A/N: Hey hey everyone! Here is the first of two Twilight/Harry Potter crossovers. I hope you all enjoy it. Warning to anyone who is against this, there will be some LIGHT slash-y ness in this. The pairings are canon, except Alice/Jasper, where I decided to add Harry to them.

Enjoy :)

Summary: Harry Cullen, formerly Harry Potter, is a two hundred year old vampire. As he meets his soon to be sister-in-law, Bella Swan, he realises that his past isn't as buried as he thinks. As The Order of the Phoenix, a group of talented vampires, seek Bella's death, he has several choices to make that could decide the fate of his world.

Fading Light

Chapter I: The Order

By The Morrigu

With the society of vampires, there are certain key individuals who are on the 'A-List'. Where, if you have never heard of an individual who is on the 'A-List' then you must have had your head under a rock for the past centuries. One such name that features prominently on the list is that of Carlisle Cullen. He was known throughout the vampire world as the strange, philosophical good vampire who encouraged fellow vampires to feed of animals, rather than their natural food source. He was an individual whose control was legendary in some circles, but his way of living caused many a mocking sneer amongst others of his kind.

So in a tavern, in Northern Russia, it couldn't really be much of a surprise when two vampires, their eyes a bright scarlet red of the new fed, were discussing said vampire. Unknown to them, there were others in the area who were listening in on the conversation the two were having.

The tavern was badly lit, and was crowded with farmers and other such individuals, whom were all laughing uproariously, and celebrating the coming Summer with joy. Not far from where the two vampires were sat, discussing things in a low tones at a fast pace, an observer sat, listening and absorbing their every word.

The observer was a male, with finely chiselled features, all of which were angular and almost incomparably attractive. His skin was white, so pale it was almost translucent. His hair was a raven black, and stuck up in all directions in what some could say was a stylish manner. His build was relatively lithe, with a trim waist and wider shoulders. He was of average height, perhaps reaching six foot. He wore rich, tailored clothes that made him stick out in the tavern, filled with farmers and simply dressed individuals. His eyes however, unlike those who were locked into a deep discussion, were a rich gold colour. He stood up suddenly, and carried his un-drank shot of vodka over to the table where the two individuals were talking.

At his approach, the two silenced themselves, watching him appraisingly.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." Stated the observer, in tone musical, but held an almost chilling and hard edge to it, as he spoke in fluent Russian. "About the one they call Carlisle Cullen? What has happened now?"

"You haven't heard?" asked the one to the left, whose red eyes were watching the observer, questions in their gaze.

"I have been out of touch with our society for a few months, so any new development I have not been informed of." Replied the observer easily, as he slid into a chair with an almost inhuman fluidity.

"The Cullen's appear to have adopted a human." Said one of them, his eyes bright with humour. "Almost like a pet."

The observers eyebrows rose, as he stared at the speaker with interest.

"Yes, one of the Cullen's, the one who can read others, went to the Volturi so that they could kill him." Whispered the others, excitedly. "Apparently, he thought the human was dead. He is supposed in love with her, and wanted to join her. Pathetic isn't it? One of our kind driven to such a low standard."

"When did this happen?" asked the observer, his features neutral.

"A few months ago."

"Thank you."

The observer left, his vodka untouched, as he whirled out of the tavern, and into the open air. His golden eyes narrowed, as he walked towards a sleek, black and unidentifiable car. Slipping into the drivers seat, he whirled out of the village, getting onto the country roads, heading south towards the nearest airport. He had some questions that needed answering.

He may have been gone for a few years, but this was big. No way was his brother going to act the fool without him around.

He was Harry Cullen, formerly Harry James Potter, and he wasn't about to let that happen to anyone without him around.

