A/N: I'm terribly sorry about not updating. D:. I simply didn't have the time to think about things and was stuck momentarily about how to move forward. But just a few days ago, I had an impulse to write again even though I probably attempted writing this chapter like a billion times. I gave this one my all. So, here's what I've got. I hope you like it.

Today was the day, the day where she'll have unforgettable memories and also the day where she knew she'd get butterflies and a throbbing heart beating wildly against the cage of her ribs.

She shot a tired look at the mirror and saw faint black bags under her eyes. She almost died right there and then…being that she always had to have face and look attractive, she quickly rummaged through her make-up drawer to search for the cosmetic that'd cover up the dark circles.

Last night was probably was one of the worst sleeps she's had in years, but it was completely understandable because today was the first official date with Shiki.

She rolled around bed all night long, brooding about the next day—the excitement wouldn't stop bubbling inside her. It couldn't be contained. She was just ready for the sunlight to greet her good morning, so that she'd be able to proceed with her date.

After applying some cosmetics to cover up her flaws, more so, make her look a bit more elegant and dainty, she went up to her closet and started flipping through the millions of attire that she owned.

There were too many to choose from, but the clock was against her, so she had to be quick and decisive about it.

Seeing that only twenty minutes was left before Shiki would reach her driveway, she picked up a black halter that fit snuggly and a lovely white skirt with flares at its end.

She wasn't done just yet. There was still her unkempt hair to fix which she carefully combed with a brush, stroking each strand neatly, making it look sleek, silky, and healthy.

Five minutes, she noted from the clock and settled her brush on her desk, grabbed her black purse to search for her secret weapons—the essence of a woman, lip gloss and perfume.

She stood in front of a tall mirror and eyed at herself as she ran a swift hand through her orange strands of hair, mindlessly apply on some lip gloss, then hastily sprayed herself with some fruity scent.

She smiled at herself in the mirror and was satisfied with her reflection.


Coincidentally, at that time, a car engine pulled up at the front driveway, so she rapidly ran down the steps, hand on banister, then swiftly slipped on a pair of heels, and walked outside of her house.

The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon, and she saw Shiki waiting for her in his black car. He smiled faintly at her, and she couldn't resist returning the gesture.

She slipped her purse onto her shoulder and made her way to the car fairly quick being that she wanted the day with him to begin already.

"Hey," he said as she slid onto the leather seat of the car.

She eyed at him softly and said smilingly, "And good morning to you."

A small smile crept upon his lip.

As soon as Rima put on her seat belt, Shiki ignited the car to life then veered off to the local road.

At first, they drove in silence, but she didn't mind although it made her uncomfortable and feel awkward.

She stole a glance at his peaceful face—the face that held a masked expression. His blue eyes stared blankly ahead.

Her eyes then rested on the stylish clothes he was wearing and she liked it all—a blue blazer with a white collar shirt along with black jeans. Nothing could be done about his naturally red, shaggy hair, but she actually liked it the way it was. She smiled at the sight.

"What are you getting all smiley about?" Shiki darted a curious look at her then fixated his gaze on the road. He hoped that she wasn't laughing at him for whatever he had done wrong…

"It's nothing," she tried to shrug off the topic, but Shiki wasn't going to let her slide that easily.

"Come on, you can tell me," he sounded very convincing.

"No, I think it's better if I kept it to myself," she couldn't suppress her grin any longer; even biting her lip didn't help.

He shot a glance at the rearview mirror and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, your face is fine. It's not that," she sighed. "Just forget about it, will you?" she pleaded lightly, but internally was growing a bit annoyed.

"I'm not going to stop harassing you until you give me an answer," he said demandingly and stubbornly.

Rime secretly rolled her eyes then directed her gaze out the window as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand—her elbow placed on the arm of her chair.

"So, are you going to tell me?" he asked lightly.

"Um," she hesitated uncomfortably. She was too embarrassed to even tell him or compliment the dazzling look he worn today…that's why she wanted to forget about the topic.

"Is it a secret?" he raised an eyebrow. He was seriously pushing the button.

"Maybe," she said playfully.

"You can trust me."

"You really want to know?" she eyed steadily at him.

Shiki nodded.

She shuffled in her seat to get close to his ear and whispered, "I love you."

She laughed quietly and shrunk back to her seat.

His heart stopped beating for a split second. His ears jerked and he almost forgot how to breathe. He had to be resilient though since he was maneuvering the car.

Rima smirked and watched his expression go through a sudden change—from teasing and curious to dumbfound and panicky.

"Hey, you don't have to take it that serious. I was merely playing with you," she patted his broad shoulders gently. "What I meant to say was that you look handsome," she admitted unwillingly, but was glad to have it off her chest.

The car came to an abrupt stop. Cars beeped and honked from behind, drivers stuck their heads out of the window and yelled angrily, but he ignored all of them.

Blocking out the noise, he turned to meet Rima's eyes and held such intensity that she momentarily fell into a trance just by looking at his dull yet beautiful eyes.

Then he did something that he's never done before nor did Rima ever expect— he used the both of his hands to cup her face and pulled her close to him; their warm breaths brushing over each other's skin.

Her heart began to pound. Imaginary beads of sweat started forming on her forehead as her hands felt clammy from nervousness. It was unexpected…and she was jittery about Shiki's upcoming actions. What was he planning? What as he thinking about?

With their eyes locked into each others, she couldn't blink or breathe. Everything about him was so breathtaking. He was as beautiful as the scenery of the sun setting.

"I don't want to hear jokes," his voice was serious as his face had reflected the same attitude.

"When you said that…did you really mean it?" his eyes suddenly softened.

Dead silence.

