Sammy Keyes and the School Play

Chapter 1

Sammy's POV

12:00- Lunch

"Ryan and Julie auditions?" I said. Why would Marissa shown= me a flyer for that? We were standing in the line to get our food. It was the third week of high school and I was just starting to get used to it. Marissa had just shown me a green piece of paper.

Ryan and Julie Auditions Today!

September 8th

3:15 – 5:30

9th and 10th Grades

In School Auditorium

May get audition scripts in school cafeteria

"They handed them out in French class today. It's Mrs. Evans version of Romeo and Juliet. So…?"Said Marissa.

"What?" I said, as we went and sat down at a table on the patio outside of the cafeteria.

"Aren't you gonna try out?" she asked. Was she nuts? I have never done any acting ever in my life. Why would I start now when I was in high school?

"Are you crazy? I can't act!" I said, talking louder than I had planned. I turned around to see a lot of people staring at me. I ignored them and turned away. "I would rather be locked in a room with Heather Acosta."

"First of all, Heather? I wouldn't even go in a room with Heather if I didn't have to, let alone be locked in. Second of all, you can so act! You act all the time that you live with your mom." She said, whispering. "And you sometimes act like you live with me. And you sometimes act like you aren't a girl who could solve a huge crime. And you…"

"Okay, Marissa, that's enough!" I said angrily. Was she trying to let someone find out my secret? The only people who know are her, Holly, Dot, and Casey. And I'd like to stick with just them knowing for now.

"I know nothing about Shakespeare and Romeo and all that stuff. Plus, why don't you audition?" I asked.

"That's the thing, Sammy," Said Marissa. "I do want to audition, but I'll only do it if you do it. And I really want to do it! Please Sammy?! A good friend would do that for a friend."

How could she say that?!?! I was a really good friend! I have known her for ten years and I almost never asked her for money, unless I really need it in a hurry. And I punched little Ms. Heather in the nose when she asked Marissa for money (even though it was sorta cause Heather stuck me with a pin.) But I have been a very good friend!

"Okay, I'll do it! Just don't ask me to do anything for you ever again!" I said, finally giving in to the reverse psychology.

"Thank you so much, Sammy! Here," She said, handing me a piece of paper. "This is the stuff you should study for the auditions!"

For the rest of lunch I read over the small audition script. Marissa just smiled to herself, happy she had convinced me to do it. She kept giving me tips. I was about to asked her if she was going to study too, when up comes Casey Acosta and sits right across from us on the other side of the table. It thought he was going to talk to us, but he starts talking to Eric Hall. He's acting like he doesn't see us, but it's a little obvious that he sees us because he's kinda looking at us out of the corner of his eye. After he stops talking to Eric he turns to us.

"Oh, hey Sammy, Marissa. I didn't see you there."

"Right." Marissa and I say at the same time.

"I didn't fool you guys, did I?" he said, a big smile on his face.

"No, not really." I said. He had that smirk on his face that Marissa, Dot, and Holly agreed made him look extra cute; I say maybe.

"I may be good at remembering lines, but when it comes to facial expressions, I can't keep a straight face. So I've been practicing Think I need a little more practice?" He asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Maybe a little…or a lot. Kidding. Just keep your eyes focused on who, or what, you're talking to." I said. Marissa had just told me the five minutes ago. He gave me a weird look.

"When did you learn so much about acting, Sammy?"

"A little before you walked over. Marissa has been trying to teach me how to act." I said. He looked at my hand and saw the mini script.

"You're going to audition?" He asked, surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, she made me." I said, pointing at Marissa.

"Only cause I would be too shy without you with me." She said, sounding like a little kid blaming someone else. Casey smiled at the look on my face. He could tell I was thinking of all the things Marissa had gotten me into. Though I have gotten her into a lot of things, too.

The bell rang.

"I have to go." I said at the same time Casey did.

"Jinks!" He said. I've never heard him say that before. I had to laugh.

"Bye, Casey."

"Seeya' later, Sammy. Bye, Marissa." He said, walked backwards a couple steps, then walked out of the cafeteria.

"Bye, Marissa." I said, and walked into my next class.

When I sat down a sudden thought came to my head, "Would I be able to act well enough if I got a part?"

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