Bella's POV

I was driving up to Port Angeles to go to the bookstore that was up there, the Cullen's were out on one of their hunting trips. Edward had promised me last week that he would take me up in a couple days, but if they were going to be doing a lot of hunting trips then I would need something to do other then watch TV. My poor truck broke down last week so Jacob did everything he could but couldn't fix it, I loved that truck bu now I was driving a blue convertible. Edward insisted on getting it for me, and after a couple months of refusing to I finally gave in. I drove down the street with my hood down and the stereo blasting, I was singing along to The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift. I turned on the street that had the bookstore on it, I had to go around the block like three times to find a parking space. I somehow managed to get one close by.

I pushed the button to put the hood down, turned off the stereo and shut off the car. I ran across the road, surprising myself that I didn't trip I made it across the road alive. I opened the door to the door to the store and there was a little metal bell that rang when I stepped in. I smiled at the worker as I walked over and started to search the shelves.

"Can I help you look for something?" The girl asked after almost a half an hour of searching.

"Um maybe, do you have any good love novels?" I asked.

"Okay, lets see..." She said searching the shelves. "Oh! I really enjoyed this book, have you read the play Romeo and Juliet?"

"Yeah, its one of my favorite plays." I told her, I basically lived the whole forbidden love thing.

"Then I am sure you'll like this book. It's similar but with twists." She told me.

"Sounds good." I said as I followed her to the register.

She scanned my book and smiled at me, I happened to glance over at this guy. He was sitting at a table, he was reading a book with a solid black cover, I caught him staring at me but thought nothing of it. The worker handed me back my credit card and told me that if I would like to read a little bit that would be fine. I took the offer and walked to go sit at a table, the only one that was left was the one with the strange guy. I let out a deep breath and sat down slowly, I glanced at him before opening my book. I could feel his eyes on my, have you ever walked in a room with a bunch of people in it and they all turned to look at you when you entered? Yeah it was like that only worse.

I tried my best to focus on the book, from what I was able to read it was interesting. I looked around pretending to search for something but I was really watching the guy out of the corner of my eye, he was wearing a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. He had blond hair that covered his eyes and what I could tell his eyes were blue.

"I'm sorry but its ten and we're closing the store now." The worker said looking at us.

I looked around the room wondering why she looked only at us, Oh, that's why, I thought. We were the only ones left, I put the book back in the bag and stood up. I ended up tripping over the walkway when I walked out, I shook my head to myself thankful that Emmett wasn't here to laugh at me. I fumbled around in my purse trying to find my car keys. Out of no where I was grabbed by someone, I dropped my purse and bag with the book in it. I screamed as the person dragged me down the alley, he clapped his hand over my mouth.

"Don't make me gag you!" He spat.

I kicked him in the knees and the legs but it didn't even effect him, I was about to aim for where I knew would effect him but he just threw me to the ground. The wind was knocked right out of me from the sudden blow, I gasped and tried to make a run for it. It didn't work to well, he slammed his foot into my lower back. I yelped in pain as I fell to the ground, the tears that threatened to come spilled out of my eyes and down my cheeks. He flipped me over so that he could see my face.

"Aw why are you crying baby? This won't be so bad." He said.

"Please! Don't do this! I'll... I'll give you money!" I pleaded.

"If I wanted your money I would have just yanked your purse!" He snapped at me.

"Why do you want me?!" I asked.

"You looked so cute in the book store that I just had to try you out." He said smiling.

Then it hit me, it was the guy from the book store! The one that was staring at me the whole time I was in there. His hands found his belt, I cried harder as I begged him not to do this. He just laughed and knelt on the ground, he bent over and kissed my neck fiercely. In the process of doing that he managed to kick his pants off. He was now working on pulling my shirt off, I pushed and fought against him. He growled and held my wrists above my head, instead of trying to get it over my head he just ripped it off. I couldn't help blushing when he saw my chest, I was in a matching black lace bra and underwear set that Alice insisted on buying me. He finally finished examining my upper part of my body with a smile.

"Now comes the fun part!" He said as he tried to take off my pants.

"No! No!" I screamed as I kicked and screamed.

"Remember I can gag you!" He spat after he slapped me in the face.

I touched my cheek, there would definitely be a mark there. The only thing on my mind was getting out of this mess, I didn't want my first time to be with this creep. I wanted it to be with Edward, on our wedding night, well if he ever asks me that is. I snapped back into reality before I let my mind wonder to far, I focused on trying to get this guy off me. He managed to get my pants off, Crap! That's what I get for getting lost in thoughts about Edward! I cursed myself.

"Help! Someone help me!" I yelled, but it was no use the streets were abandoned and the girl already locked up the store and left a while ago.

"That's it!" He yelled, he tore some of my shirt off and used it to gag me.

I screamed through the gag, he took my head and bashed it hard enough into the ground that I blacked out. So much for fighting him off.

**A couple hours later, 1:00 AM**

I moaned a little as I felt rain hit my face, I opened my eyes slowly looking around. It took me a while to realize what happened, I looked down to see my clothes were back on, well my pants were. I was wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt, where did this come from? Oh, wasn't he a gentleman, he dressed me after he was finished with me. I didn't know if he raped me or not, I hurt everywhere but only cause he kicked me in the lower back a few times and kicked my legs. I had a blasting headache from getting my head bashed into the concrete. The last thing that I remember was him tearing my shirt so that he could gag me, but that was it.

Okay guys! There it is! I definitely changed the story a lot! But its still going to be the same plot I'm just fixing it so its not all rushed and everything! Hope you guys liked it! Next chapter should be longer I just wanted to get this out!