Hiya guys, I'm really sorry it's been so long since my last update but I've been soo busy with exams & stuff, and thank you all for the reviews, some may find this chap a little slow to really get going but please stick with it, I had to set up the scene and help introduce the character of a certain girl a little. Well I think I've kept you waiting long enough so on with the fic.

Chapter 6

Kalaya's eyes widened in awe at the sight around her. Her mouth gaped open as she took in all the exciting surroundings of this strange new planet. Smiling she watched the funny looking people who lived on this world run to and fro as they finished the last minute preparations for Tenkaichi Budoukai, her father had called them humans. They seemed friendly enough to her, even if they did look a little odd. She had found it really funny that these humans stared at her, her father and Kibito almost as much as she was staring at them, these humans even had strange coloured skin, it wasn't purple like hers and most of them didn't have white hair, silly humans, they just didn't seem to understand that they were the odd looking ones.

Kaioshin smiled at his young daughter's reaction, it was very pleasurable to see her so happy, he just wished he could feel so carefree, he wished that like her he could think of this as some sort of holiday, a fun trip but he knew that he and Kibito knew it was going to be hard ahead and he was afraid, the whole Universe was at stake but he couldn't let Kalaya know this, she was still shook up over the nightmares, he hoped that he and Kibito could keep her sufficiently safe to protect her from anymore fear and uncertainty. Kalaya happily skipped behind the other two, she had no idea where they were going but she was quite content just to follow. Suddenly she had a brainwave, she decided she would try and lighten the mood a little, she hadn't seen her father smile properly for ages, sure he'd smiled but she wasn't stupid, she knew the difference between a genuine smile and a fake 'just trying to humour you' smile. Letting out a shriek she jumped into the air and clasped her skinny arms around Kibito's neck and hung there. Kibito just let out a small growl and grabbed her wrist and swung her around so that she was now hanging in the air by her wrist with her feet inches from the ground. She looked up sheepishly at her uncle and tried the puppydog eyes (it never worked with him but she thought she would try anyway.) Her large minder/babysitter dropped her back down and she gulped as she got a warning glare from him, her father just shook his head "behave Kalaya" he sighed

"awww but dad, Kibitz is such a bore" she whined crossing her arms over her chest and scowling

"mind you manners young lady, treat Kibito with the respect he deserves, now apologise please" he said slowly without even glancing back. She rolled her eyes and sighed, "fine, gomen nasai Kibito-san"

"now" her father said smiling at her, "isn't that better?" Still scowling "I guess."

Suddenly forgetting she was in a mood she bounced in front of Kaioshin and with her hands crossed behind her back and in her most polite voice she asked "soooo where are we goin?"

"We are going to meet a Saiya-jin named Goku"

"oooooooh, why?"

"Because I am wondering if he can be of assistance to us"

"ookaay, where is he then?"

"He should be exiting that building very soon, when he does emerge may I ask you to stay behind with Kibito? It will be much easier to speak with him if you are not bouncing everywh.." he cut the sentence short guiltily at seeing the hurt look on his daughters face "I apologise Kalaya, I didn't mean that, I meant that you bouncing may cause a distraction for Goku, he may find that you bouncing around is more interesting to watch than what I have to say, I have heard that these Saiya-jin have very short concentration spans" he lied, he almost never lied, for it was going against his Kai code of honour but to see her face brighten reassured him that a little white lie wouldn't hurt anybody.

Obediently Kalaya darted over to Kibito and stood straight with her hands behind her back with her waist length white braid draped over her shoulder.

While staring into space Kalaya noticed movement ahead of her, now that whatever was moving had grabbed her attention she thought she might as well try and figure out who it was. Some distance ahead a small group of people had just left the Tenkaichi Budoukai restaurant and were heading in their general direction. After watching for some time became bored and was about to wander off and look at something else when suddenly her father raised himself off the ground and began to hover over to the group, now she was curious, was one of this group the Saiya-jin named Goku? Trying to look as inconspicuous as possible as possible she followed him, not far behind was Kibito. She decided to heed her fathers warning and stayed back. Although she could hear her fathers voice she couldn't tell from where she was what exactly he was saying, nor was she particularly bothered, her fathers official work never really interested her, she found it totally boring, all that he ever seemed to do was sit and gawk in a ball for hours on end, he would occasionally go to a meeting, and all that happened in those was a bunch of silly men yelling at each other and repeating over and over again how they were going to blow each other up.

One particular meeting she had been forced to go to she had fallen asleep and woken up to find a very angry looking Kibito and a very bemused looking Kaioshin staring down at her.

She glanced over to her large minder/babysitter and grinned, he grunted in reply. She had learned a long time ago that a grunt was Kibito-ese for hello. She loved to annoy him, it was her favourite pass time (after eating jam sandwiches), he was so easy to wind up, although she would never admit it she did care about the big lug. It was always Kibitz who would have to pick her up her slightly sore body after she discovered that whatever she had been attacking was much bigger and much stronger than her, or it was him who would have to heal her after she would practice flying by jumping off a cliff only to discover she wasn't that good at flying after all.

