Disclaimer: All characters used belong to the Harry Potter universe. I am not making any profits from writing this story.

A/N: Lol… I was bored. :P This short fic is dedicated to SlashFan69. She wanted to see this wedding happen :D … and I sorta want to see their wedding, too ;P

Warnings: SLASH! (duh). If this isn't your type of story, please click the arrow pointing to your left. My old readers… WELCOME! Futuristic dates.

Summary: Continuation from "Christmas Countdown". On Christmas night, Harry proposed to the love of his life. Weeks of preparation; Harry and Draco were at their wits end. But, here's what we'd been all waiting for: The wedding of the century.

2 January 2009

"What!!" Ron shrieked, in a manly way. Hermione's lips curved up into a small smile. She saw this coming. Ron, on the other hand, was red in the face, almost the same shade as his hair. "You're not serious!"

Draco smirked and waved his hand in front of Ron's face. Blue eyes narrowed and followed the hand's path. They widened when Ron saw what Draco wanted him to see.

"Fuck… That is some ring, mate." Ron was now holding Draco's wrist, turning the hand left and right. Harry was smiling ear to ear.

"Drop the hand, Weasley," Draco drawled, "or Harry will be jealous… And your eyes will pop out; it's just a ring."

Harry chuckled when the redheaded man slowly let go. Hermione placed her teacup down with a soft clink. She smiled at both Harry and Draco.

"I guess congratulations are in order," she said. "I was wondering when you would do it, Harry."

Ron scowled but then sighed. "I-I'm happy for you, Harry. But yeah, like Mione said… We were wondering when you would propose."

"I wanted to wait," Harry told the couple. "The date is important to us."

He turned and gave Draco a warm smile, which was returned. Harry's smile grew bigger when his fiancé held his hand on to the table, letting the other two see.

Ron sat back and let his arms hang at his sides. He looked at the soon to be married couple and laughed.

"What a way to start the year, eh Harry?"

5 January 2009

"Oh, fuck no…" Harry shook his head fervently. He would wear any color, but that. "Draco, no way in hell am I going to wear that!"

The blond scowled deeply at his fiancé. He inspected the robe he was holding and didn't find any faults. It was a perfectly made, bright maroon colored, silk robe.

"What's wrong with this?" Draco asked. "It looks fine to me." Draco did a one shoulder shrug and draped the maroon robe over his arm.

Harry sighed and sat down on an ottoman. He and Draco were in a robes shop. One that sold wedding robes, to be exact. It had only been three days since they announced their engagement to Ron and Hermione and they still had loads of people to go. Draco, who was known to be extremely fashionable, insisted that the first thing to do was to pick out the perfect wedding robes.

No excuses.

Now, after spending two hours at the goddamn store, Harry was tired and cranky. His emerald orbs were dull with boredom. Shopping of any kind was not his favorite thing to do. But for Draco, that's another story.

Malfoy was in heaven. He walked over to the sitting brunet and dumped the pile of robes he had onto Harry's lap. He walked away before Harry could utter a single word of protest. Grudgingly, Harry held the pile and waited for the next one.

First thing after we're married: Get a bigger closet.

Harry nodded to himself; it was a sensible thing to do, enlarging their closet.

Twenty minutes later, Harry was holding five more sets of robes.

"Draco…!" Harry whined from behind the mountain of silk. "Stop! You picked enough to last ten marriages!" Harry rolled his eyes when he heard the blond laugh from somewhere behind the pile. Hell, Harry couldn't see a thing.

"We're not buying them all, Harry," Draco said. He walked over to his fiancé and peered over the pile. He laughed when Harry looked up at him with sad eyes. "Fine, love, no more."

Harry perked up when he heard 'no more'. They can go home!!

Harry wasn't worried about the prices of these robes; he didn't care if Draco really bought them all. He was just really, really tired and just wanted to lie down on their bed and snuggle or maybe…

"… Go try them on, love. All of them."

Harry's happiness was short-lived.



"Shit… Shit, shit…" Harry bit his lip and pulled the robes away from his body. "Fuck… Draco's not going to be happy…" He turned left and right, looking at his arse, his back. He let go; the robe was too snug. "It's tight… God, I gained weight… Damn."

"Harry! What are you mumbling in there!?" Draco yelled from the other side. "Unlock the door and let me come in. I want to see how you look."

"No!" Harry yelled back. "I uh… I'm…"

"Harry, open the door. Now!"

The green-eyed man whimpered and unlocked the door. Draco charged in and closed the door behind him. Good thing the dressing room was big enough to fit them.

"What the bloody hell were you mumbling about, Harry? I heard 'shit' and 'fuck'," Draco muttered; he held Harry at arm's length. "You didn't rip the robe… Did you?"

"No…" Harry whispered meekly. Draco looked at him skeptically and spun Harry around. His grey eyes narrowed. Something did not look right.

"Harry… Why is this so tight on you?! Merlin! You have a belly!" Draco made Harry face him again and scowled at the smaller man. "I told you to lay-off from pudding and cookies! You can eat them after we're wed." Draco poked his index finger at Harry's belly. "It's soft!"

"I-I… Hey! I do not have a belly!" Harry exclaimed. He looked down and smoothed a hand over the front of the robe. "I-I just gained more muscles, that's all."

"What, soft muscles? Yeah, you keep telling yourself that," Draco scoffed, "the robe is the same size as the ones you wear for formals." Draco clucked his tongue and pulled at the silk robe. "This will not do. Harry, we have to come back another day."

"What!?" Harry's eyes bulged. "Why? Can't we just… buy a set? I'll work off my belly! Draco… Please… I don't want to come back…"


"I'll… I won't touch the pudding and the cookies for… for a month!" Harry pleaded.

"Harry… We can't just get a random wedding robe. It has to be perfect." Draco smiled softly when Harry's whole body deflated. "Come on, love, take it off. We're leaving."

Grumbling and mumbling under his breath, Harry did as he was told. When they walked out from the dressing room, Draco handed the sales clerk the pile Harry tried on. Her eyes grew round at the mere size of the pile but said nothing. Draco took Harry's hand and dragged his sulking lover out of the store.

In Draco's mind, he was already forming an exercising plan.

He called it the "Healthy, Everlasting Long Life Workout".

Or, "H.E.L.L Workout" for short.

Yes, Harry will fit into those robes. Draco will make sure of it.


A/N: Lol! Gosh, I feel sorry for Harry. H.E.L.L workout sounds horrible xD This will be a short fic. Maybe five chapters? I'm not sure yet.

Thanks for reading! :D