Title: The Heart of the Matter

Author: QteCuttlfish
Rating: T (just in case)
Type: Family/Drama
Summary: Sequel to We are the Broken. Four years ago, the Chipmunk and Chipette bands broke up, due to a series of events explained in We are the Broken. Now, all six have come home when something terrible happened to Dave. The Chipmunks and the Chipettes must relearn how to work together if they wish to save Dave. Will they learn to forgive one another *and* themselves? Can they save Dave, when danger stalks one of them? Or are they destined to forever sing the blues?

Pairings: Traditional (AxB, SxJ, TxE)

Disclaimer: Obviously, Alvin and the Chipmunks do not belong to me. I just borrow them for my nefarious purposes, then return them unharmed later. Song lyrics are from "Always on My Mind."

WARNING: This fic will imply mature themes, such as sex, drug use, and alcohol use, and some instances of swearing. You have been warned. Flames will be laughed at, scorned, and otherwise saved to be made fun of at a later time. Reviews, however, will be most appreciated!

Author's Note:

Thank you to chipmunks4ever, Skymouth, DiceRox09, Northgalus2002, chipmunkandchipettelover, PurpleFox93, goblz, Girl4Christ15, and chipmunksnchipettes for reviewing.

I'm really sorry this chapter has taken so long to come out. I got a really bad case of writer's block, and it's really hard to shake. Luckily, I had this chapter started, but it was excruciating to finish, so I don't know when the next chapter will be up, especially since my schedule has gotten busier. Hopefully soon. But in the meantime, enjoy.

Chapter Four

How Do I Make You…?

The brunette chipmunk walked along a dark path surrounded by enchanting woods. Her dark blue gown whispered against the ground. Silver moonlight lit the path through dark woods. But she wasn't afraid. She knew where she headed. The path opened up to reveal a gazebo, decorated with dark red roses in vines and lit by thousands of candles. A beloved and familiar figure waited for her, dressed in a tuxedo. Without a word, he took her in his arms. Music began playing.

"Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time

But you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind," surrounded her. She came to realization that the music was coming from somewhere outside her dream.

Slowly, Jeanette came to full wakefulness. A nagging sensation pulled at her. Something is different, she thought. Today feels different. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. I wonder what Simon wants to talk to me about. The music on the radio caught her attention.

"Tell me, tell me that your
Sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied
Satisfied" continued playing on the radio.

She looked at it, and with a groan, she flicked it off. The remnants of her dream still clung to her, and she shook her head. He has not shown any interest in you for three years, she told herself sternly. I doubt anything has changed. But deep down inside, she wished things had changed. But I may as well wish for the moon.

Jeanette sighed and got up. Oh, she thought, what am I going to wear? I wish I could ask Brittany. But Jeanette knew better than to go near her sister this early in the morning, especially after the night before. I'm so glad that Eleanor is keeping her away from the partying. Jeanette had been following Brittany's career just as closely as Eleanor had. She fretted about her sister a lot, and heard reports from both Miss Miller and Dave over the years about her sister's behavior. I wonder if anything will open Brittany's eyes to her problems. I really hope she gets professional help at some point.

Since she was on her own, she scrutinized her outfit. While not as vain as Brittany, Jeanette was still a girl...about to spend time with the only man she had ever loved. Jeanette began shaking. She had to sit back down on the bed. Calm down, she told herself. It'll be all right. He probably just wants to talk about the concert and Dave. It has nothing to do with you.

Jeanette finally grabbed her cell phone and dialed her roommate's number.

"Hey Jeanette!" Anna's cheerful voice greeted her on the other end. "How's life in the insane asylum?" Jeanette had told her the whole story right before she went to bed the night before.

"Um, okay. But there's something I need to ask you, that I forgot last night," Jeanette said.

"Shoot," Anna said.

"Promise not to freak out," Jeanette said.

"Wow, this must be something big!" Anna said, then sighed. "All right, I promise."

"Simon asked me to breakfast this morning," she said in a quiet voice.

