Kaisho: In school, my class and I finished watching "The Phantom of the Opera", and WOW was I into it! Sad for The Phantom, though. So, this fanfic is based on "The Phantom of the Opera" and I hope all of you enjoy! R&R!

Disclaimer: Negima and The Phantom of the Opera are owned by Ken Akamatsu-sensei and Gaston Leroux, respectively.

Phantom of the Academy


CRASH! A wooden and metal chair flew out a window of Mahora Academy's Class 3-A. Let's go figure out what's going on, shall we?

Ayaka had her hand on her chest, her mouth agape. "How dare you, Asuna-san! Throwing such an object!" she exclaimed in disgust. Opposite of Ayaka, Asuna stood with her hands on her hips and was sticking out her tongue, "Baka Iincho, I wouldn't have thrown that chair if you would've just SHUT UP!" Ayaka took that hard.

"Baka?! BAKA?! Who are you calling a baka, Baka Red?!" Ayaka screamed. Everyone surrounding them cheered for their favorite girl, making bets, and jeering at the others. Asuna stomped her way to Ayaka and replied, "I'm calling YOU a baka, Baka!"

Class-Rep pushed Asuna away and crossed her arms, "Hmph! At least I'm not in love with a dinosaur!"

A vein formed on Asuna's temple, "WHAT did you say?!"

Ayaka shrugged. "Hm? I didn't say anything."

"At least I'm not a pedophile!!" Asuna shouted back at Ayaka.

"Ooooh!!!" everyone said in unison. Ayaka clenched her fists, snarled, and leaped at Asuna, who was already in battle-mode. The girls cheered and hollered as the two fought. Enter Negi.

As the kid-teacher stepped into his classroom, he froze and almost dropped the folder he had tucked under his arm.

"What in the world?! Ayaka-san, Asuna-san, PLEASE STOP FIGHTING THIS INSTANT!" Negi yelled at the top of his lungs. All of a sudden everything froze and fell silent. Everyone stared at Negi with wide eyes. Wow, Negi's got a backbone.

Clearing his throat, Negi implied, "Honestly, you girls, please! This is the hundredth time you've created chaos and—Oh goodness, another window?!"

Asuna and Ayaka simultaneously pointed at each other and said as if with one voice; "She did it." Negi rolled his eyes and sighed, "You two, honestly... Well, everyone in their seats! I have something exciting to tell all of you!"

"What? You finally grew an armpit hair?" Asuna chuckled as she sat in her desk. The kid-teacher sweatdropped and wagged a finger at her.

"Now, now, Asuna-san, let's not start the day like this."

"Whatever, Mom."

A few of the girls snickered and Negi rapped on his desk. "Enough! Girls, please! This isn't like you at all! Anyway, I've just received an approval for a play that we can do. Are you all familiar with Gaston Leroux?"

Makie raised her hand and replied, "Isn't he the one who wrote a book about something?"

Negi gave an exasperasted sigh and said, "Yes, he is the one who wrote about something, Makie-san. Now, can anyone tell me what that something is?" The girls remained silent. Then Chachamaru raised her hand.

"Yes, Chachamaru-san?" Negi called on her.

"Gaston Leroux... Isn't he the one who wrote the romance novel 'The Phantom of the Opera'?" Chachamaru stated.

"Correct! Extra points for you, Chachamaru-san! Yes, Gaston Leroux wrote 'The Phantom of the Opera', and I had asked the School Dean if we could perform a play about it. He approved of it and now we must make preparations. Is Natsumi-san here?"

Natsumi raised her hand and replied, "Right here, Negi-sensei."

"Perfect! You're in the Drama Club, right, Natsumi-san?" Negi asked.

Natsumi nodded, "Yes, Negi-sensei."

"Wonderful! You'll be much help, Natsumi-san. So, today, we will be assigning characters and going over the story. Then tomorrow and the day after, we will practice our individual scripts. Finally, on the next day, we will rehearse in the Academy's auditorium."

Negi then pulled out a slip of paper from the folder and a class roster. "Ok, so, Sayo-san—Uh...Is she here, Kazumi-san?"

Sayo then appeared in plain sight. "Here, Negi-sensei! I'm sorry for that." Negi smiled and continued, "Well, unfortunately, you cannot be in the cast, but you can handle the lighting effects. Ok?"

"Sure thing, Sensei." Sayo smiled and disappeared.

