Authors Note and Disclaimer: If this story seems familiar there is a reason. This is a tribute to my favorite episode of television, an episode of JAG from season 2 called Full Engagement. There is no plagiarism intended, I just wondered what Tony and Ziva would do in a similar situation. I obviously don't own Tony or Ziva, although I would happily take them if someone is offering. (for the record, I know I've said that before but no one has offered yet)
This is dedicated to those really great fanfic writers out there. I don't know if you know who you are because I didn't tell you expressly (although I think you should) but I truly do drool when I get that story alert email. I don't know how you do it but send some of that talent my way!
Background: Gibbs has sent Tony and Ziva into the wilderness of Virginia on a mission to find and capture two men who are suspected of being the suppliers in a massive drug ring. Two Navy soldiers have died of overdoses.
The shot rang out and Tony started. He raced over the hill and through the trees, following the sound. "Ziva, Ziva," he whispered. Hoping that she would hear him and he would not be alerting the men they were looking for.
"Tony," she grabbed his arm and pulled him back behind the big oak tree, where she was crouched.
"Are you all right?" he looked her up and down. She gave a quick nod and then gestured to her left.
"They are over there. Two men, heavily armed. There is not enough cover to get closer. If we are going to make a stand it will have to be from here."
"Who was doing the shooting?" Tony asked, slowly regaining his breath.
"The big one was shooting at a bird. I do not know why."
"Because he can, probably," Tony smirked. "We could head back, radio Gibbs and McGee. They'll probably still be here screwing around, taking pot shots at the wildlife." Ziva shook her head with certainty.
"We have been tracking them for three weeks Tony, and we've been out here for nine hours today alone. I am unwilling to take the chance that they will be gone when we return."
"Are you still wearing your vest?" He reached out and touched her back, checking for the extra padding that the Kevlar would provide.
"I took it off several hours ago. It was restricting my movement."
"Ziva, these nut jobs are crazy and you know as well as I do that they aren't likely to go down without a fight. What were you thinking?" She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.
"I do not know, but it is too late to worry about it now. I will be careful."
"This is a really bad idea. Ziva," he hissed as she pulled away to get a better look at the men.
"I will take the big one and you go for the other," she spoke decisively and Tony knew there would be no way to talk her out of her plan. If he refused she would simply go after both men on her own.
"Listen to me," he grabbed hold of her arm firmly. "I'd rather tip them off and have them get away than to have either one of us get hurt out here. There is no cell phone reception and we're God knows how far away from the car. Remember, Gibbs wants to interrogate them so try not to kill them." She just nodded without looking him in the eye.
"Are you ready?" She asked impatiently. He nodded and adjusted his grip on his pistol. "Now," she mouthed and silently slipped around the tree.
The next few minutes were a blur to Tony. There was shouting and gunfire from both sides and when the smoke cleared both of their suspects were lying dead in the clearing. They had traveled only steps from their previous positions.
Tony grimaced. Gibbs would be pissed. He hoped they would be able to find enough evidence without their testimony to prevent him and Ziva from being stuck on desk duty for a month in penance. Not to mention that the paperwork from the shooting would take days.
"Shit," he ran his hand through his hair as he nudged one of the bodies with his foot. "Ziva, I thought we were going to try not to kill them." He looked around for the first time. "Ziva?" She wasn't standing off to the right where he thought he'd seen her last. He spun a quick 360 degrees and she still wasn't there. "Ziva," the volume of his voice increased involuntarily and his heart stuck in his chest.
"Tony," he heard her voice faintly over the sound of the birds who were startled from their nests. He looked around but he still didn't see her.
"Ziva," he shouted again, listening carefully. This time when she responded he was able to follow the sound of her voice. He walked quickly and scanned the ground. It felt like forever before he picked the green of her jacket from the grass surrounding them.
"Hey," he crouched down next to her. "You okay?" He took the hand that she offered him and pulled her to a sitting position before he kneeled down in front of her.
Her skin was pale and her smile sickly as she looked at him. "I am all right Tony, it is just a flesh wound." She moved her other hand away from her thigh and for the first time he saw the blood. It was flowing freely, her hand covered in it.