Bella was asleep in his arms, her body keeping him warm as dawn crept upon the household. He absently noted that Emmett and Rosalie were outside, working on the cars, Alice was mulling over wedding plans, while Jasper was unenthusiastically helping her. Carlisle had left for the hospital already, and Esme was in her study area, working on plans for a new project. He continued to watch her sleep though, fascinating as it was. He watched her chest rise and fall, and her occasional mutter of some unintelligible words. A whimsical smile was on his face, as he looked at the ring which was on her left hand. It wouldn't be long now.

He then heard the phone ringing downstairs, and couldn't bring himself to answer it. It was too quiet for it to upset Bella, so he didn't move. None of the others in the house appeared to be making a move to answer it, so he lay back down, and concentrated on listening to Bella's breathing. Until he heard the answering machine pick it up. Immediately, he noticed that every other being in the house, apart from the one that was in his arms, had straightened up, and listened to the voice on the answering machine.

"I know that someone is there. I also know that you can all hear me. Nice, not answering the phone when I ring to check up on you all. Also nice, not telling me of the latest update. I had to hear it from some seedy looking fellows in a tavern in Russia. What's this I hear about Edward having a human? Why didn't you tell me when I checked up at Christmas? I'm coming back now, in London at the moment waiting for my transfer, but I expect a full explanation when I get back. I didn't even get to do the scary big brother act. Not fair. See you tonight – I think."

The ending beep echoed throughout the silent house, and I felt a smile lightening up my face. He was coming home. I didn't have to have any special talents to know how Alice and Jasper were feeling, as Jasper's happiness filled the whole house. The two of them hadn't been right since their other half left to check up on some dealings that he had in other parts of the world. Parts of the world where he knew that Jasper would have serious problems with his control, and Alice stayed behind in order to continue to help Jasper, who had been living their life for the past fifty years.

The two of them had missed Harry so much. It was obvious in the way they acted, how Jasper felt less in control without him around, and Alice's visions had become more subjective ever since Harry had gone travelling, just before they moved to Forks. But he was coming back, and would most likely give him, Edward, an earful about Bella.

Harry had certain ethics when it came to humans. He had long since decided to keep them at arms length, as he didn't trust them at all. Like Edward, Harry had talents that dealt with the mind, and like Edward and in turn Jasper, he had seen the worst that humanity had to offer. But no matter how hard Edward tried, he couldn't get the real reason why Harry distrusted humans so much out of him. Edward theorised that it was something that happened in his mortal life, but he was never very sure. All he did know was that his oldest brother, he was a little over two hundred, was just as damaged as it both Alice and Jasper, one from her unknown past in a mental institution, and the other from a violent century of endless fighting.

He was knocked from his musing by a change in Bella's breathing, as her eyes opened, and she stared up at him, her brown eyes reflecting the confused sleep-state she was still in.

"E-Edward?" she whispered, as she yawned slightly.


"What has you so worried?"

Immediately, he wiped his expression, not knowing that his thoughts were being reflected on his face. Her eyes still remained penetrating, and he bent down and kissed her forehead softly.

"It is time that you met my brother."

She frowned at him, confused, blinking the disappearing weariness from her eyes.


"I have another, besides Emmett and Jasper. He has been away for a few years, he left when we decided to move to Forks, as he had to check on some of his acquaintances in other parts of the world. Harry has now decided to come home, and he is curious about you."

"Curious?" murmured Bella, and a flash of uncertainty was in her eyes.

"Relax. I don't doubt that he will like you. It just…Harry has always been wary of humans. But don't take offence at it, he is like that with all humans."

"Is he like Jasper?"

Edward realised she must have been referring to Jasper's problems with his control, and he shook his head immediately.

"No. Harry has very good control, or rather, he can go for longer periods of time without feeding, even than Carlisle. He has had bad experiences with humans in the past, and doesn't trust them as much as he once did."

"When will he be here?"


As soon as I got off of the plane in a rain soaked Seattle, I knew immediately that I was home. No more lying saying I had a skin condition, no more sticking to the north during Winter, no more tinted windows and no more hiding myself. The land was overcast with clouds, as the sunset and sky began to darken. I had been travelling now for well over twenty-four hours, ignoring the time differences and other such things. Getting a taxi to the nearest car dealership, I bought the nicest, flashiest and fastest car they had. Within an hour from landing, I was on the road, heading towards the small town of Forks.

