Title: Not Quite A Love Connection

Author: PlatinumRoseLady

Disclaimer: Sam and Dean still aren't mine – and YES, I'm still sulking about it.

Drabble Challenge Word: "Lash" or a variation of it.

Word Count: 100 words. I do so love the Word Count feature.

Players: Go to Enkidu07's page, and you'll find all the usual suspects. Resistance is futile – you will be drabbleized.

Spoiler Alert: None


The motel door was slammed so hard Sam's teeth rattled. He looked up from his laptop, cocked an eyebrow at his brother.

Dean leaned against the door, literally shaking with anger. He stalked into the room, green eyes blazing, muttering angrily.

"Thinks she can flutter her lashes and swing her hips and I'll… can't believe the NERVE of some people… some things a man just will NOT do…" He tossed his jacket on his bed, stalked around the room like a caged tiger.

"Date go badly?" Sam ventured.

"She wanted… to drive the Impala", Dean spat out. "Yeah, bad date."