She giggled as she remembered one instance when she was five that she had convinced herself that fish couldn't really breath underwater and that they were really just holding their breaths, she had decided that she could prove this by trying for herself, she was coughing up water for the next three days.

She smiled dreamily until she heard a word that snapped her out of her daydream....Goku.

'Yeah' she thought to herself, she was right, one of the group was Goku. Forgetting her fathers instructions she ran forward and stood next to her father. The two men had just shook hands "are you Mister Goku? She asked excitedly yet still trying to be as formal as possible, (she was the Supreme Kais daughter, politeness was second nature to her, well with the exception of Kibitz, he hated her calling him that, so of course she did it more.)

The dark haired man in the orange gi just grinned and nodded "yeah I guess that's me" he responded to the bouncing purple girl.

"Cool" she beamed, clapping happily, all formality forgotten, she turned away from him, "then you must be Krillin, and er..Piccolo, erm you must be 18, oh and you two must be Gohan and Videl, and you at the back must be Vegeta. She watched in amusement as Goku and his companions's mouths fell open one by one. The small human Krillin scratched his head and looked like he was trying to say something but couldn't seem to be able to find the right words. It was then her father who stepped forward "please forgive my daughter, my people have telepathic ability...."

Goku blinked in confusion "tele what?"

Kaioshin smiled and continued "the ability to read peoples minds. My daughter has just discovered that she has this ability and it seems she has just surface scanned your minds, truly she meant no harm" he turned to face her "although she should know better." Kalaya lowered her head in shame. Goku smiled "nah it's okay, I guess it saves introductions" Kalaya brightened.

Kaioshin smiled to himself, finally he bowed and turned to leave much to Goku's puzzlement, when he called after the three to ask them who they were, Kalaya was about to tell him when she got a warning glance from Kibito, puzzled she shrugged and followed behind "see you later" she yelled loudly waving as she skipped behind the others.

She was just about to turn and race to the waiting area when something caught her eye, turning to face the interruption it was her turn for her mouth to fall open. Not too far away two males of a similar age to her had just landed on the ground not too far away.

She stood, eyes bulging, never before had she seen anyone her own age before, and especially not BOYS!!!

She watched as Goku began to walk over to the two and began to speak to the black haired of the two, she noticed Goku point his head towards her and she saw the boy grin and nod. Kalaya felt her face go hot as the boy began to walk over to her, she gulped as he stopped about 3 feet away, "hi" he said smiling, "my name's Goten, and this is my friend Trunks" he said pointing to the other boy behind him who just nodded

"hi" she mumbled hoping that the fact that her face was hot was not visible.

She shuffled her feet nervously, she hated awkward silences, finally he spoke "is that your dad?" he said pointing toward Kaioshin who by now had stopped and was watching his poor daughter trying to overcome her nervousness. He understood it must be hard for her, she had never seen anyone her own age before, so she severely lacked the social skills required for this sort of situation, secretly he crossed his fingers.

"Yup" she answered

"is he gonna be fighting in the tournament?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Nope, we've already been in the junior one, Trunks won, I came second"


"both mine and Trunk's dads are in the tournament though, mine is that one over there" he grinned pointing to Goku, "and him over there is Trunks's dad, they're both real good fighters"

"oh right, my dad is a good fighter too" she smiled proudly

"cool, hey our dads might have to fight each other"

"yup maybe"

"hey" said Goten grinning " me and Trunks were gonna get an ice cream before it started, wanna come?"

Kalaya raised her eyebrows, "eyes queem?"

"Noooo" laughed Goten, "ice cream"

"er.. what is it?"

"It's food and it's yummy"

"er okay, sure" She turned to face her father, asking permission or maybe seeking reassurance. He smiled and nodded, pride was filling him, finally she could gain what she had never had. She grinned, "don't worry I'll be back before you fight"

She turned back to the two boys smiling, her face not such a deep shade of red now, Goten grinned "can you fly?"

She nodded, "uh-huh"

"okay then, you commin Trunks?"

"I guess so"

Goten was the first to fly up followed closely by Trunks, Kalaya gulped and slowly rose off the ground, a quick burst of speed and she had soon caught up the others. Kaioshin sighed, he hoped she would be safe, he knew that Babadi would have sent his henchmen to the tournament, he also hoped that things would go well for her. He suddenly felt a presence next to him, turning his head he saw Goku standing there smiling as he looked in to the sky, "don't worry, they're good boys, they'll look after her"

Kaioshin smiled, "yes I'm sure your right, Goku" he paused "thank you"

"Goku pulled his confused face "what for?" he turned to face the small purple man but to his surprise he had disappeared.

Now I know that a) that SUCKED and b) it was very boring c) it was a little short, but I thought that was a good place to stop as the next chap will be much longer, also the new chap I promise will be out much faster than that one was,

Anyway whether you loved or hated it please review