What was normally a four-hour journey, I completed in a little less than three hours. My foot was on the floor for most of it, as I listened and sung along with the radio with my somewhat melodious voice. I hadn't been to Forks for years, and it was pleasant to see how much it had changed over the decades. I had been with Carlisle, Edward, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett the first time they had gone to Forks. I had joined them when they had attended school back in the Forties. It was one of the most boring periods of his life, as attending High School in what was the absolute middle of nowhere was no pleasant experience. The presence of the Wolves did help to make it a little more interesting.

I then turned off the Freeway, and into Forks itself. I rolled the windows down, to get the fresh smell of the forest into the car. It took little effort to ignore the curious glances that I received from the locals, as I drove through Forks, and began to head up towards the mountains, and through the forest roads. I began to catch several curious smells, one of which was the presence of wolves, which was far stronger than usual. Especially in what should have been the vampire territory. A second curious smell was that of burning, the burning of vampires. It was faint, perhaps a few days old. I sped up along the road, my reflexes allowing him to turn along the bending road with ease. I reached the small road, and took the sharp turn to go up the driveway, towards the house. They were now aware of my approach, if Edward or Alice hadn't informed them first.

The house was the same as it had once been, all white and open looking. I recognised several additions, including the large outhouse that I knew housed a lot of Edward's car collection. I pulled to a stop outside the house, opening and then slamming the door. I had barely made a step towards the door when I had an armful of a small, almost a foot smaller than myself, pixie creature that had pounced on me almost immediately.

"Harry." Was the announcement, as she wrapped her arms and legs around me, pinning me within her vice like grip.

"Alice." I replied, a bright smile on my face, as I nuzzled Alice's neck, causing her to giggle at me. "Is everyone waiting?"

"We got your message this morning. Esme has been excited all day. Carlisle even finished work early for you." Announced Alice brightly, as she refused to move from her position, as I walked towards the house in a few movements, and opened the door.

"Well that is a rarity." I stated, chuckling lightly to myself, as I surveyed the room, seeing all of my siblings and parents gathered. But my gaze focused on Jasper, who moved forwards and removed Alice from me, his fingers lingering a few seconds, before moving on. I smiled at him, and got one in response. Jasper's joy had filled the whole room.

I then looked across the room, to the figure I could see at Edward's side, almost tucked away, hidden. All I could see were locks of long, brown hair, pale skin and a slim figure. Coupled with a delightful smell, I could see what had drawn Edward to her. I noticed Edward nodding his head in response to what I was thinking.

"Harry!" called Esme warmly, as she gathered me, her eldest son although a century her senior, into her arms.

"Esme." I whispered, as I hugged her back just as much. I noticed Emmett joining in, lifting both myself and Esme clear off the ground. "Thanks Emmett, feeling the love here."

"Well, you've been gone for a bit, just thought to show you." Shot Emmett with a grin, as he lowered the two of us to the ground. I chuckled to myself, as I reached up to pat Emmett on the head. I then skipped over to Rosalie, and enveloped her into a hug. She returned it, a slight smile on her face. Although Rosalie was a selfish person, I had been the only one who didn't hold it against her, even for a time. One of my traits as both a mortal and an immortal was that I had always been a forgiving person, and I had long since learnt that taking people's worst traits as face value would get me no where.

I turned from Rosalie to Carlisle, who hugged me as well, before patting me on the back.

"Welcome home, son." Was the whispered response, to low for any of the others to hear, even with their advanced hearing.

"It's good to be back."

At last, I turned my burning golden gaze to where Edward stood, with whom I assumed was the little human. I stepped towards them, and noticed how Edward had instinctively put her into a protected position. It amused me. I ignored Edward's raised eyebrow at my amusement, before speaking.

