Hey, everyone. I hate to tell you this but I will be moving all my fanfictions over to AO3 (ArchiveofourOwn). I'm not sure if I'll keep this account or not (I might for my old friends who sometimes come looking for me), but AO3 is just a thousand times easier to deal with, a lot more organized, and has a lot less advertisements vying to shove themselves into your face. It also allows me to answer Anonymous reviewers! So for you people who don't want an account but still wanted to review and get some answers I can reply directly instead of you having to wait until the next chapter for something.

BUT HEY! I'm already updating stuff, at least. Per usual I'm editing former chapters as I put them up BUT I actually have new chapters being written versus my usual saying I want to do them and will (eventually).

THIS INCLUDES PART OF YOUR WORLD! Want some more mermaid story in your life? You know you do! And I actually have the rest of the story ready to go as soon as I have everything transferred. Just gotta make sure it looks readable. xD

I've also been replaying all the games in celebration of KH3 so I am all over this right now. I'm taking advantage of my new motivation for roleplaying (Riku and Squall/Leon Blogs on Tumblr, if anyone wants it) and writing as much as I can while I still feel like it. I always planned to/always desperately wanted to continue and finish everything.

Head on over to PrinnPrick at AO3. There's lots and LOTS of Harry Potter (Drarry) stuff and some LeonCloud over there already waiting for you.

First story from here I'm transferring is "Cloaks". Next will be "Part of Your World"!

Thanks for everyone's support!