Chap.9 Reconciliation

I don't own CM. Thanks for your kind reviews.

They quickly reached the rehabilitation facility and immediately went to the Director


"Sir what happened?" asked JJ.

"I don't really know but this morning a woman came to visit Ms. Garcia"


"I don't know. One of the nurses related what happened. It's better if I called her."

Two minutes later a young nurse came.

"Maria, what have you heard? Ms Garcia's friends need to know…"

The nurse told them how she had heard a woman who seemed to be called Jenny yelling awful things to Penelope. How she was not worthy Derek's affection or whatever else was going on between them. That he'll always have to look after her since he was feeling guilty. That she'll waste his life by hanging around him.

Everybody in the room looked towards Derek. He was pale from anger. Reid came to him and patted his shoulder to give him some comfort, but he kept watching the nurse intensely.

"Ms Garcia didn't say anything. The woman kept yelling at her, and then the security guard came and tossed her out. Ms Penelope stopped crying when the woman went out of her room, then she went to her exercises for her legs"

How did it go?" Hotch asked.

"I don't know, I'll call Sean. He's the one in charge of her."

Derek didn't wait her to come back and stepped towards the door.

"I'll go to her apartment maybe she's there."

"Ok Derek. Call us if you find her"

"Ok. Hotch."

While Sean related that Penelope had mad her first steps earlier that day, a really upset Derek reached Penelope's building. He found her down the stairs in front of the building.

She was in her wheelchair and visibly crying.


She didn't answer at first. Derek sat down in the stairs at looked at her. He let her cry even if what he wanted the most was putting her in his embrace.

Several minutes later she finally spoke.

"Look at me Derek, I'm not even able to go into my apartment."

"Pen you'll walk again. I'm sure of that. What Jenny said isn't the truth. I'll not stick around you because I'm feeling guilty. I will because I love you"

"I know Derek. I know. I just feel so… helpless."

"You don't have to live this alone Pen. I know Emily and JJ are here, but you're my very best friend. I have, I need and I wan to be there for you. You can't imagine what not seeing is doing to me…"

" I need you to Derek now more than ever. I…"

"Pen, let's go upstairs. I'll carry you."


Once there, they settled on her couch with a cup of tea.

"Derek. I'm so sorry. But all was so disturbing… I didn't mean to hurt you…"

"Don't worry. I understand. You were right. I was being selfish. I didn't want to loose you. Jenny's behaviour was not your fault. You were just being…you. And I don't feel guilty anymore for what happened to you. I'm just thankful that you are alive."

"You know, I made my first steps today."

"Really? So what have you left the rehab?"

"I was overwhelmed. It was too much for one day. Jenny, then my steps… I feared she was right and I was so tired… it was so hard. It'll be hard.

"She wasn't right Pen. You're a strong and independent woman. It'll be hard but we'll all be there for you, I'LL be her for you.

"Thanks you're a sweetheart Derek and I'm so sorry for what Jenny…"

"Shhh. No more Jenny…. Will you go back to the rehab?"

"Yes but only tomorrow if that's ok with you. I need to call them."

"It's ok baby girl, we'll go tomorrow. I'll call them myself.

He got up and went to the kitchen. He called Hotch.

"Yes I found her, we're at her place. I'll drive her back to the rehab tomorrow… Yes, see you later."

When he went back in the room Penelope was asleep. She was exhausted.

He smiled and sat beside her. He put her head on his lap and laid her legs.

He kept watching her, relieved that she talked to him again.

This is how the team found them when they came to check on their friends.

"How is she?" JJ asked

"Fine. She was afraid and tired. She made her fist steps." A smiling Derek said.

"Yeah we know."

"I'll put her in the bedroom. I don't want her to wake up."

He carried her gently and laid her in the bed. He stroked her cheek and look at her several minutes. He kissed her head and whispered, "Sleep well Baby Girl"

When he turned to go out of the room he was surprised to see Hoch.



"When will you tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't fool yourself."

Derek sighed and glanced briefly towards Penelope.

"When the right time comes. She's no ready to hear it."

"And you're not ready to say it aloud." Hotch said with a knowing look.

"Maybe, Maybe…"

The end – To be continued

AN: So this is the last chapter of my story. I want to thank you all for your reviews and support. It meant a lot to me. It was not evident for me to write in English… anyway I did it!

I'll come back with a sequel if you want it…. So please review!!!!!!