"What are we going to do with you, brother? I leave for a few years, come back, and I find you entangled with a human?" I announced, amusement colouring my tone. "I had to hear it through the grapevine, coming from the Volturi themselves. I should be insulted, but I can't bring myself to be."

I noticed that Edward, had hold of the human's left hand, and I noticed a band of gold, with several jewels on. I recognised it at once, and felt my eyes widening in shock. Edward noticed this, and decided to speak.

"Harry, this is Bella Swan. Bella, this is my brother, Harry."

The human, Bella, looked up from where she had hidden herself, meeting my gaze head on, not an ounce of fear in her body language, not now. What a strange creature. I ignored Edward's almost silent chuckling, as I surveyed her. No doubt, in a room with the three vampire women, she felt rather insignificant. But amongst humans, she would be classed as pretty. Her features were by no means striking, but it was more the manner she held herself, a type of confidence that very few mortals had. The type that probably allowed her to not instinctively shy away from our presence. I could see why she had held Edward's attention, a vampire who had seen many people over his century of life, none of whom interested him.

"Elizabeth would be very pleased." I announced, a light smile on my face as I thought about Edward's mother, and I could see Edward's face brightening up.

"You knew his parents?" said Bella, in a rush. I smiled, before nodding to the couch.

"We can't let the human be uncomfortable. God, Edward, where are you manners?" I shot, almost mockingly; ignoring the playful shove Edward gave me, as he sat down, Bella almost in his lap. I settled himself across from the pair, Jasper and Alice sitting on either side, while Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett left the room, as they had already heard this before.

"Yes, I knew Edward's parents. Or rather, his mother." I said, a soft smile on my lips. "Did Carlisle tell you about the circumstances of Edward's turning. Everything?" I directed my question towards both Edward and Bella, the former nodding to the question. "Good. I was a friend of Elizabeth, who grew up in New York, before moving to Chicago when she got married. I was there when she first met Edward Senior, and did the usual interrogation of her prospective husband. In the end it all worked out, and I even went with Edward Senior when he got the ring." I gestured to the ring that was on Bella's finger. "Then they moved, and naturally, I had to move on anyway. I was extremely disheartened to hear of their death in the epidemic. I assumed that Edward had died as well, as all records showed that he had. Then, imagine my shock when in the late Twenties, I'm in San Francisco, and I come across a vampire who looks just like the pictures of Edward Junior. I decided that I owed it to Elizabeth to make sure that her son remained on the straight and narrow, and convinced him to return to Carlisle, and I joined him. Been with them ever since, until a few years ago."

Bella nodded mutely, as she absorbed all of this information. I was curious, and sent my other senses out to her, to get a feel of what she was thinking. My eyes widened in shock, as I met a metaphorical brick wall. I could see Edward laughing now.

"What?" questioned Bella, confused, as she looked between the four vampires, three of whom were laughing, while the fourth was stony.

"It seems as though Harry's talent doesn't work on you either." Announced Jasper, sending me an amused look.

"How?" I whispered, shocked. She was the first person in over two hundred years who could block my talent.

"I like to think that she is extremely hard headed." Joked Edward. "But its not just you. Me, Aro and Jane. She is one of a kind."

"No doubt this has attracted Aro's interest." I muttered, as I stood up, and walked over to the windows.

"What?" asked Edward.

"I need to think, don't interrupt me." I replied, as I concentrated on thinking. Long ago, I had worked out a method of confusing Edward's talent, which was to pick up surface thoughts. So by thinking nonsense on the surface, and deliberating over whatever issue beneath these thoughts, then Edward couldn't pick them up. I reopened my eyes, frowning slightly. "Damn it."

"What is it?" questioned Edward, as he asked a question which he had usually only ever had to ask Bella, and sometimes me when I needed to think about something.

