Change Comes Fast Chapter One

A/N: So, I was looking at this story and was appalled at the different grammatical mistakes and the plot development was lacking in some places. With that in mind, I decided to re-edit the story and re-post it. I hope you enjoy it and bear with me with all of the updating and the time it will take to re-edit the rest of the story.

Tifa walked up to the Shinra entrance and smiled to herself. It was her two-year anniversary with Rufus Shinra. She sighed in content. He was spontaneous, always giving her pleasant surprises. The man would spoil her silly, and she loved him with every inch of her being. He appeared when she needed someone the most, and he never left her sighed. That kept her heart warm and her sanity intact, but it also made her insanely happy.

She approached the front desk, greeted the receptionist, who smiled warmly back at Tifa. Tifa looked around the lobby, noting a new SOLDIER poster that was hanging up. Rufus knew she couldn't stand the SOLDIER program and didn't support it at all. The program brought back memories that she did not want to deal with.

"Miss Lockhart, the vice-president will see you now," the receptionist said in a kind tone. Tifa smiled, thanked her as she got on the elevator.

Rufus Shinra called in the First Class SOLDIERs. The three stood at his door patiently. Angeal, Sephiroth and Zack stood, waiting for him to speak, or bark, orders for them. Rufus nodded at Tseng, who left the room.

"I have an announcement," he said to the three. They stood quietly, all expressions professionally blank. Their training surfaced – Rufus knew that they were hard trained killers, and it frightened him every instant he was in their company, but he also had the advantage of being their boss. "Tonight, I am going to propose to the woman I've been dating for the past two years." No one, except for a couple of Turks and the ever-loyal receptionist, knew that he and Tifa were in a committed relationship.

"With her new status, she will need all the protection she can get. Zack, since you have no assignments currently, she will be your assignment," Rufus said and dismissed all of them except Zack. A look passed between the three SOLDIERs that Rufus didn't see. Zack tensed up while he waited for further orders. "I'm taking her to the new restaurant in upper town tonight to propose to her. You will accompany us with Tseng." Tseng came in.

"Mr. Vice-President, I am not able to attend tonight. Instead, Reno and Rude will take my place," Tseng said. He looked at the tense Zack. Zack's eyes flared, but he said nothing. Tseng nodded silently. Rufus waved his hand to both of the men, implicitly dismissing them.

Zack made his way down to the locker room, which was used by the SOLDIER unit, and began trembling in rage. He slammed the door and punched the wall, effectively making a huge hole in it.

"WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS, THAT BASTARD, TO GIVE ME THAT ASSIGNMENT!" he yelled at Angeal. Angeal sat on the bench and patiently waited until Zack stopped ranting. "THAT MOTHER FUCKER KNOWS WHAT SHE IS TO ME! HOW IN THE FUCKING HELL COULD HE DO THAT!" He ranted for another five minutes, and then looked at Angeal in exasperation.

"Are you calm now?" Angeal asked. Zack nodded as he lowered himself to the floor, and pulled his knees up. "You have to remember, Zack, she isn't the same woman she was three years ago. You aren't the same man, either. You will do your job as a SOLDIER. It is our duty to guard and protect the innocent ones." Zack snorted. He cursed under his breath for his luck.

As he was recuperating, Cloud came in. He looked shocked to see Zack and Angeal talking. Cloud was about to leave when Angeal said, "Come here." Cloud came and obediently sat down. Angeal looked him straight in the eye. Cloud started twitching.

"Tell us all you know about Tifa Lockhart," he said. Cloud's eyes shot to Zack. Zack scowled at Angeal.

"She's going out with Rufus Shinra… she still works in her bar… she takes care of Marlene and Denzel… Aerith and I live down the road from her… we all have a dinner together once a week at her house," Cloud said to Angeal. Angeal nodded. Zack looked at the far wall.

