meh, this took a while to get out, but, well, i have a life and whatnot. i really do love this story though. i have no real plan for the plot, but, we'll just see what happens. it's being written just for the hell of it, and i love the SmokerXHunter idea that much.

on with ze chaptah!

Warning: almost no gore, but some smexin'

A wide grin slid across his face as he licked the blood from the cut on his lip. He got excited enough by bloodshed alone, but this one put up such a good fight, it pleased him even more. His caramel-colored eyes turned to his victim strapped to the chair. The man had managed to get one hand free, and his fist made contact with the psychopath's mouth, but he knew he was done for.

"You want me to play with you, little one?" he questioned, knowing the man would respond unkindly.

His victim spat in his face. "Don't you fucking touch me, freak. Why don't you just kill me?"

Seamus leaned in close enough to see the fear hidden in the man's dark eyes. "You'd want that, yes, but...that would ruin my playtime."

His eyes grew wide with realization. "Y-you're that guy that's in the news all the time!" he exclaimed. "That Ripsaw Bloodletter guy!"

Seamus's eyes narrowed in delight like a cat. "So you've heard of me? Then you must know how I work, then, little one." Moving towards his tools on the opposite wall, he continued. "Yes, it is me, the Ripsaw Bloodletter. You know why they call me that?" He sifted through his tools, both electric and manual, for a few seconds before answering his own question. "It's the tools! 'Ripsaw'...the tools...they're not too creative, are they?" he said, a wide grin on his face. "Now, for 'Bloodletter'...that, I'd guess, not only refers to my methods, but my count. You want to know what it's up to?" He cackled madly, "Seven dogs, thirteen cats, eight infants, ten females, fourteen males! Fifteen including yourself!" He selected a jigsaw from the stack and made his way back to his victim. "I'm guessing you're wanting to know why I did it, right? Was I neglected as a child? Was I a victim of some kind of trauma? What do you think?"

The man's eyes betrayed his fear much more than before. "I don't know, bad childhood?"

"Wrong," he said, grinning wildly. "I just love to see other's blood and hear people scream."

Seamus started the jigsaw and began to work.

Seamus woke again lying on the floor of the abandoned mall with a weight on his chest. This time, however, his clothing wasn't just sticky from blood. Turning his head slightly, he saw his pet's sleeping face. He found the calm and peaceful look, even with the discoloured skin and bloodstains, held a sort of cuteness that almost made him smile.

Shifting carefully as to not wake Brendan, Seamus pulled himself up off the floor. His shoulder ached slightly, but with his high pain tolerance and his mind being distracted, he hardly noticed it. He glanced back at the sleeping figure on the floor. In the stillness of the abandoned mall, he could hear soft breathing from the curled form.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" he questioned the emptiness as he tore his from his companion. "I didn't care about anything but bloodshed before. Why am I letting this mutt follow me around now?" Seamus slumped against the wall near the elevator and, as he heard other infected slowly stumble into the building once more, silently watched over Brendan as he slept on.

Soon Brendan stirred, either from the growing noise or from being well rested, and made his way over to Seamus. Handing Brendan the bags once more, he stepped into the waiting elevator, now cleared of bodies courtesy of the infected swarm in the mall once more.

"We need to get you some more clothing, mutt," he stated. "You're so filthy, I can't stand it."

Bag handles in his mouth and crouched on all fours, Brendan responded by leaning against his leg.

As the elevator door opened, Seamus led the way through the crowd of infected to another clothing store. He reached down and checked the tags in Brendan's clothing before handing him another bag full of cargos, jeans, T-shirts, and hoodies. Turning to the door, he said, "Come on, mutt; let's get you cleaned up."

Seamus paused at the entrance of the house, silently checking if anyone had gotten in. Brendan caught on, and began to scent the air. He growled softly and began to creep forward, but Seamus stopped him.

"There's only one, mutt, and he's mine," he said quietly. A loud crash was heard from the kitchen, and he stalked over silently. "It's my playtime." He crouched down and extended his tongue along the floor, probing for the intruder. Finding a boot, Seamus quickly lashed out, wrapping his tongue around the person's leg and dragging him into the room.

"Gha, fuck!" he screamed. "There's a fucking smoker in here!?"

Before he could reach for his knife, Seamus constricted his body. Getting an idea, he attempted to talk around his tongue. "Oi, mudg, hold 'im dow foah me."

Brendan's eyes lit up as he dropped the bags and bounded over to his companion and the intruder. He straddled him and dug his claws into his shoulders.

"Fuck, you can talk!?" The intruder showed his shock in hi eyes as much as his voice.

Seamus chuckled a bit. "Shocking? Let me tell you, kid, this is just the beginning."

He heard the intruder force a laugh. "Where do you get off calling me 'kid'? What are you, 15, 16 maybe? What the hell could a kid like you possibly do to me?"

A fire lit in Seamus's eyes as he crouched over his latest victim. "I'm not as young as I look, brat," he spat. "With your smart mouth, I've decided to see not only how long you stay alive, but how much I can humiliate you." Turning to Brendan, he said, "Strip him."

Brendan followed his orders and proceeded to shred the intruder's clothing, revealing a large tattoo of a phoenix across his ribcage. Seamus smirked a bit. "A tattoo? I've always thought they were hideous. Though I had a collection before they took them away." Seeing the confused look on the now-naked intruder's face, he chuckled again. "Ever hear of the Ripsaw Bloodletter, brat? No? That's too bad then." He turned from him. "You will just have to learn firsthand, then. Though my methods are different from before, the...end result is the same."

"What the fuck are you gonna do?" the intruder asked, worry and fear flooding his voice.

"Have some fun in more ways than one," he hissed. Turning to Brendan once again, he instructed him to just hold him down. Seamus straddled him behind Brendan. Wrapping his arms around his pet's waist, he leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "Do good and I'll reward you again." He slid one hand underneath the waistband of Brendan's pants and began to stroke slowly. He then shifted him forward so that his groin was right in front of the guy's face. "Suck him off," he demanded. "And if you hurt him, I'll do worse to you."

Ignoring the intruder's defiant grunting, Brendan obediently shoved his erection into his mouth. He moaned slightly at the warm feeling and began to grind into it slowly.

Seamus shifted himself back and grabbed the boy's legs, propping them up and exposing his backside. He smirked as he roughly slid his own throbbing heat deep into him. He reveled in the warm and tight new hole, feeling a small trickle of blood oozing slowly. Seamus then extended his tongue, probing around with the long, sinuous muscle, tasting his victim. As he thrust in and out, he dug his claws into the intruder's sides deeper and deeper. With the sound of Brendan's pleasured grunts and the feeling of warm, fresh blood on his fingers, Seamus was lost in ecstasy. Pulling closer and closer to climax, he didn't even notice as the victim's body went limp. In their grotesque orgy, Brendan came first into the intruder's mouth, calling out Seamus's name as he did. Seamus climaxed not long after, groaning a bit and feeling his nails reach bone.

Pulling out, he realized the boy had passed out. He pushed the painting Brendan aside and made short work shredding the intruder. He felt his eyelids get heavy and fall as he finally leaned against his pet, relaxing.

leave me loves!

Coming Up: Brendan's brother is introduced, tries to claim him, and Seamus fights for something he never thought he would