"Some of my acquaintances have been hearing things, rumours really. The sort of ones that would interest me." I shot Edward a serious look here. "Aro has a keen ability to be able to gather the most talented of our kind to his side. A gift, which Eleazar used to help with but no more. It wouldn't be illogical to assume that if Bella here were to be changed, that she would have a talent. Most likely something to do with blocking others abilities. A very useful gift, especially for someone like Aro."

"What do you mean?" asked Jasper, his eyes full of confusion. "What have you heard?"

"My old Order appears to be coming back to life again." I announced, before sitting calmly back onto the chair, and resting my palm against my head. "I didn't think much of it at first, but Aro seems to, especially if he has such a keen interest in Bella here."

"That would explain his desire for her to be changed as soon as possible." Reasoned Edward, frowning as well.

"What are you talking about?" questioned Bella, confusion evident all over her face.

"Edward, explain. I'm still thinking." I said to him, while closing my eyes on concentrated on trying to organise my thoughts, while Alice rested her hand on my arm to help. My talent, was not the most simple of ones. I had the ability to control others, simply put. Possess them, make them do what I wanted. Even the power of suggestion to some degree, which has always been a mythical power of my kind. But a side effect is that any individual I possess, I gain a bit of them. Their knowledge, experiences, their thoughts and deepest feelings. Everything. Over the past two hundred years, all of this has mounted up, and it takes me some time to be able to recall it.

"Harry is from England." Whispered Edward. "There existed a group of people who all had special abilities of some kind."

"People?" questioned Bella.

"Human." Answered Edward. "I know, it is extremely strange. They realised that with these special abilities, they could do anything. The world could be at their feet, and nothing could stop them. Except for time. So they sought for ways in which to stop time for themselves, to become immortal. Then, one night, two hundred years ago, they got a vampire to turn them all, willingly. However, their powers grew so much during their change, they warred amongst each other. In the end, it was decided that they would separate, and go separate parts of the world. This group was known as the Order, later renamed themselves as the Order of the Phoenix, due to their immortality. If they reform themselves, then they shall not only be a great threat, but they are not exactly the most sane and peaceful of groups."

"Harry was apart of this group?" asked Bella softly.

"He was one of the founding members." Replied Edward, sadly. "He was the first turned, as he controlled the vampire into biting each one of the group, while not feeding off them."

I reopened my eyes, shaking my head now, so as to clear it.

"Now you see why your possible talent would be useful. The Order is full of talents, and if you could block against a quarter of those talents, which you probably could, then you would be a huge benefit to Aro." I said, shaking my head slightly. It seemed as though things were about to get interesting.

"We plan for her to be turned after the wedding." Murmured Jasper in a low tone, to low for Bella's human ears to pick up.

"When is the wedding set for?" I directed my question to Bella and Edward, but almost unsurprisingly it was Alice who answered.

"Mid August." She announced, her tone bright and enthusiastic. Opposite to the apathetic expression on Bella's face. No doubt she didn't like the idea of weddings.

"I shall see what I can find out then. I can't imagine anyone making a move prior to that time. I doubt that Edward will let you out of his sight for the coming months."

Edward nodded his head at me, while Bella thanked me softly. But all I could think about were the possibilities of both Bella and Edward surviving this. Of all of us surviving this. I knew that Edward could hear my thoughts at the moment, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I knew what my old comrades were capable of. I doubted that whoever remained faithful to what the Order stood for would have changed their ways that much. I suddenly felt the sudden need to hide my family. Keep them out of harms way, from the war that I could see coming. The Volturi vs The Order. Both of them vying to get the now unveiled Queen – Bella. The chess board was in my head, and I could fix a name to each of the pieces, to each individual pawn, to the knights, and especially to the king.

I felt a tug on my arm, and my eyes met Jasper's worried gaze. I flinched lightly, knowing that he could feel the morose feelings that my thoughts had generated. But I couldn't changed what had happened, only make sure that there was no repeat.

"Let's go out." Announced Alice, her eyes bright with anticipation. "First one to the mountain."

