"Hey, I think I found someone here!"

"Another three dead counted on the grounds."


"I thought they evacuated all the underage!"

"No, Merlin, no! NO!"

Oliver woke with a choked gasp, scrambling against the blankets trapping him. It took him a few moments to realize that it was not cloth holding him still, but a warm body gently pressing him to the mattress. It took a few moments after to register a husky, sleep-filled voice murmuring in his ear-

"…'m here, Ollie. I got you, right here, got you, Ollie. 'm right here…"

-and that there was a hand, rough with calluses, rubbing soothingly along his own, clenched in the sheets so tight that a sharp, throbbing pain was beginning to grow. Try as he might, though, Oliver could not get his fingers to release the fabric. He stared blankly at Marcus's hand over his own, a thumb tracing the angry, magic-ridden scars left by a curse that had ended Oliver's Quidditch career before it had truly begun.

"Marcus," Oliver croaked, fingers barely twitching and sending the pain from mild to excruciating. "Marcus."

Marcus hummed and shifted to cover the other man more thoroughly, before saying, "What do you need, Ollie?"

Oliver twitched his fingers again and gasped at the sharp jolt up his arm, the rest of his body shuddering against the assault. Marcus felt it all along his front, and switched his light, tracing movements to a gentle massage, before very slowly prying Oliver's fingers loose from their tense fist. He continued to press his fingers deep into the muscle, slowly settling the spasms that had taken hold. "Need the potion?" Marcus breathed, face buried in the back Oliver's neck.

Oliver paused before barely shaking his head. Marcus continued rubbing Oliver's hand, while his other went to pull the blankets back over them. It wasn't until that moment that Oliver noticed his own shivering, and he shifted to allow Marcus to wrap himself around him completely, relishing the heat of human contact after such panic. He felt Marcus sigh gently, before pressing his lips into the nape of Oliver's neck. Oliver forced his fingers to flex, trailing against his lover's in reassurance and thanks.

They dozed until the early morning, then got up to go about the rest of their day as normal. And if Marcus pressed a little closer, kissed a bit more firmly, and held him just a bit tighter, neither of them acknowledged it.