"She loves yellow roses, and dislikes daisies because she thinks they're too common. She works hard every day, but likes to sleep in on the weekends. She loves it when someone cooks for her, though she will not tell you that. She and Cloud are old childhood friends, and are still close. She was Aerith's maid of honor three and a half years ago… she hates it when someone doesn't clean the dishes after he was done using them," Zack said unexpectedly. Angeal looked right at him, and Cloud glimpsed at Zack. His face wore a sad expression. "And the prick wants me to guard her." He laughed at that. He stared at Angeal, both looking at him and lost in his own memories. Angeal shook his head and held out his hand. Zack took it and got up. He looked over at the silent Sephiroth.

"Do the job. That's our duty," he said and left for the training field. Zack looked at Angeal.

"No one else can do this job. Remember, keep your honor at all times," he said and left with Sephiroth. Zack motioned for Cloud to follow. Cloud eagerly came with them.

Tifa went up to Rufus's office. She smiled at Reno and Rude, who were stationed outside. They nodded to her. She went into the office, and hugged Rufus tightly. They kissed tenderly for a while, until she pulled back slightly.

"Hello, sweetheart," Rufus said tenderly. Tifa smiled gently and hummed when she felt his hand on her cheek. "I've missed you all day."

"You said goodbye to me this morning," she said quietly. He smiled at her and shook his head.

"It wasn't enough for you, was it?" he asked her just as quietly. She flushed and beamed at him.

"I thought that you were quite satisfied," she said seductively. Rufus flushed and laughed softly.

"Sweetheart, as much as I don't want to say goodbye to you, I have a meeting in five minutes. I'll see you tonight. We have dinner reservations at six, so I'll be around to pick you up at about five," he said. He kissed her tenderly and ushered her out the door. She smiled and started counting the minutes until the date.

Zack cursed the weather as he was waiting outside for Rufus and his date. Reno and Rude were next to him. Rude was silent as usual, but Reno was cursing up a storm. Zack silently chuckled at the Turk's mannerisms. Unlike the normal Turks, Reno was a sailor in the cursing department, and handy to have in a fight. He had Zack chuckling until the happy couple came out. Tensing uncontrollably, Zack caught his breath when he saw Tifa.

She was wearing a long black evening dress. Her hair was put up so that her neck was showing. She wore a familiar necklace. Zack thought his heart would stop when he saw that necklace, knowing what it symbolized to him. Everything else was a blur to him as his eyes connected with familiar hazel ones.

"Sweetheart, this is Zack Fair. He's going to be your new bodyguard," Shinra's voice said. Tifa nodded, but her eyes started to become silver. Zack knew that look. She was pissed. He smiled his copyrighted cocky grin, saw her frown, and bowed mockingly to her. He held the door open for her and Shinra. Shinra got in first, and as Zack handed Tifa into the limousine, he held her hand a little longer than appropriate.

Tifa, flushed from the unpredicted contact, smiled at Rufus. Confused and annoyed, she wondered why he was here. He was supposed to be on another continent, fighting off whatever war was going on. He loved nothing but war, still that did not explain why he was here. She didn't let her body start shaking from the shock she experienced when she first saw him outside her door. After all these years, he had not changed…

When they arrived at the restaurant, Tifa and Rufus were seated at a private section of the restaurant. The trio of bodyguards was at a table nearby, watching but not intruding on the couple's privacy. Reno and Zack were silently arguing over something while Rude was silent and alert. Tifa smiled at Rufus and flirted with him all night.

Rufus was smiling at Tifa a little while after dessert was served. She smiled back at him gently, and Rufus slid a small velvet box in front of her. Tifa's eyes and mouth widened slightly.

"Ever since the first time I met you, I fell in love with you. I want you to be mine, both privately and publicly. I can be myself with you and that gives me a comfort I have never known before. Become my wife, and I will make every fear and sadness go away. You'll never have to worry again," he declared passionately.

"Yes," Tifa replied quietly, aware of blue eyes attached to her every movement.

A/N: Revamping is always exciting, isn't it? I was looking over this story and decided it needed a serious overhaul. Hopefully I will get done in time to repost the whole story, and some new chapters.