She only continued to look into his eyes. He did the same but was searching for an answer. He wanted to know the truth. Her true feelings. He needed to know that she loved him back just as he loved her.

She was speechless. Surely, she held a great love interest for him, but she wasn't sure if his love for her was genuine yet. They've only made up yesterday. It was too soon for her to express her true feelings for him. All she could do was bid for the time and wait for him to truly understand his real feelings. She knew he's still in turmoil—everything was twisted and complicated for him with his fiancée and the engagement.

"I…," Rima's hand lapped over one of Shiki's big hand as she gently closed her eyes. His touch was so warm. He was everything and the only thing she's ever wanted. A light smile curved on her lips as she said softly and remorsefully, "I was only joking with you."

A thousand knifes stabbed his heart repeatedly, but he wasn't dying. He retracted his hand from her serene face then focused his attention back to the road. He couldn't believe his ears. They must be deceiving him.

"I see," he replied flatly and continued through the traffic.

She shifted back to her seat and frowned out the window, glazing at the numerous cars driving beside and ahead of them.

It must have hurt him for me to say that, she thought. It also hurt her too, but she wasn't sure about his feelings for Keiko. He couldn't simply dump her like that. It'd be heart-breaking and unbearable for the poor girl…

"We're here," Shiki announced as he came to a slow at a parking lot. They were at the amusement park.

It couldn't have been any better. She looked out the window with thrill and eager to go on all the fun rides, she quickly left her seat and went around to Shiki who was just getting out of his seat.

"Come on, I want to ride all of them," she seized his hand and pulled him forcefully towards the park.

He let her drag her. Even though what she said earlier was only a joke, he liked how their hands were linked together and that's all that really matter to him then.


After a long day at the park, the both of them were out of breath and grew languish from pacing around back and forth, trying every single ride available.

Obviously, he decided to save the best and most safe ride for last, the carousel.

They both hopped onto the same pony. It had colorful decorations and had a nice white coating on its surface.

She held onto the pole, and he leaned gently against her back, resting his head on top of her soft, orange hair. His arms wrapped loosely around her neck.

Her heart would have burst out of her rib cage because of his sincere touch. It was both a nightmare and a pleasant dream—something she's been dying for yet wasn't prepared for.

Once the ride started, she tried to calm down and reminded herself to have fun.

"Did you have fun today?" he asked softly.

She looked on ahead and watched the horses ascend and descend then she answered happily as she thought back about the fun they had earlier, "Yeah, I sure did. It is probably one of the best days in my life."

He grinned at the remark and said, "That's great. I had a wonderful time too." With you was what he wanted to say, but he couldn't tell how she would feel about that, so he kept it to himself.

She was silent afterwards and that bother him slightly because he wanted to know what she was thinking about.

"Rima…what are you thinking about?"

His voice broke her train of thought as she transited her focus back to reality.

She was thinking about the possibility of him and her, the future and everything obstructing their relation. She also worried about the unpleasant issues that she will eventually have to face, but she tried put them aside in her brain, pretending and ignoring its devastating existence.

"I was just in a daze," she hastily answered, hoping that he'd accept her reason.

That seemed to have done the trick for he asked lightly, "Oh…is someone tired?" He removed his head and cast his gaze on her.

She yawned in response and laughed, "Seems like it."

"All right, as soon as this ride is over, I'll bring you home," he chuckled.

"Sounds good," she agreed tiredly.


The night breeze felt relaxing and refreshing as it whacked her against the face and blew her hair back.

The stars were out tonight, twinkling and the luminous full moon was too. It was a lovely night with a clear sky.

Nearing her house, Shiki slowed down and sighed, sad that the day has already gone. "Well, it's never that often you have a beautiful night like tonight (and a beautiful lady)," he commented as he threw his head up the sky.

She studied him and then lifted her eyes up to the shimmering stars, watching them twinkle beautifully in the clear night sky. "Yeah," she said.

They sat there for a few more moments until Rima decided that it was time for her to go home.

She swung the car door open and started to leave when a hand reached out for her wrist.

She stopped in her tracks then whirled her head and met his sparkling blue eyes that held an unreadable expression. She couldn't interpret him then.

"Shiki, what is it?" she asked quietly.

At first he said nothing. He just rested his eyes on her elegant and flawless face. But eventually, words came out of mouth. "I…don't want you to go yet." It sounded so sorrowful.

She widened her eyes, shocked that he said those words to her, but she didn't want to reach to the next level yet. She wasn't ready.

"Shiki…" she said quietly, "I'm sorry, but I really got to go now." She released herself from his grip and slammed the car door shut, beginning to make her way to the front of her house.

He knew that his attempt in pleading wouldn't work on her. He wanted to end this night with the perfect gesture. That is…he was going to surprise her.

Rapidly climbing out of his car, he quietly and sneakily crept behind her as she struggled and fumbled her jingling keys.

"Which key is it?" she sounded exasperated as she tried to put a different key into the hole.

Shiki tapped her shoulder lightly which alarmed her for she gasped at the sight of him.

She thought he was gone by now. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "It's late…you should go home."

"The day isn't over just yet," he checked his wristwatch to find three minutes till midnight. "I want this day to be special for the both of us." He took her hands and stoked it caressingly.

Confused, she opened her mouth to ask what he planned to do but was answered when his lips met her soft ones.

Again with the closeness, she noted, but she couldn't help herself either. He was simply irresistible like a drink. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the passionate kiss.

Yes, they were a couple kissing under the bright moon with the twinkling stars watching.

It was a breath-taking midnight.

So, this is what he meant, Rima thought, smiling happily while kissing him.

He's a man of wonder…as it seemed.

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