A/N I'm finally back! I actually had no idea what I was going to do, but suddenly I had opened a new document and was writing. Everything came naturally haha. This was really fun to write, and I hope it's cute. Reviews are awesome!

Disclaimer: I wish.

Chapter 1

"Listen. I love you like mad. But I'm not going to do something silly just because you demand me to."

"You jumped off a 5-story building for a picture of me once."

"I was young. I was crazy."

"It was 2 years ago."

"You know 2 years is 730 days, right?"

"This is getting ridiculous."

"This was ridiculous to start with."

"So I take that as a no?"

"Take it as a hell no."

"I'll give you a reward kiss. On the cheek, of course."

"I'll start packing."

"See you, childhood friend."

"Bye, manipulative bastard." Hanging up, I heaved my suitcase out of my closet and began throwing stuff in. I silently thumped my head on a wall after a while.

"Stupid, stupid Kiyo! Why the hell did you agree?" The whole day those thoughts ran through my head. It chanted itself annoyingly as I negotiated the deal with my parents. It repeated itself angrily as I called up my best friends and told them what I was doing. It screamed itself as I dug the expenses for the airfare and lodging. I sighed as I crawled into the bed that I probably wouldn't be sleeping in for a long time.

"Because I love him."

When I boarded the airplane with a bottle of water and a banana 2 days later, I scanned through the scripts I had written over the past few days. The Host Club had asked me to fly all the way from Canada to go home back to Japan to record a movie.

I had already graduated from college, even though I was only 17. I had majored in filmmaking and the professors had all loved my work. The only difficulty was, I had majored in ANIMATION filmmaking!

Now, I had to create 7 different looks, personalities, and parts. It also had to be a story. He said they would get the production and all I needed to do was produce, direct, and make the entire movie. I was such a lovesick fool.

But then again, it had been the first time in 6 years that I had heard his voice, and now I was on a plane headed for Japan to meet him in person as well. I guess it wasn't so bad. I fell asleep halfway and dreamt of frolicking on a meadow of flowers with him.

"Miss, we've landed at the destination." A flight attendant shook me awake gently. I yawned and smoothed down my long brown hair and adjusted my cap.

"Thanks." She nodded politely as I left the plane. It seemed to be my lucky day. There wasn't a line at customs and I had gotten a rather large man to help me get my suitcase from the conveyor belt. Ask and I shall get.

I laughed at the thought of me in a crown ordering random people around. As I walked along the path for people arriving to the country with all the rabid families waiting for their loved ones I looked for him.

Everyone was gone. It was 45 minutes after I arrived. I was pissed.

I looked up at the sign over my head.

"Domestic Arrivals" was written in huge bold letters. I thought while staring at the sign. Domestic… What was that word again? Damn, I totally forgot. Domestic, domestic, domes-

Crap. Domestic = Inside the country. Guess who went through the wrong gate? I hurried through the doors and went to find "International Arrivals".

"You're. Late." You could see the aura around him was laced with poison.

"Sorry." I didn't bother explaining. Suddenly rushing through the gate while frantically looking at the ceiling muttering "International, International" should have given him a pretty firm grasp of what happened.

"Next time I won't forgive you." He grunted.

"Hey, what about the reward kiss? And a proper greeting wouldn't hurt."

"Welcome to Japan. I hope I can make your life a living hell, Kiyo." He smiled menacingly and kissed me on the cheek.

"And I love you too Kyouya."

"I don't love you. You know that." He took my luggage and walked on.

"Yeah, but you know that I do." I followed him happily. We got into his limo and he drove me to my hotel.

"Tomorrow I'll have someone pick you up. Take this, and always have it on." He handed me a cell phone. "The driver will call you. I'll give him strict instructions to leave if you don't appear in 5 minutes."

"How grumpy." I pouted. After getting out of the car, I heaved my suitcase out of the trunk alone. After I slammed down the trunk, I smiled.

"Good-" The car had already roared away. "Geez." He was so cruel. I lovingly patted where he had kissed. The bastard was still as lovable. Waving at the direction his car had left, I dragged my suitcase into the hotel.

"Ring Ring Ring" I grumbled in my sleep. "Ring Ring Ring" I looked at my vibrating phone.


"I'm here to pick you up."

"Okay, thanks." I looked at the clock. 3:00 pm. It must be jetlag. I got out of bed tiredly. Then, a flashback from yesterday appeared.