Negi went on with the characters. Yuna was one of the dancers; Kazumi was another dancer and Firmin; Yue handled the sound effects; Ako was in charge of injuries that would happen on stage; Akira yet another dancer; Misa became another dancer; Asuna was Madame Giry; Misora—Dancer; Chachamaru was in charge of special effects (including fireworks); Madoka was André and a singer; Ku Fei, a dancer; Konoka was assigned Christine Daaé; Haruna made in charge of backdrops and stage props; Setsuna was made The Phantom; Makie a dancer; Sakurako became Meg Giry; Mana was a singer; Chao a singer; Kaede is Carlotta Giudicelli; Chizuru was a singer and dancer; Both Fuka and Fumika became dancers, but Fumika also a singer; Saotomi was incharge of all things technological on stage; Chisame ended up as a dancer; Evangeline was too stubborn to become anything so she ended up as a gargoyle in a scene (much to her dismay); Nodoka, a dancer and singer; Natsumi was made Director; Ayaka a singer; Satsuki is Piangi and a food monger in two scenes; and Zazie became a dancer. Negi then declared himself Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny.

And in case you didn't notice, Setsuna is The Phantom, and Konoka is Christine Daaè.

"Ooh! That's exciting! I'm made the female lead!" Konoka squealed.

Setsuna sulked in her chair in disbelief. "Eh?! I'm made The Phantom?! ...Great, I'm a desperate, deformed, and possessive fool..."

Negi began passing out papers with the synopsis of 'The Phantom of the Opera'. "So," Negi began, "I want all of you to read this silently to yourself, and if you have any questions about the story or about your role, please raise your hand."

Immediately, Setsuna's hand shot up.

Negi called on her, "Yes, Setsuna-san?"

"Negi-sensei, why was I made The Phantom?"

"Because, Setsuna-san, you seemed fitting for the role. Why, is there something wrong with the role I assigned you?"

Setsuna wanted to say, "Yes, because 1) The Phantom is a deformed stalker who tries to claim Christine Daaé for himself; and 2) I'm The Phantom and Ojou-sama is Christine Daaé! Disatrous!"; But instead she shook her head and began reading the synopsis. But she didn't really read it, though, because she already knew the plot of "The Phantom of the Opera", and also because distracting images of her being The Phantom and Konoka being the lovely Christine Daaé played in her head. She imagined a scene where she held Konoka in her arms, tracing the outline of her slender, seductive body then kissing her and—Wait, what was she thinking about?! Bad Setsuna. Bad, naughty Setsuna!

With face red of embarrassment, and possibly excitement, Setsuna repeatedly banged her head against her desk. The sudden abrupt noise made everyone, but Konoka (who was giggling at how silly her Set-chan was), to stare at Setsuna and sweatdrop. This was going to be hectic...


Later that night, our favorite easily-flustered samurai paid a visit to Negi, Asuna, and Konoka's dorm. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer; but instead of Negi or Asuna, who were the usual people to answer the door, it was none other than Konoka.

"A-ah! Ojou-sama!" Setsuna stammered. "I'm very sorry for intruding this late at night, but I really need to talk to Negi-sensei about something."

"Mou, Set-chan," Konoka pouted, "I've told you not to call me that lame formality! And besides, Negi-kun isn't here; He's training with Eva-chan. And Asuna is taking tutoring from Takahata-sensei."

"Oh... I see. Is there another time when I can come back?"

"Well, Negi-kun should be coming back home in about twenty mintues... Would you like to come in and wait for him, Set-chan?" Konoka offered.

Setsuna, in response, bowed and stepped inside. "You know, Ojou-sama, it's been a long time since I've been in this room, ne?"

Konoka closed the door behind her and replied, "Yes, it has, Set-chan; and stop calling me 'Ojou-sama'! Call me 'Kono-chan' like before."

"Ah, it cannot be that easy to revert to my old habits, Ojou-sama..." Setsuna explained as she sat seiza on the floor.

Annoyed, Konoka gaved a sigh and sat seiza in front of Setsuna. "Set-chan, may you please do me a favor?"

"Hai. Please state it; whatever it is."

"Call me 'Kono-chan'."

"B-but, Ojou-sama I—"

Konoka smiled. "You fail."


Bold Print Notes:

Rapped: NO! This is not the sexual term nor the musical term. The way I used it means that Negi either knocked or tapped on the desk to get the girls' attention. I'm guessing about 76% of you thought it sexually, 14% thought it was musically, and 10% thought that it was the term I used.

Kaisho: Thanks for reading, everyone! Next chapter will come very soon! -to Setsuna- Oh, and Tsuna-Ne-chan, Noka-chan told me to tell you that she wants you to call her "Kono-chan".

Setsuna: B-but—I can't!

Kaisho: Deal with it. Say "Kono-chan".

Setsuna: But Ojou-sama will—

Kaisho: HA! You fail... Again.

Setsuna: -groan-