With that, she disappeared. Both Jasper and I shared an exasperated glance, before following her out, racing to meet her within the forest. I knew that I had left behind a worried Edward, but I couldn't bring myself to comfort him. He deserved to know the truth, and how much we were out of our depth here. He had to get his head screwed on properly, and realise that by keeping Bella mortal, he was going to put her in that much more danger. At least, as one of our kind, she would be able to defend herself that much easier.

A beautiful woman walked calmly towards the bank. Her hair was a silvery colour, and cascaded around her features in a delicate manner. She was tall, and skinny, with perfectly formed features. People stopped and stared at her on the street, assuming that she was a model of some kind, due to her stately, confident walk, and the sashaying of her hips. Behind a pair of dark, reflective sunglasses, a pair of scarlet eyes scanned the surroundings, watching carefully for any sign of an enemy. If they managed to track her down, and find out what she was doing, then the years of hiding and subterfuge would be for nothing. She stalked into the bank, a high end kind which required specially made laser cut keys in order to get into the bank itself, as well as various safety measure to pass as well. Such as encryption codes and the like.

"Can I help you, Miss?" called one of the workers in French.

"Yes. I am her to view the contents of a safety deposit box. The one that corresponds with this key." She replied fluently, as she handed the worker a key. The worker nodded his head at her, and asked her to follow him.

He didn't try to make conversation with the beautiful woman; in fact, he seemed to instinctively shy away from her presence. Eventually, they reached a viewing booth, with a conveyer belt beside it. The worker slotted the key into a machine, and details appeared on the screen.

"Box 459. Please state your name?" asked the worker, verifying that the owner of the key and the woman in front of him were one and the same.

"Fleur Delacour." She answered, her voice musical and calming.

"There will be several codes that you shall have to enter in order to view the box. The keypad is on screen Miss. I hope that this is satisfactory?"

"Yes, thank you."

The man left, and the woman stood up, and walked towards the machine in a fluid manner. She tapped in several codes at a lightning fast speed, each time the machine flashed green to indicate that the correct code had been entered. Eventually, the conveyer belt moved, so as to deliver the box. The woman began to subtlety glance around, to make sure that non of the other people in the room were going to be able to look into the box. After all, the contents of the box were not meant for human eyes. Ever.

A box, roughly two foot by two foot in size, stopped before her. She hesitantly reached forwards, an opened the lid ever so slightly, already ready to put it back down at the slightest movement from within. The box itself was made from steel, and various other heavy metal alloys that were near indestructible. However, it wasn't in order to keep people out. But to keep something in.

But it was all for naught. The box was empty. She let out a cry of alarm, as she opened the lid fully, to see that it was completely empty. As though there had never been anything in there. Even though what had been in there had resided within the box for well over a century.

"Miss, are you alright?" asked the worker, as he appeared at her booth, his face alarmed.

"Why is the box empty?" hissed Fleur, drawing her lips back over her teeth to snarl at the man. The man was frightened, as he took a step back, his face paling considerably.

"Miss, I do not know. I shall check the records if you would like? No one would have broken in here without us noticing. No one."

"You go do that." Ordered Fleur, as she closed the lid of the box with more force than necessary, causing the noise it made to echo around the now silent bank. She didn't care. This was the worst news that she could have ever possibly heard.

"The box was accessed by yourself, no more than six months ago." Called the worker, as he returned with a sheet, showing the list of people who had accessed the box. A list that would have had six different names on, over the past two decades, when they had begun to record who accessed the safety deposit boxes.

"I made no such…" Suddenly, she paused, as realisation washed over her. It wasn't her. She knew that for certain, but as she looked down at the key in the machine, she wanted to know how they had gotten hold of an identical version. "Were there any other business conducted at the time?"

"Yes. You requested for a new key to be made. At the time, we were unsure as to what to do. But you answered all the correct questions, and were able to key in the correct digits into the machine, so we cut a new key. Do you not remember this?"

