"Kin of Darkness, Naruto of Light"

By Quick-n-Popular

Disclaimer: "Naruto" and all its characters are properties of Masashi Kishimoto-sama. I own only the story I've concocted and the original characters that I introduce in the said story.

Chapter One: A Memento

Her life had been a happier one...briefly.

She smiled then...all the time.

Life was beautiful...always.

Sitting inside a bunker underneath the earth, just outside of Fire Country; a figure, brushing her long midnight hair, thinks to herself, solemnly. The bunker itself was empty, beside herself. A candle being the only source of ligh in the room, applied with a fire-jutsu for a brighter effect; nothing other could be said for the room besides the three cots, a dusty wodden table, and a mirror the girl had brought with her. Setting the brush down on the table she was leaning her back against, the girl reached into the pouch behind her and rummaged into it. Her fingers abruptly stopped, her almond-brown eyes widdened, and her face shifted as her mind raced.

Slowly extracting her fingers, in their grasp were to things: her Hitai, that had the symbol of her village on it; the other... her past.

Tying her Hitai around her forhead with one hand, she glanced at the other object held in her other. An embroidered cloth, the size of her hand, monogramed with her initials and a blue bird above them. As with all mementos of significance, once held, touched, gazed upon; that person becomes engulfed into the history behind the object, as does she...

A girl of six years is sitting inside her mother's bird sancutary on their farm just on the outskirts of the Whirlwind Country. Lying on her back, twiddling the stem of a daisy between her thumb and forehinger; the girl looks over and smiles lovingly as her mother hums melodically to her caged pets.

Her mother always had a beautiful voice. No matter how old she got, her voice still carried its spellbinding quality. The girl closed her eyes as she continued to listen, letting the tranquility of it all to ensnare her. However, such a peaceful time was not meant to last on, on this day. A violent slamming and glass breaking brouth the two to see the entrance of the sanctum to see the man of the house, the girl's father, the woman's husband, lying on the floor. Several kunai could be seen embedded into his head and chest, his mouth agape, his eyes widened in their last moment of shock. Three figures came into view after the heart-wrenching appearence, their cruel malovenlent laughter carried and mixed into the ongoing cries of despairity of the two females. One sneered as he roughly slammed his foot down on top of the kunai in the man's chest. He then spoke.

"Masachi-san wasn't too smart. Should have paid us for being on our land."

The woman, tearfully shouted at the man. "You lie! We own this land! We've owned this land for eight generations!"

The man, whose scarred face was covered ever so much by that of a growing beard, barked with laughter. "Yeah right, that's what he said. But you know what?" At an unspoken signal, one of the men behind of the one facing the women, threw two shurikans that struck the woman full on the chest; she collapsed instantly.

"The dead own nothing!" The man sneered.'

"Kaa-san!" The girl wailed as she started to go to where her mother fell. However, two of them men suddenly appeared in front of her, both leering and giggling evily. The girl paled, her legs shook uncontrollably as she whimpered. Fearing what might happen next, she crouched down to the floor, her arms covering her head as she cried instantly.

The third man slowly approached his voice soothing like a snake's hiss. "Now, now, little girlie. We aren't the type who kill children are we men?"

The others laughed as they nodded.

The girl remained in her postion, shaking violently as she could hear his steps come closer.

"You're going for a little trip with us. It'll be fun...you'll see." The man said as his hand came down and snagged the collar of the girl's dress and hioseted her off the floor and onto his back. He turned back to his men as the girl started wriggling and shouting in sobbing protests. "I want the two of you to have our little base set up by the time I come back from cashing in our little kitten here. Understood?"

The two men nodded.

He nodded back and soon, he flew out the door of the sanctum and across the land...

"Hey, Kin, you awake?"

Kin Tsuchi looked up from the embroidered cloth to Dosu who looked at her impatiently with his one visible eye.

Kin closed her eyes as she tucked the cloth back into her back pouch as she then looked past Dosu and then all around. She glared as her attention came back to Dosu.

"He's not back yet?" She asked. Their other teammate had an uncanny knack for always not showing up when he was supposed to.

Dosu shook his head. "No and Orochimaru's getting pissed. You know how he hates being kept waiting."

Kin shuddered as she nodded. She then looked at Dosu, quizzically. "Any idea on what the Snake-sennin wants with us three?"

The bandaged, hunched, figure shook his head. "No clue. There are whisperes going around Oto that a plan's being set up to attack Kohona, but you hear one of those every day by drunkards."

Kin nodded. "Koroku-sensei has hinted that we're to be attending the Chuunin Exams in Kohona. By the way he speaks, I think there are other things we'll be doing while we're there."

Dosu cocked his head to the side. "Like what?"

Kin gave a smug lopsidded grin. "Something fun, hopefully."

To be continued...

A/N: This story is going to be about Kin 's ambigeous past and how she and her team become the objects of Orochimaru's plan for his Kuchiyose: Edotensei (Summoning: Reanimation). However, there'll be some, tweaks, made later on, for reasons that'll become obvious. Incidentally, with making this story, I'll probably will need a BETA who can help me with soem details and (regrettably) with the spelling and grammar. So those who'd like to help out, please either respond in the review or PM me. Thanks.

A/N II: Please review after reading. It'lkl help in more ways than you know.
