This was written by both of us. Tara = Taranova and Sara = shizuka tsukiyo.

It's a RoyxEd thing. And there's gonna be a lemon next chappie!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Edward hated these parties. Every year his brother would invite all of his friends that Ed had never heard of. Alphonse was like that. Great at sports and always getting involved in 'after-school activities.' Despite being a natural magnet for girls, he also had a tendency to slack off on responsibility, so he didn't question throwing an end of the year bash while their parents were away. Ed had to give him credit, though. This was Al's last year in high school. Ed, on the other hand, was only halfway through his junior year, but hadn't managed to fit in very well.

He knew some faces, but mostly he minded his own business. They always left him alone. Sometimes he wished they wouldn't.

Edward was sitting outside by the pool, listening to the sound of the beating stereo and the twenty or so kids that had decided to come outside, some with drinks in hand, and some just talking. The light glistened off the water, making his backyard seem foreign and surreal.

His head was cleared when a commotion started about five feet behind him and a group of three guys dumped a smallish teenage girl and himself into the deep end. The chlorinated water burned his unprepared airway as he came to the surface. As soon as he was able to breathe, he realized in shock how cold the water was. The soft breeze wasn't helping things much, and neither was the sopping wet clothing that clung to him.

He pulled himself out, wearily, and made for the door before he froze to death outside. Without his knowing it, another person followed him.

As soon as he entered the house, he went to the upstairs bathroom, brushing past Alphonse who was sitting in the living room with two strange brunette girls. His brother called to him but Ed didn't reply, instead barricading himself in the bathroom and searching for an elusive towel in the closet. He peeled the clothes off his body and grabbed the blowdryer from under the sink. He drowned out the voices from downstairs with the noise of the dryer, and the heat made him feel better.

By the time he was completely dry and redressed in his room, thirty minutes had come and gone. He threw his towels into the laundry hamper, but gapsed in surprise when he found a person standing in the hallway. It was a dark haired man that he'd never seen before. He looked to be in college, maybe; Alphonse apparently had a wide network of friends. The man was staring at some photographs lining the wall, and hadn't noticed him come out of his room.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?"

This time he looked at him. Ed realized with a sharp breath that his eyes were rather dark, like the night sky, but more entrancing. "I was looking for you."

Ed shot him a puzzled glance. "Me? What for?"

"I thought maybe I could help."

"Yeah, okay." He looked him over judgmentally, wondering whether the guy was totally wasted or not. He didn't appear to be, though there was a filmy stare in his eyes, almost as though he were intoxicated by some kind of emotion. He felt tiredness tugging at the corners of his eyes and decided he might just go to bed, though it would be difficult with all of the noise downstairs. "Listen, I don't have time for this right now."

He made to go into his bedroom, but the dark haired man grabbed his arm - very gently, it seemed. "I wouldn't if I were you."

Ed shot him a nervous glare. "Why not?"

"Two people just went in there looking for a good time, if you know what I mean."

Ed stared at him uncomprehendingly for a moment or two, and then his face was alighted with disbelief. "What?" He jerked away from the stranger and pulled open the bedroom door, only to shrink back when he saw what was (very loudly) unfolding on his own bed. They didn't notice him, and he closed the door without a word. "Fuck, there's a 'Keep Out' sign on there for a reason! You don't go in a room if it..."

"Relax. They'll be out by morning."

"That's disgusting! I'll have to do the laundry twice, damn it -"

"Just come downstairs. Forget about them." The coal-eyed man said, very calmly. He carefully took hold of the trembling teen, guiding him toward the steps. Ed looked over his shoulder with a sick expression, but obliged nonetheless.

The man took him through the living room, where a cloud of sweet smelling smoke filled the formerly clear air. Alphonse's eyes looked dull, but somehow happy at the same time. He waved hello, hung onto by a different girl - this one with flaming red hair and a nose ring. Ed twisted out of the dark haired man's grasp and walked quickly through the kitchen and into the backyard, where a few boys he'd never met before smiled in greeting.

"Hey, you get all wet, shortie?"

Ed flashed a smile laced with venom. It was hard to detect in the darkness. "Yeah, haha." Before he could say much more than that, he was steered toward a tree nearer to the shadows of his backyard not drenched in colorful lamplight. It was both secluded and out in the open, so he didn't feel alone or too crowded.

He drew his knees to his chest and stared at the grass, listening to the music wafting through the cool night air. The man left him temporarily, but came back with a plastic cup of something he couldn't see. He eyed it warily. "What is it?"

"I didn't do anything weird to it if that's what you're asking."

"Well, now that you've said that, I definitely think that's a possibility."

"It's water, jackass."

"Come on. Why are you being so nice to me?" Ed asked, taking the cup with a hidden nervousness. "Why don't you stalk that girl? She was kind of cute." He took a sip of the water.

