
Hi everybody… I'm a French fan of CM. This is my first fic and in English….

So sorry for the mistakes…

Reviews are welcomed…. Hope you'll enjoy it.

Chapter 1: Rapt

Derek was unusually quiet in the plane back from their last case.

Reid was watching him with concern, Morgan hasn't been himself this week, he had senses his nervousness even when he spoke to Garcia.

Spencer wondered if that was because of Jenny, his girlfriend of eight months.

He decides to talk to him and sat across from him.

- "Hey Derek, what's wrong?

- Nothing, I'm thinking….

- About?

- I… I can't speak to you right now. I have to figure some things out.

- Oh… Sorry. He got up.

- No Reid… Please stay. In fact, I'm… I'm going to propose to Jenny.

- Oh… you're sure?

- Y...Yeah. Why?

- Why so soon?

- It's the…

He was interrupted by a phone call. He waved to Reid to apologize and pick out his cell.


-Agent Morgan. Nice to hear you again.

-Who are you?

-I'll be your worst nightmare.

The team was watching him frowning.

-What do you want?

-Ah Ah… I've got here, two persons who count a lot for you.

-If you had hurt one of my family members…

-Oh no it's better! I have your pretty girlfriend Jenny and what's her name.. oh yeah Garcia. Penelope isn't it?

-You're lying and who the hell are you?

-You'll discover it soon Morgan. And I'm not lying, I've left something for you in your apartment where I took Jenny… I'll call you later.

-Don't! Damn!

Morgan what's the matter?

-I don't know a guy, he said he kidnapped Jenny and Garcia.

Hotch immediately phoned to Quantico to ask some agents to check on Garcia and Jenny.

Twenty minutes later, they received some news and looking Hotch face, it was bad.

-"There were struggle traces in your apartment and in Garcia's as well. They found a note saying: Morgan you'll pay for the past. Curby

-Curby. Damn it… it was when I worked in Chicago… I arrested him… his brother and his girlfriend died during the arrest. And now… oh my god…

-Derek! We'll find them.

-Yes… I don't doubt that, but not in time I fear….

JJ put a hand on his shoulder.

-We can believe, they're together at least…

-Yeah but…

He received an other call and put it on speakerphone


-So am I lying?

-Leave them alone Curby. You could have me…

-Oh I'll have you after Agent Morgan.

-What do you want?

-We'll play a game. You have 12 hours to find them. After that you'll have to choose who you want to save Jenny or Penelope.


He saw JJ and Emily blaming.

-12 hours Morgan…

He hung up.

Derek rose suddenly.

-12 hours… we have to find them. How could I choose?

-We know Derek, we know…

Now we have to collect all information concerning Curby, to fond a clue where he secluded them.

As soon as they landed they sped to the Bureau.