Author: Villemo
Alas, not mine. I miss them though.
"I missed you" he says, in a voice that betray his feelings: confusion; at the moment; the statement; the situation.
Why did I miss you so much..? if you're not mine to miss... - S/J
AN: A little piece I wrote between seasons (7 and 8). Hopefully not too confusing. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions though :)



The way he kisses her makes her heart flutter,
and her insides warm.
He's on her porch, with his hands in her hair,
and his thumbs tracing the curves of her face
whispering words she doesn't pay attention to
as his hand finds its way under her jacket;
letting in the cold november air.

She fumbles for her keys.

"Here, let me help"

His hands slip into her pocket,
searching for the elusive piece of metal
that stand between them and-

"Got it"

She gives a shaky sigh
as he shoves the key in the hole
and turns.
A threshold,
for both them.
Turn around,
open up.

The keys fall to the floor,
as she kicks the door close with the heel of her shoe,
deja vu,
except: all new.

His hands are warm
but gentle,
as they touch her.
Cups her cheek,
parts her lips,
wraps themselves around her waist.
Long slender fingers
that find their way through the fabric,
onto her warm bare skin.

"I missed you"

he says,
in a voice that betray his feelings,
at the moment; the statement; the situation.

Why did I miss you so much..?
if you're not mine to miss...?

Her only reply is a gasp,
as his fingers find their way,
underneath her shirt,
impatient as ever,
as their owner

He's been back for two days,
and still doesn't remember everything...

he remembers their ranks,
their situation,
but doesn't understand
how this could have held him back,
not if he has felt this way about her all along...
This is worth everything;
at the moment...

"I love you"

he murmurs,
and feels her stiffen,
but holds on.
His hands around her waist,
his face buried in her hair,
he holds her,
and holds on,
and waits...
for an answer

"I know you do"

is all she can muster
at the moment
but that's all he needs

"I know"

as they tumble on.


Hope you liked :)
Reviews are lovely, they make me wanna post stuff ;)