed into the barracks, but held the door open for Hogan who slowly made his way inside. He then went about preparing breakfast while continuing to mutter under his breath in French. Hogan couldn't understand what the feisty little Frenchman was saying, but he was positive it was probably better that he didn't. He sat down at the table. LeBeau, having poured a cup of hot coffee, sat the cup in front of the Colonel.
Hogan sipped his coffee. He looked up when Newkirk sat down beside him. "Anything?' he asked.
The Englander lit a cigarette before he replied. He took a long drag. "They're all clean, Colonel. Nobody's carrying anything on 'im."
Hogan looked around the room. "Where are they anyway?"
"Kinch sent the arrivals to the shower before he went into the tunnel. It also gave Carter a chance to check their clothes."
Hogan smirked. They both looked as the lower bunk in the corner raised revealing their hidden tunnel entrance. Kinch climbed up the ladder and stepped over the lower bunk bedframe and inside the barracks. He slapped the hidden mechanism and watched the ladder raise and the lower bunk drop over the entrance. He sat down at the table.
"Anything unusual, Kinch?" Hogan asked.
"According to London, Captain Davidson and Sergeant Randall were shot down while on a bombing raid over Dusseldorff. The other members of their crew didn't make it. As far as Sergeant Mitchell is concerned, he is highly regarded by the RAF. Seems he's the only member of his unit that didn't return from a bombing raid in Hamburg."
Hogan tilted his head to the side. "Nothing unusual so far," he said matter-of-factly.
Just then, Carter joined them. "I checked their clothes, Colonel. There's no phony labels or anything. And their boots are all military issued. Nothing phony there either."
Hogan sighed as he mulled over what had been said. He continued sipping his coffee.
"So what's the verdict, Colonel?" asked Kinch.
Hogan let out a deep breath. "We do a bit more checking before we tell them anything."
Of the three men in the shower, one of them smiled. So far so good. He had managed to fool not only the Kommandant of Stalag 13, but also the Senior POW officer. But he knew this Colonel Robert Hogan was no fool and he would have to watch his step around him. Hogan must never know or suspect anything until it was too late and he could accomplish his mission. A wide grin appeared as he shampooed his hair. He recalled the day he was brought into his superior's office.
He had come to attention in front of his commanding officer. He saluted.
"At ease. Do you know why I summoned you here?"
"No, sir. But I came as soon as you sent for me. I assume it's something important though."
"It is," his commanding officer replied as he picked up a sealed envelope that was lying on his desk. "You are to kill the man whose picture you will find in this envelope." He handed the envelope to the young man standing before him. I'll leave the method up to you."
The man opened the sealed envelope and, removing the photo inside, studied it.
He looked up at his superior. "What do you want me to do after I kill him?"
"Nothing except get out of there before you're caught. You're too valuable a paid assassin for us to lose."
The man smirked as he again stared at the man in the photo. It was a photo of Colonel Robert Hogan.