"Honestly..." The man said quietly, sitting in the grass beside him. "She's not my type."

He said it so solemnly and with such a sad look in his dark eyes that Edward almost wanted to pity him. It was like there was something else going on under the surface, but would take a while to slip out. "Anyway, you looked kind of...depressed. It was hard to watch."


"Yeah. I felt sorry for you."

Ed nodded in agreement. "Guess it's the weather." He picked at a blade of grass, fidgeting slightly. The conversation had died down to an awkward standstill. He wasn't one to talk to people so easily, but for some reason he didn't want this moment to end so soon. It felt incomplete. "So, what year are you?"

"I'm going into my second year of college."

"Really? Where at?"

"MS, but I'm transferring to Washington University next year."

"Damn, so you must be pretty smart."

"Not really. My head isn't filled with much common sense, that's for damn sure."

There it was again. A note of sadness that filtered briefly into his voice before leaving just as suddenly. Edward was beginning to think that this stranger was a hypocrite. He was the one in need of some serious pep talk. It reminded Ed that he still didn't know much about him, but the desire to change that increased with every heartbeat. "How do you know Al?"

"I don't. His friend Alex Tringhum invited me. He's in my complex analysis class, though not for his brains, I can tell you that much. He's over there by the pool."

Ed looked to where he was indicating, and saw the same girl from earlier. She was wearing a small blanket that was usually draped over the living room sofa.

"Who?" He didn't see a boy where the guy was pointing.

"That guy, to the left of her." He said.

"Right, so I didn't get your name." He said, wondering if he had just missed it. That would be embarrassing if he just hadn't heard it.

"Yeah, sorry, the name is Roy Mustang. Probably should have told you when we first met."

Ed wasflooded with relief. At least he wasn't coming across as unintelligent. He wondered why he cared so much, anyway. "Okay, so Roy, you're in college? How old are you?" Ed wondered just how old this guy was.

"Turning nineteen in a month." He chuckled embarrassingly. Ed felt a little hot in the face, mostly because of how young he felt in comparison to the tall and dark stranger. "And what about you? Still in high school?"

"Oh, um..." Crap! What year am I in?! He racked his brain until a single word popped into his head, "I'm a Junior." Now it was Ed's turn to chuckle embarrassingly about the age difference. They really had nothing in common. Here was this kid, already in college, with those coal eyes and honors classes. And here he was. Scrawny, blond, and introverted to the extreme. He was surprised by Roy's optimistic reply.

"Ah, almost out of high school" Roy said cheerily, though his voice seemed to disguise past memories he'd rather leave buried. "Let me tell you something. I know it sucks now, but it gets better."

Ed hoped he wasn't blushing. So Roy had noticed that he didn't seem to feel at home at his own home. "Yeah..." That was all he could think of to say to him. It felt like he'd killed the conversation with his silence. Roy evidently noticed, because he revived it smoothly.

"In college you get to do whatever you want, pretty much. It's really freeing. Nothing to hold you down." He said.

"Yeah, I'd guess nobody would really bother you. So you're independent? A free bird, or something?" Ed played along bitterly, because being left alone and in the cold was the last thing he actually wanted. Roy must have noted him biting down on his lip, but if he did, he didn't say anything.

"I guess if you really wanted it that way. People are less catty in college, more grown up. More attuned to other's emotions. They're still immature bastards, yeah, but they all have one thing on their mind."


"Well, yeah, that too. But their future, mostly. What they'll do, where they'll end up, who they'll end up with..." His eyes softened as he looked out over the shimmering water of the pool, and the beer cans that littered the concrete beside the feet of partying kids. "Damn it. I've been drinking too much. I'm dumping all of my philosophical bullshit on you, aren't I?"

Ed smiled weakly back at him, too quick to capture in memory. "No, I agree. It'd be nice to have somebody." After it slipped out of his mouth he wondered why he had done it. He went back to the grass, ripping it out in small clumps for lack of something to do with his hands. "I mean...I've only dated once, and I hated it."

"Really? Was she that bad?"

"Who said it was a girl?"

"Do you lean the other way?"

"Not necessarily. This one was hard to place a gender on, if you know what I mean."

"Jesus. How'd you end up in that mess?"

"No idea." Ed laughed quietly. Some whooping and hollering was going on by the deep end of the pool, and all of the backyard's attention was centered on it. He didn't look any more closely to see what was going on, but was sure it couldn't be good. He wondered with some agonizing dread what would happen if his parents decided to end their trip early. He was damn sure he'd be forced to clean up the mess, and Al would go almost blameless.