"I'll give him strict instructions to leave if you don't appear in 5 minutes."

Yelping, I threw on my clothes. Grabbing one of those free muffins they give you at hotels I leaped down the stairs. Granted, I was on the 8th floor, and I should have used the elevator, but I was still half-asleep and stupid.

"Gwoo Mowin." I mumbled to the driver with the muffin in my mouth.

He just nodded and handed me a napkin. After waiting for me to dislodge the muffin form my mouth, he took me to the school. I fumbled in my bag which I had thrown in water, my scripts, the cell phone, and a map of the school.

In roughly 20 minutes, I stood outside the door to the Third Music Room. Pushing it open, I was face-to-face with an angry Kyouya.

"What took you so long? Did you read the map upside-down?"

"No. I'm not that stupid." I laughed. "I just got a piece of muffin smeared on the exact place where the Host Club was. What are the chances of that?"

"You're such a blockhead." I bowed. He stalked off grumpily.

"Everyone, this is my childhood friend Kiyo." I waved as he paused, after noticing he emphasized the word 'friend'. "She's majored in animation filmmaking and is going to help us make a movie."

"Hi. I'm Kiyo, and I'll be in your care for a while." Suddenly two identical looking boys stood by my side.

"So, Kiyo-chan, what's…" One said

"…your relationship with Kyouya?" The other finished.

"I'm totally completely in love with him." I stated bluntly. They burst out laughing. "It's not a joke." I shook my head, sighing. "And he absolutely hates me. Such is the world of love."

"We like you, Kiyo. Dominate the world with us?" They chorused.

"Anytime." I smiled. I then spoke a bit with everyone. The basics I gathered was: Haruhi – the only pratical one, a girl. Hikaru and Kaoru – evil twins. Honey – cute and lovable. Mori – silent. Tamaki - …idiot.

"You and Tamaki will probably make great friends." Kyouya voiced.

"Hey, Kiyo. Is it just me or is Kyouya even more cynical and sarcastic with you?" Haruhi asked.

"You're absolutely right. He's way meaner, and he did it in the beginning to annoy me and make me give up. Now it's out of habit."

"How long have you known each other?"

"Well, we've known each other for 10 years, and I've loved him for 8."


"Yup. And the number of years he's detested me is probably 10 as well."

"You're really stubborn, aren't you?" Hikaru asked.

"You've noticed?" I smiled.

"By the way, why haven't we heard from Tono yet?" Kaoru asked.

"He's been over there since he was called an idiot."

"I know how to handle this." I went over to Tamaki, and held out my half-eaten muffin. "Here, looky, it's a commoner muffin!" Tamaki immediately sprang to life, and looked at the muffin in interest. "Ha, too bad. It's actually a hotel muffin." I took a huge bite out of it. He went back into his corner.

"See? All better." I walked back toward the twins and Haruhi.

"How did you…"

"Kyouya updated me about him just in case."

"So, what ideas do you have about the animation?" Kyouya asked from behind his laptop.

"Oh." I shuffled in my bag and produced the scripts I had made. Walking over to Kyouya, I stuck them into the trash can. "These won't work. The people in here can't possibly pull off these kinds of characters. I'll just write a new story and base the characters so that the people won't have too much difficulty playing them."

"How long will this take?" His glasses glinted.

"Don't know." I smiled as his scary aura came back.

"I'm very irritated right now."

"I couldn't tell."

"Go home and get started."

"Yes, sir!" I turned on my heel after saluting and sat down next to Hunny.

"Can I have some cake, please?"

"Okay, Ki-chan!" I munched on strawberry cake as I felt his gaze like daggers on my back. Finishing it, I sat back and drank tea.

"Ki-chan, I think you should go back. Kyou-chan's mad. Ne, Takashi?"


"Alright then." I stood up and walked to the doors. "Bye, everyone!" I waved and they waved back, all wearily. I closed the door behind me.

"Ah," Opening it again, I stuck my head in. "Love you, Kyouya!"

Closing it, I skipped down the stairs. After calling the driver, I sat down on the steps and played with my hair. Today I had escaped near death, and it had been fun. I wonder what story I should make.

Waiting in the elevator, I took great pleasure in imagining Kyouya as the princess the brave warriors needed to save. If I did that, he would hate me for real, I giggled.

I frowned to notice my hands were shaking. He would hate me. But maybe him hating me would be better.