"He WHAT?" Anna squealed. "By yourselves?"

"Yes," Jeanette said.

"That's awesome! So what's the problem?" Anna said.

"I-um, I don't know what I should wear. I don't know what this is about. And I don't feel comfortable asking my sisters what they think," Jeanette said.

"Ahh," Anna said. "Well, I'm sorry about that. To answer your question, go casual. If it's breakfast, then it's not really a date. I'd tell you to look nice, but you always do."

"Are you nuts?" Jeanette said. "I always look untidy."

Anna laughed. "Yes, but hon, you can pull it off!"

The two chatted for a few more minutes, and Jeanette felt calmer. After they got off the phone, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a dark blue tank top decorated with dark purple lace. She added black ballet flats to that, as per Anna's instructions. Jeanette braided her hair, and walked into the hallway. Once again, her heart attempted to pound out of her chest as she saw Simon leaving the bathroom...in nothing but a towel.

I wonder if there's any way I can get him to stop doing that, she thought, trying her hardest not to blush, but failing miserably.

"Good morning," he said.

"G-g-good morning," she stuttered, trying to look anywhere but at him. "Um, where are we going this morning?"

He shrugged. "I thought we could just go a couple blocks to that café."

"Sounds good to me," Jeanette said. "Are you done?" She waved to the bathroom.

"Oh yeah," he said. "I'll finish getting dressed quick."

"Okay," she said.

Fifteen minutes later, the two of them sat in a booth in the café, sharing an awkward silence occasionally broken by the waitress and strange small talk. Jeanette watched Simon work his way to the point. She waited patiently, knowing that Simon would get there eventually. And also, you don't want to have to be the one to bring it up, she thought.

"Um, I'll bet you're wondering why I invited you," he finally said, after pretending to eat his meal.

Jeanette nodded. "I was wondering that."

"Jeanette, I've been thinking a lot about…what happened," he said. Simon paused, not sure how to continue.

"Are you talking about the events of our junior and senior years?" she said.

"Yeah," he said. "I realized how many mistakes I made then. And the worst of all is what I did to you."

"What do you mean, what you did to me?" Jeanette asked, her heart starting to race.

"Jeanette, I should have warned you that Theodore knew," Simon began. "I also should never have dragged your name into my argument with Alvin. You and your sisters should not have been blindsided by him at the mall." He took in a deep breath. "I am so sorry about everything, Jeanette. I treated you very badly, and I know it. I'm so sorry. I just felt…so guilty. And I took it out on you." Simon's glances kept moving back and forth from the table to her and back again, never quite meeting her eyes. God, what am I saying? She knows how you treated her. She was there! His thoughts were interrupted by her hand on his arm. He finally looked at her.

Her green eyes sparkled with un-shed tears. "Simon, I forgave you a long time ago," she began. "You weren't the only one to blame for what happened. I should not have kept it a secret from everyone, and should have just talked about it sooner with my sisters. I made mistakes as well. So I'm sorry too."

"You forgive me?" Simon breathed.

A laugh escaped her lips as tears slipped down her face. She wiped them away as she nodded. "Yes I do," she said, then sniffled. "Do you forgive me?"

"Jeanette, there's nothing to forgive. You had every reason to be afraid of telling Brittany that you wanted to go to college. Besides, she should have known better. You were always destined for college," Simon told her.

"Like you," she said. "And Alvin should have known better as well."

Simon shrugged. "He got caught up in his plans."

"As did Brittany," Jeanette added.

The two shared a smile then returned to their meal. They started chatting about school and life in general. The atmosphere was much lighter between them. They paid for their breakfasts and began walking home.

"You know, there is one thing I have always regretted," Simon told her.

"What's that?" Jeanette asked.

"That I didn't get to take you to our senior prom," he said, blushing.

Jeanette stopped. "Can I confess something?"

"What?" he said.

"Well, no offense to Joe, but…secretly, I always wished you had taken me as well," she said, her cheeks matching his.

Nothing else was said between them for the rest of the walk home. There again, nothing else was needed in that moment.