That's what always happened. Al would do something stupid. Never to be malicious, but because he wanted to have some fun. And Edward took the blame of his own will...usually. His parents had come to casually look at him when trouble knocked on the door, and never asked many questions. There was one son: the perfect, bodybuilding jock with grades no lower than a B. Then there was the other. Eyeliner and cursing and an odd tendency to watch the world from a passive eye.

The worry must have shone, because he felt a hand on his shoulder. Slowly, almost as if to test his limits, Roy took a gentle hold on his chin and turned his head toward him. "I never caught your name."

Ed's breath hitched. He wasn't used to the feeling in his stomach, but somehow was unable to tear himself away. "It's Edward." The impulsiveness. The damned bouts of impulsiveness that reared theirs angry heads whenever he was least aware.

Roy's eyes locked onto his, very easily, in an almost sultry manner; then he mumbled, "Beautiful name."

Ed had no idea what was happening to him. All he knew was that there was warmth here, and that was all that mattered. Without a second thought, he leaned quickly forward, and captured the stranger on the mouth. Roy leaned back quite a bit in surprise, not altogether unused to strange blonds on top of him but never one with such ferocity and...need.

He reached around to grip the back of Edward's head, and felt the locks of his hair slip through his fingers as easily as silk. Darkness cloaked them, mouths hungrily connected in a battle of sheer, unintelligible passion; no one noticed. Roy detected a scent reminiscent of air after a rainstorm, and heard himself moan softly in his throat at the touch of warm skin against his own. Ed tasted sweet, but there was that unusual heat of a teenage boy alongside it.

He was difficult to put an identity on. There were beautiful girls, there were smart girls, there were fiery girls. Edward couldn't be placed into any one category. He didn't seem to be easily dominated but seemed so girly, with his small frame and breathlessly golden eyes; but he also had enough powerful emotion curled up in his tiny body to display he wasn't to be held on a leash by any means.

Roy intended to change that, gently. Very surreptitiously, running his tongue along the sensitive area of the boy's mouth, listening to the small noises he tried desperately to conceal through his trembling lust, he switched their positions. He found himself on top of the teen, breathing in his fresh scent with uncontrollable longing. His fist became tangled in his hair, his pants becoming tight without it being his intention.

This had never happened to him before. Not so intensely. Once upon a time, he had gotten a good amount of pleasure with a high school sweet heart, but she hadn't returned the affection. The next morning, she was gone. His and Ed's connection felt real. Almost like love, but also like a blind fear... craziness and senseless desperation.

Honestly, Edward had never kissed anyone, but he wasn't going to admit that. His ex girlfriend had only touched him once, and that was to fondle him shamelessly in a movie theater. Winry was like that. She stared at him in the hallways at school, licking her too-white teeth with a possessive desire to fuck him dead.

"My God, Edward..." Roy whispered into his ear, the words almost like a growl. He felt his arousal becoming unbearably stiff, but shakily breathed away his need. He pulled back slightly, laying a hand on the boy's wrist and pinning it to the ground under the tree. Edward stared up at him, almost innocently, the hair splayed around his shoulders.

"I'm sorry." Ed replied in a stutter, though his darkly golden eyes said otherwise. There were no regrets. He was just as emblazoned and filled with raw desire. He mentally conveyed that Roy could do whatever he wanted, no matter the obscurity of the action. He dared the man to take him away to a better place. Roy understood immediately, and his tongue flicked lightly between the boy's lips. He kissed his throat and felt Ed squirm under him, a small moan coming from his mouth.

"Come on." Roy said with closed eyelids, pausing to take in the scent of the fevered skin near his forehead. He brushed against the soft expanse of hair on his head, and Edward lay still, his heartbeat going miles per minute. Roy could feel it, pounding against his own muscled chest. Without a word he removed himself from being on top of the teen and stood as though nothing had happened.

Ed's eyes adjusted to the lamplight previously hidden by the man's form, and grabbed for the hand that was offered him. He was pulled up, and led silently over the the gate. No one noticed their foray on the ground and no one said a word about their leaving. "Where are we going?" Ed asked as Roy opened the chain link gate and ushered him through.

"Somewhere more secluded."

Ed stopped halfway through the gate, and shot a hesitant glance back at the party. He said nothing. Roy sensed his hesitation.

"Unless..." He said carefully, chiding himself for being so quick about the situation. "This isn't what you want."

"No. It's what I want." Ed breathed. "I just...don't know what I'll do if I'm not back at a certain time."

"Let me take care of that." Roy said with a smirk. They approached the street, and Roy pulled a string of keys from his pocket. He pressed a button on one and the lights flashed on in a car next to the curb. It was a black Mustang. Ed smiled at that, wondering if it was the intention. Roy opened the door for him, and he slid into the front seat.

Roy shut the door, and they drove off.

Yes. We wrote this at 2:55. Leave us alone!!!!