OK so I know its been so long since I last updated and there is no excuse but after my last update my computer got a really bad virus and it still has it. I am hoping to get this story all wrapped up with like 3-4 more chapters but no promises because I am in the process of moving and lets face it, I am not a kid anymore. I will be turning 19 in June and I have a life to live, I have a job and I will be leaving for the Air Force at the end of this year hopefully. But I will try to finish this story before I then and after that I will post no more story!

As for my other story I have posted, I will take a look at it and see what I can do. To be honest I haven't looked at it since the last update so I cant even remember what it was about. But that wont be until this one is finished. Oh No Not Another Chibi Story has priority, it will get finished and it will be updated soon... I hope...

I know a lot of you guys are hella pissed at me but hey, I have a life and I cant dedicate all of it to writing stories, well maybe if I was getting paid to... Writing is not something I do all the time, writing for me was a hobby I only did once in a while; English was actually my least favorite subject. I would rather read a story than write one.

I want to thank those of you who reviewed but I mostly want to thank any of you who are still interested and still following, I know how if feels to wait forever for an author to update, it sucks. A lot of the stories I have read were either abandoned or the author dropped off the face of the earth... -.-' I never wanted to be like those people, but alas I have become the thing I hate T.T And for that I am so very very very sorry.

Until till next time my loves! ;)