"I have been having problems with my memory as of late. It will pass." Replied Fleur with a disinterested air. Suddenly, she looked up at the nervous worker, and stepped forwards. She removed the glasses, revealing the red eyes behind them. The worker took a step back, but she made him look into her eyes. "When I came here last time, was I alone?"

"No." answered the worker in monotone.

"Who was I with? Describe them."

"A man. Tall, with long dark hair. Pale skin, and black eyes. He was extremely rude, and had two black eyes. He looked really sick, and wore all black."

"Thank you. You will not remember my coming here today, nor this conversation."

"No. I won't."

With that, she put her sunglasses back on, removed her key from the machine, and left the bank quickly. Once she was outside of it, she looked at the list she had removed from the man. A list of all who had visited the box over the past few years. The one who visited it last, before herself, she knew she would have to ring. Bringing out her phone, she dialled the number at a fast pace, and heard it ring.

"Hello?" came a male voice, alert, as were all of their kind. The language was in English, and she easily flicked between languages.

"Neville, it's Fleur. We have a big problem."

"Why? What's happened?"

"I went to check the box today, but it's empty. They've got it. They've got him."


"I know."

"How did they do it?"

"Severus and Nymphadora I am assuming. Nymphadora pretended to be me, and they managed to get a new key. How they knew the codes I don't know, but I assume that Severus has come across one of us, and got the codes out of us. Made us forget."

"All these years. For nothing."

"We are going to have to do something. Tell the others."

"How quickly can you get here?"

"London? Few hours."

"Get here then. I will feel a lot happier if you were all with me. We can't have them picking us off while we are all separated. You gonna contact Luna and Harry?"

"I'll do it while I'm at the airport. You get Fred and George. Maybe Hermione, Bill and Minerva too. We don't know how they will feel about his turn of events, but they need to be informed at the very least."

"Right. Get here as soon as possible. Think of it like the old times again, eh?"

"Will do."

The call ended, and Fleur sighed to herself, as she dialled a new number. One down. Two to go.

Neville looked up from his desk, as a pale skinned blond haired woman entered the room. Her eyes were large, and red, as she walked up to the desk with a dancers walk.

"Luna. Fleur contact you?" asked Neville, as she sat down in the chair opposite him.

"She did. I was on my way anyway." Replied Luna airily. "We need to move soon anyway. They shall be coming after us first, and to gather us all here would be foolish. Personally, I think that a holiday to the US wouldn't go amiss."

"US? Harry?" asked Neville, frowning at the other woman.

"He has just returned to his new family, and believes that they are going to be a target to both the Order, and the Volturi. An accurate belief. They both hunt for the soon-to-be member of the Cullen family."

"Why?" questioned Neville, as he stood up, stretching his broad body, as he surveyed Luna calmly. A calmness that had only been learnt by being in her presence for decades.

"She is just like you. In fact, if any side had the two of you. They would be unbeatable." Replied Luna calmly.

"She blocks out mental talents?" asked Neville, interested immediately. His own talent, was the ability to block out physical objects. Create a shield for that purpose. The two talents working in sync together, would be worth so much.

"Yes she does." Answered Luna absently, as she stood, and looked at the portrait on the wall. A portrait that contained twenty one different individuals. The portrait was two hundred years old, and she could name each of the people on the picture with ease. The men all wore shirts and tails all of varying colours and designs, but were all richly made. The ladies wore dresses, all different colours, some with feathers in their hair, others not. It was a rich, and expensive looking painting. She reached forward and touched the painting, over the body of a blond haired woman, who wore a simple blue dress, with a pearl necklace. Luna's eyes absently looked towards the curly-haired brunette beside the blond haired woman, and the dark haired, imposing gentlemen on the blonde's other side. "Do you ever wish we could go back to those time? To change things?"

"I do occasionally. But then I remember all that we have accomplished since. We may be able to prevent the creation of monsters, but then all the good we have done in the world shall be undone as well." Answered Neville softly, as he came to stand beside her, looking the portrait as well.

