
OMAKE 1 - Fun in the backyard


Ever since the day Fuji was back in his and Tezuka's room, Mitsusuke and Kunisyuu had been sleeping between them on the same bed. Fortunately, the two never woke up in the middle of the night crying for food or changing diapers, so Tezuka and Fuji never minded.

It was a bright approaching summer day outside. The birds sang melodically to the spring breeze when a laughter filled with joy intercepted.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Mitsusuke ran into the kitchen where Fuji was making sweet potato for his babies' lunch and fiddled in between his legs.

Fuji turned the stove off and left the wooden spatula in the pot before bending down to pick up his daughter. "Ah, it's my beautiful baby girl." He caressed her hair, moving his fingers down her shoulder length hair.

She giggled joyfully. "Dada and Ni are monsters." She mimicked her arms into a large circle. "Chasing Mi!" Her little chubby hands went over her eyes and she made a soft purring sound.

"Maa…should we get back at the monsters?" A mischievous scheme glinted in his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Punish bad monsters!"

The 'Mother' and daughter left through the back door to the garden outside.

Scurrying feet trotted down the wooden stair case a few seconds later, but it became silent as it nearing the kitchen. 2 heads peeked into the kitchen slowly.

"Not here!" Kunisyuu ran out of the hiding spot and ran into the kitchen to look inside the cabinets. "Not here too!"

Tezuka chuckled. "Come on. Let's go look in the backyard." The slightly closed door told him that the hiders were in the backyard.

Kunisyuu ran over to the door and dashed outside the moment Tezuka pulled the door opened and walked out.

Both looked around the garden while standing in front of the closed door. "Dada. I don't see." He frowned.

"Maybe they're hiding in the patio." Tezuka urged the little boy and he ran over to the patio that was covered in vines.

Just when Tezuka was under the patio, musical laughter rang in the air. Both father and son turned around, and before they could see Fuji and Mitsusuke, a stream of water splashed on them.

"Yay! Mommy! We got them." Mitsusuke raised her arms into the air and cheered. She held a small water gun in her hand.

"Yep! We surely did drench them well." A victorious smirk plastered on Fuji's face. He was also holding a water gun.

Kunisyuu growled under his wet hair that covered his eyes. "That's not fair. Dada." He whined and tugged on Tezuka's slack.

"Of course not, we must get them back. And wet." Tezuka quickly grabbed a pail of water and thrust the content at the two with the water guns. Kunisyuu cheered.

Fuji and Mitsusuke erupted into laughter and began to shoot. Tezuka and Kunisyuu chased the shooters as they got shot over and over again around the garden.

"Woo, that was fun." Fuji flipped his hair away from his face. "And tiring." He collapsed onto the grass in the middle of the garden.

"Lots of fun." Kunisyuu climbed onto Fuji's laps and cradled his neck. He placed a kiss on Fuji's nose.

Fuji grinned and moved his hands through his hair to neatly press it down. "Honto ni?"

Kunisyuu nodded enthusiastically.

Mitsusuke ran along and pushed on Kunisyuu. "I want to sit on Mommy!"

"No. I got here first." Kunisyuu stubbornly refused and latched on to Fuji tighter.

"But Mommyy." She whined and pouted with her hands on her hips.

Fuji chuckled and pulled her in. "No need to fight. Come here, I always have room for both."

"What about me?" Tezuka came up from behind with 3 towels. He gave 2 towels to Fuji to dry himself and Kunisyuu, while Tezuka took Mitsusuke and dry her.

"Noooo, big monster is eating me." Mitsusuke squealed as Tezuka rubbed her hair.

Tezuka chuckled. "Because little monster makes a nice lunch."

Fuji Kunisyuu laughed along. "Ahh, who wants lunch?"

"Me! Me!"

Fuji released Kunisyuu. "The last one gets all broccolis." He quickly stood up and ran toward the house.

"I'm not eating broccoli!" Mitsusuke followed.

"All broccolis for Dada." Kunisyuu ran away, leaving a happy Tezuka behind.

"Aa. Broccoli is not so bad." He murmured and picked up the forgotten towels.