Author's Note: All of these characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. I'll introduce a couple of my own in the next few chapters ;)
"Brand New Day" is not my own creative title; it's a song by Forty Foot Echo &
I must give credit where credit is due -- awesome song, btw. Check it out.

A few things:
Future chapters will have music posted that i've listened to while writing at the beginning...some ppl like to see that.
This is also my first fanfic, so please be nice. The beginning may be kind of rough, but it does get better!
Lastly, this is by far the shortest chapter. I hope you all enjoy it (:

R&R is greatly appreciated!
~beta'd by superdupersk8r61 aka the best beta ever.

I'm seriously going to shutup now and let you guys read =)

Nessie's POV

It's been a little over two years since that horrible winter day in the meadow. I still have nightmares about the Volturi from time to time, but I try really hard to keep them out of my head. I know that the images that circulate in my mind make my father very upset. He did not like that day one bit more than I did. If my family and friends had failed that day, I would be an orphan right now...or maybe even dead. It hurts me to think about not having my parents near me, and Jake for that matter too.

Jake has been a godsend since that day, both to me and my parents. Aside from him finally finishing his sophomore and junior years in high school, he's been glued to my side. He goes hunting with me, helps me with my homeschooling, and I can talk to him about anything. We usually have to do the talking part while we're out hunting or on a walk because my mom and dad have super hearing. Oh the joys of being a vampire's daughter.

"Nessie?" I heard my father call my name from downstairs. I'd inherited the ability to hear extremely well which I was thankful for. It made living in this huge house much easier.

"Yeah, Dad?" At least I didn't have to strain my voice to know he'd heard my answer.

"Could you come down here for a minute? Your mother and I have something we'd like to discuss with you."

"Sure," I replied, barely escalating my voice. "Be right down."

I'm sure any other teenager would be dreading the conversation that was soon to follow, but I wasn't. For starters, I only looked like a teenager. In human years I was about six, but I looked about 16 or 17. And secondly, my parents are not upset easily- and if they are upset, their faces conceal their emotions quite effectively.

I scurried down the stairs and hooked a right around the railing to see my parents sitting calmly in the living room. They were so perfect sitting there together. I could only hope to find someone like that for myself one day.

"Whatsup?" I asked them.

It was my mother who spoke now. "Well Nessie, we wanted to talk to you about school. We know that you don't like being cooped up here all day when there is a world to experience. So your father and I have made a decision that we hope you will like."

"Go on," I said eager to hear what they had in store for me. They were always right when they thought I'd like something.

"Well," my father said. "It appears as if you are not growing nearly as fast as you have been for the past few years, and we think that maybe you'd like to go to school with Jacob. Rather, you and Jacob go to the high school here in Forks for your senior year together. What do you think?"

I was ecstatic! I had dreamed of going to public school since I had begun learning. Don't get me wrong- Emmett, Rose, Jasper, Alice, Esme, Carlisle and my parents were all fine tutors, but I'd always wondered what it would be like to learn from someone that wasn't over 100 years old.

Trying to sound nonchalant about it, I said "I guess that could work out, but we should get Jake here to ask him too." I was already pretty confident that Jacob would not mind in the least bit to attend school with me, but it was only polite to make sure.

My parents knew I was excited about this. They saw right through my attempt to be casual about it. I guess barely being able to sit still gave me away. Oh well. They were right, again, as always. I didn't mind.

"Speak of the devil," my father said. I could only guess this meant Jake was wondering in the house and that my father could hear his thoughts.

I stood up extremely fast and rushed over to his side. I gently placed my hand against his cheek and showed him the conversation I just had with my parents. He, also, seemed too excited to contain himself.

"Bella, Edward, is this serious? You're going to let Nessie and me go to school together?"

My parents simply nodded their heads with smiles drawn from ear to ear. They barely had time to react. Before I knew it, Jake had me under his arm and was running across the living room to hug my parents. I was surprised at how accustomed he'd gotten to the vampire stink that we all 'reeked' of. He hardly ever mentioned it anymore.

"So I guess that's a yes then?" My mother knew us both so well. I hugged them both tightly and pressed a hand to each of their faces to express them the gratitude I felt.

Just to think, I- Renesmee Carlie Cullen, would be attending public school in just two short weeks! So much to do! Alice came flitting down the stairs and smiled brightly at me. She knew that school meant new clothes. For once, I would be overly thrilled to go shopping with her.

Please, let me know what you think! I accept all reviews, though I'd appreciate it if they weren't horribly mean.