There were twelve men, and nine women. The portrait had been organising in a manner which represented the command of those within in. At the very centre of the portrait, two dark haired, charismatic looking men stood on either side of blond haired woman whom was the most beautiful woman in the picture. The rest of the individuals in the portrait appeared to be deferring to this trio, almost unconsciously with their body language. The artist was of an unequalled skill in order to pick up such slight changes into the body language of these beings. Although each of the characteristics of all the people in the portrait were different, they all had things in common. They were all incredibly handsome, they were all pale skinned, and they all had red eyes.

"Do you remember when it was taken?" asked Luna softly.

"All the time. Our first portrait after we were turned. I also remember what we did with the painter after it was done." Stated Neville in a quiet voice. "The screams are something I will never forget, even after a few hundred years."

"This is the life we chose to live though. I guess to some degree that makes us worse than the other monsters out there." Stated Luna simply, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

"I wish we had killed him while we had the chance." Said Neville, hitting the table lightly, yet it made a dent.

"Tom Riddle would have come back sooner of later. We would have killed him, yes. But what of Bellatrix, or Antonius? They would have come after us to avenge him. Perhaps it is better that they have spent the past century and a half searching for all of his parts, so as to allow him to reassemble."

"He is unbeatable though. We cannot stop him."

"No being is unbeatable. We just have to find a loop hole, like we did last time. Like Harry did last time."

"God. Harry." Hissed Neville, his eyes widening. "He is easily going to be the most pissed off now. After all it took for us to even manage to get hold of Riddle last time. What are we going to do this time? Riddle has had a century and a half without his body being together, he is going to have some serious issues with us all. Especially Harry."

"Harry can take care of himself. He is a lot stronger than he looks."

"I know. He had to be."

They left the room soon after, and the portrait on the wall remained where it was, highlighted by the slivers of moonlight coming into the room. The pale faces on all twenty one of the people in the frame appeared to light up under the moonlight, highlighting each feature that the painter had given them. Beneath the painting, a small sign displayed the title of the picture. The Order of the Phoenix. Est. 1797.

There were a list of names, which were scrawled at the bottom in a small handwriting, most likely the painters, who had no idea that in a matter of minutes, his life was going to end.

George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Fleur Delacour, Thomas Riddle, Ginerva Weasley, Bellatrix Black, William Weasley, Nymphadora Black, Antonius Dolohov, Lavender Brown, Sirius Black, Theodore Nott and Ronald Weasley.

If anyone were to come across the portrait, they would find it strange that the current owner of the portrait, one Neville Longbottom, looked so similar to the Neville Longbottom depicted within the portrait. But any onlookers would never come to the correct conclusion, that the two individuals were one and the same.

They would never understand the true terror that the individuals in the portrait had reeked upon the world for two decades, before some of their number rebelled, and took down the leader. They wouldn't understand the true sacrifices the people in the portrait made, in order to save everyones lives from a monster that they had created.

That was all Thomas Riddle was a monster, a fiend, and the most powerful vampire in the world. Now that he had the means to return, and for him and his faithful followers to continue what they were once doing, was going to cause great problems in the world.

No doubt it was going to be one Harry Cullen, formerly Harry James Potter, who would pay the price for taking him down. Again.

Here you have it. The first chapter of my new Twilight/Harry Potter story.

As you can see – it is not a Harry/Edward story. I wanted to do something different. It is, if you can HOPEFULLY tell from this chapter, a Harry/Alice/Jasper story.

I thought it made sense for them three to be together, they have all had horrible pasts, and Harry's shall be explained as the story moves on. There is no such thing as magic in this story.

The Order was a group of people who had special talents, and they succumbed to these talents, thinking that they were Gods, and wished to remain using these powers for an eternity. Thus they became vampires. As you can see, several members of the Order rebelled, as their opinions changed.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask in your review or PM me.

Lots of love

Morrigu-chan x