"Damn it," he pulled off his jacket and pulled his T-shirt over his head, exposing his Kevlar vest. He wadded his shirt up and pressed it against the wound. "What happened?" He asked as he held pressure to her leg.
"That first wild shot wasn't as wild as I had hoped," she said tightly. A fine sheen of sweat broke out over her forehead as she struggled against her rising nausea.
"Can you hold this for a minute?" He asked, and she placed her hands on his shirt where his had been. "I left my pack back there, I think I have some first aid supplies."
She nodded wordlessly and focused on her hands, willing herself not to get sick in front of Tony. She knew that she was in shock. Her ears were ringing and her vision was soft around the edges but the wound wasn't life threatening. She just had to will the pain away and get herself under control before Tony came back. She focused on breathing deep and slow and she lowered her head to her knee.
Tony found her sitting like that when he returned. His heart was racing as he dropped to his knees in front of her. "Ziva?" He reached out and grabbed her shoulder and she looked up. He could see that her eyes were unfocused but she was responding appropriately. "Are you still with me?" He asked quietly. She nodded her assent.
Tony opened his bag and dumped the contents onto the ground. He had a couple of bottles of water, a bottle of Tylenol, an elastic bandage, and a small flask of bourbon that Gibbs had stuck in there earlier. "Here," he pulled his knife out of his pocket and gently moved Ziva's hands away from her leg. He carefully lifted the shirt, trying not to disturb the wound in case it had started to clot.
The bleeding had slowed considerably and he removed the shirt, he sat it on his open bag and used the knife to enlarge the hole in her pants. Ziva was tense beside him but didn't say a word. He poured water on the wound to wash away some of the blood so he could get a better look. There was definitely a hole there, he thought to himself. There was no exit wound and so he surmised that the bullet was still in her leg. "How are you doing?" He asked quietly.
She nodded, "I am fine. How does it look?" She leaned forward to get a better look at her leg.
"It looks painful. We need to get you out of here." He pressed his now bloody shirt back against her leg and wrapped the ace wrap over it to secure it into place. "Do you think you can stand?"
Ziva nodded. "I need a minute though," she panted. The wrapping had been almost as painful as getting shot.
"Here," Tony pulled out the flask. "Take a sip of this, it will help."
Ziva reached out and took the flask from him. Her fingers shook as she removed the top and it didn't go unnoticed by Tony. He watched as she put the bottle to her lips and swallowed. She handed the bottle back to Tony blindly and he screwed the cap back on. He could only watch as she twisted around and began to retch into the grass.
He crawled over to her and supported her by the shoulders, her hair already pulled back in the tight bun that she adopted when they were in the field. When she was done she ran her forearm over her mouth.
She accepted the bottle of water that Tony handed her and rinsed her mouth out. She carefully scooted herself several inches away from her vomit and lay down, throwing her forearm over her eyes.
"Ziva?" Tony asked apprehensively.
"I am so embarrassed," she mumbled with her eyes closed. She did feel slightly better, she thought to herself.
"Why?" Tony asked innocently. "I didn't see anything, did you see anything? I just saw my very tough partner get shot and bandaged up." Ziva felt her lips turn up at his light words. Tony was a good guy, he loved to play the class clown but when it really mattered he could be counted on to be subtle.
Ziva lowered her arm and opened her eyes cautiously. The world didn't seem to be spinning anymore. She pushed herself up on her elbows and slowly sat up all the way. Tony was watching her anxiously.
"Do you think you can stand?" He asked quietly.
"Unless you're planning to carry me. I do not intend to stay here."
Tony grinned as he noticed that a little bit of color had come back into Ziva's cheeks and her voice sounded more like the Ziva he recognized. He reached out and she took his hands. He carefully pulled her into a standing position and she balanced on her left leg. The blood rushed back into her right leg and her thigh throbbed with each heart beat but she was steady.
Tony turned and wrapped his arm around her waist, careful not to pull her off balance. "Lean on me," he almost whispered.
Ziva let him take a small amount of weight and they took an experimental step forward. It didn't feel good but the pain was tolerable. It was going to be a very long walk back to the car.