Okay this is my first Fanfic on here and it's a harry potter Fanfic. Be nice and give me your views and critique.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does, If I did Harry would be adorable and Voldemort would be sentenced to throw himself off a cliff over and over again for all eternity. I am just using the characters and most of the plot for my own fun. I do own any characters I create.

Warning: It's a slash so non-slashers beware and don't BS me on OMG that's wrong you shouldn't do that. I want Critique not "You can't write for crap and have you ever read a book" I read every day so if you say this I will mentally kick you.




More to come (viewers may vote for pairings since they are undecided, any will do, slash or Het depending on characters i.e. Harry het = no, no)

Hermione/Ron bashing (Just for the plot they will come back I swear)

Nice Dumbledore, Sirius alive, Voldemort evil *obviously*

Mate Harry

Chapter 1: New Moon

The moon shined down on the forbidden forest making it seem serene and peaceful. The night was the best and worst time to be out depending on what you were. The forest seemed beautiful but could be deadly with the creatures lurking in the shadows. It may be deadly but that didn't seem to bother our savior as he walked about the forest.

Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, defeater of the dark lord, and student of Hogwarts was taking his nightly walk. He began this nightly ritual when he found out something's about the people he cared about. It all started in the beginning of summer.

Harry walked along Platform 9 ¾. He had not grown at all this past summer due to being starved as a child. He only reached 5'3 and he was now the smallest 7th year in his group. He had on light blue jeans that rested on his hips and a tight fitting black shirt on. He had decided to let his hair grow out after 5th year and it now reached his mid-back. He still has his trademark glasses though and emerald eyes.

'I wonder where Hermione and Ron are?' thought Harry. He had just boarded the school train and was looking for his friends. They hadn't written to him all summer and he wanted to get in touch with them. 'Oh, there they are, wow they look amazing!' Harry thought that as he looked at the other 2/3 of the golden trio. Hermione had blonde highlights in her waist length hair and had grown to about 5'7. She was wearing a black mini skirt that reached mid-thigh and a red halter top. She looked absolutely stunning. Ron was about 6 foot and had his usual short red hair. He wore tight blue jeans and a red shirt with the Gryffindor symbol on it. He looked amazing as well.

"Hermione, Ron, I missed you guys, why didn't you write?" Harry said while walking into the compartment. Hermione and Ron looked at him with confusion in their eyes and then answered him.

"We didn't write to you because we want nothing to do with you." Hermione angrily replied. She looked at Harry as if he was the scum of the earth.

"What is wrong with you Mione?" Harry whispered. His friends never treated him this way. They were like over protected siblings. "How can you want nothing to do with me, we're friends."

"Correction, Potter." Ron got up and stretched to his full height, towering over Harry. "We are not friends, we never have been. It was all a rouse, so now that you know get your short weak self out of here!"

With that said, Ron pushed Harry out of the compartment. Harry watched as his ex-friends slammed the door shut on his face. 'I can't believe they really hated me.' Harry rubbed his now stinging eyes and got up to leave. 'I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.' Harry got up and decided to find another compartment to sit in by himself. He finally found one in the very back and locked and put up a silencing charm.

Arriving at Hogwarts couldn't have been anymore awkward for Harry. News traveled fast on how the "Golden Trio" were now broken and even the Gryffindors didn't try to defend Harry from the Slytherins taunts and jokes about him.

'I guess the only good thing is that Malfoy is leaving me alone for once.' Harry looked over at the Slytherin table to see that Draco Malfoy was in deep thought. 'I wonder if something is wrong.' Harry turned his attention back to the head table to see that Dumbledore had just dismissed everyone. Instead of following his house Harry made a beeline for the door.

Once outside, Harry walked in to the forbidden forest. He had always loved the forest. Harry began thinking about the past two years of his life. He had faced Voldemort twice and come out alive both times. Unfortunately last year, Voldemort had succeeded in infiltrating the school, No one had died but many had been injured. Every single injury that anyone had gained Harry had blamed on himself for not being stronger to stop it.

Not only had that but Harry felt that he was alone. Hermione had Ron, Remus had Sirius, Neville had Luna, but he had no one. Harry was alone and unloved. Sure he had Sirius and Remus' love, but that was the love of a parental figure. He wanted true love. Call him a romantic but he wanted the kind of love that was dreamed of. Harry didn't care about the gender all too much. He was bi but hadn't really found time to try and date anyone.

Looking up at the moon, Harry found himself thinking one thing, 'I wish I had someone to love me. Someone who could protect me and help me. I wish for that special someone.' Harry sighed sadly.

All of a sudden, Harry heard a twig snap. Looking around Harry's gaze fell on a dark figure edging toward him. His eyes locked on to shining silver eyes.

Okay a free cyber cookie (and its big) to whoever guesses right on what and who the dark figure is.

*I made Harry this small because I think he's cute this way and It can work for him. I mean if he's under 5'5 he'll be harder for the death eaters to hit and he can move faster. Plus he's a seeker and seekers should (in my opinion) be small so that they can fly fast and move easily. See I think things through.

*There is a valid reason for Hermione and Ron being mean. You'll find out later on what that is.

*I am changing some things, Sirius didn't die (he will play a big and funny role in this), and he is a free man (they caught Peter so yeah), no such things as the horcruxes, Dumbles alive so yeah and he will be nice (maybe). Harry and Ginny never dated and he didn't date Cho in 5th year. Ha ha ha I no likey her.

*I will update after I at least get some reviews or I just wanna.

*Okay now review and go eat some candy, oh and if you know any good pranks Sirius or Harry should play on the victims (i.e. students) Let me know.

Flames will be used to cook adorable cute Harry some cake. Hey I might just let him appear in the Authors notes next Chappie.