:House's House:
House sat on his couch picking cords on the vintage guitar. The sound virbrated off the walls making it rough and edgy. He let his hand move with the music letting all his true feelings out. The music distracted him from all the pain in the world, which he wished would leave. He would never admit what he did to Cuddy made him angry with himself. That would just be weak and stupid. The cruel and vile things he did to push her far away. Deep down they were just acts, something to hide the love. The love that was hidden deep down.
He was still playing when there was a knock on the door. It awoke him from the deep thinking. He had to limp to the door and if it was a salesman he was gonna kick them all the way down the stairs. He was sick of salesmen and it hurt to limp to the door. Maybe he should have brought the cane that would be real funny. When he pulled open the door Foreman stood in the doorway umbrella in hand. His eyebrows were set in a thoughful postion. Here comes the lecture House thought. Lectures were what Foreman did a lot lately and it was making House real angry. House was going to close the door but Foreman caught it with his hands.
"We need to talk." Foreman said. House gestured with his hand telling him to come in. House was wearing sweats and a tee and Foreman a nice suit with a tie.
"Yes?" House asked sitting on the couch.
"I want to know how your gonna hurt Lisa more."
"Oh I don't know maybe put a pin on her chair." House said sarcastically.
"You know what I meant." Foreman said upset.
"I'm not hurting her." House said smug.
"Be serious. I meant mentally."
"That's her own fault."
"Don't give me that. You do care and I know you do!" Foreman was getting really angry. House said no more he was right he did care. He would always care just never acutally say it. House picked up his gutiar and started to play Wonderwall on it. This was the song that truley expressed what he felt for cuddy. He wanted Foreman to know but he couldn't say it in words so he said it in music. "I knew you did." Foreman said after House finished. Foreman was smiling and House was trying to look at him but he couldn't. He had just told someone how he felt that was against all he had taught himself. He was a rule breaker just not of his own rules.
"You can't tell her." House said letting down all his walls.
" I won't but I think you should." Foreman was lying through his teeth House just didn't know. Foreman was gonna go tell Cuddy once he left on the phone anyways. Foreman knew that House would never so he needed Cuddy to know but he had good reasons.
" I can't." House said.
" Well give it time." Foreman said. With those words Foreman left, no goodbye. House went to his bed and layed on top of the covers staring at the ceiling. His leg was numb but his mind wasn't. Numb is all he wanted now he really hurt for Cuddy. He fell alsleep the image of cuddy in his mind.