Artist Search Status: Found

Well, sort of. I've found somebody who wants to make a webcomic with me; she's a good friend of mine. And she's a great artist, which is awesome!

That's the good news. Here's the bad.

We won't be making Sonic's Boardinghouse. We'll be making something heavily based on it, but with original characters and a slightly different overall plot/setting. I'll feed more details later, but I don't want to really reveal anything major right now.

So thank all of you for a great almost-two-hundred-strip journey. I've had over 50k hits on these, so I'll assume at least 100 different people have read at least several of my strips. Which is awesome, to say the least. It's been a blast for me to write them, and I hope you guys have had a blast reading them.

I'll post more details as my new project goes along, mainly on my deviantART account of the same name: Kenyade.

Thank you guys, and a fond farewell! I hope you'll join me in the next phase of my webcomic career.

Stay Frosty!