I Love To Hate You

Chapter 1

Sesshoumaru's POV

I hated her with every fiber of my being, yet loved her with my very heart and soul, if I had either. Everything she did intrigued me and annoyed me at the same time. Her she wore her emotions on her sleeve and she gave her love t0o annoy one. Yet, she found it hard to even look into my eyes.

I knew that she felt the same gravitational pull that I did, but we both ignored it. We spent every second we spoke arguing, mostly in class. From why dinosaurs no longer roamed the earth to why the earth is considered oblate ellipsoid, we have argued about everything, and oddly, the way I feel about her has never changed.

From the first time I saw her that fateful day of school, four years ago, to this very moment where she sits right next to me on the school bus as we drive away from the 'National Debate Championships'. She fiddled with her hair, trying to ignore my piercing stare. She really was beautiful. Her long, wavy, midnight black hair with blue highlights, her blood red lips, her creamy ivory skin, her blue-grey eyes that resembled a storm at sea, and her porcelain doll features, she out shone every woman that I have seen, minus my mother.

Despite all of her enlightening features, her smile was the most mesmerizing. It could light up a room and brighten my day. And only Kagome's smile could do that.

"Could you please stop staring at me?? It makes me feel more nervous and uncomfortable than I already am," Kagome muttered to me, derailing my train of thought.

"My apologies," I replied, with no emotion in my voice, as usual.

"Why are you always so….cold??" she asked me.

"Why are you always so happy??" I countered.

"Touché" she said.

And that was how our first civil conversation began. We talked about everything in those four hours on the bus. I even made a joke!!!!

"So, do you have a best friend??" she asked me

"No, my only friend was my dog, Fluffy and he died 2 years ago," I said, whipping a fake tear from my eye.

She laughed at that, and it reminded me of bells tinkling. I made a mental note to make her laugh more often.

I sighed as the bus slowed to a stop. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Then she surprised me by saying, "Come on, Sesshoumaru, let's go!!"

I walked out of the bus just in time to see her throw her arms around the neck of the person I despised most and give him a passionate kiss. Oh yes, did I mention she was dating my idiot twin brother, Inuyasha??