Okay! Chapter 2 here. :D I'm glad that people read and reviewed this story. Well. Yeah, Momo's a bad girl. I don't know why I thought of it. Maybe just for a change. Although, Toushiro's the same, and kinda… well, it's your opinions. Hahaha! I didn't change Toushiro and made him a bad boy, since I don't' want them to match at once. Oh, sorry for the grammatical errors. English isn't my first language. Hahaha! Sorry if I always type those laughs. Anyways, I forgot to tell you guys that I got the 'seduction' thing-y from Desperate Housewives. Hey! I don't watch it. My mom does. I just happened to watch some scenes from that show. Alright. Too much said. Here's chapter 2!


The next morning…

Toushiro woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. His eyes widened upon seeing an unusual sight for a morning. He got up. Then, he began to walk out of the bedroom, after grabbing his toolbox. As he saw the living room, he recognized whose unit this was. Suddenly, he saw the unit's owner.

"Oh, hey, Toushiro. You're awake now."

Toushiro just nodded. "Why am I here?"

"Well, after working on my sink, you lost consciousness. By the way, thanks for fixing it." Momo responded.

"That's nothing." Toushiro replied. After a pause, he continued. "Don't take this badly, but this seems… suspicious."

"What do you mean?"

"I remember drinking the water you gave me… then I collapsed."

"Are you doubting me? You'd better thank me for letting you stay at my bed."

"No. What I mean is… Nevermind. Thank you."

"No problem!" Momo laughed after her sentence, making Toushiro puzzled.

"Ah okay. I got to go now." He said, pointing to the door.

"Oh… sure." Momo escorted him to the door.

"Bye." Toushiro said. "Thanks again."

"Bye!" Momo repeated. "Same here."


Is she hot?

"I don't think so." Hitsugaya said in his usual, deep voice.

Tsk. I think she is.

The person on the other line said.

"Well, not for me."

You don't act like a man! You're so… pure.

"What's wrong with being pure or decent, Mark?"

Well, dude, listen up. It's okay being decent. But, you're just no fun! Especially when it comes to hot chicks. You're such a serious man.

The guy named Mark explained.

"Am I supposed to accept it as a compliment or an insult?"

That's not a compliment, so, I'd say it's an insult.


A serious man is no fun! Learn to loosen up… even just a bit.

Mark said, almost pleadingly.

"No comment." Toushiro replied.

C'mon! Perhaps that hottie would change you.

"Don't think so." Hitsugaya said emotionlessly.

Fine! Just at least introduce me and Josh to her.


Knock knock!

Toushiro turned to the door.

"Call you later, Mark. Or maybe, tomorrow. It's late already."


"Someone knocked."

Okay dude. Next time. Don't forget, introduce us to… Momo, right?

"Yeah. Bye."

And the phone hung up.

After putting back the phone on its dock, he got the door.

He was surprised on seeing her brunette neighbor in front of her door. She looked kind of wasted. Her hair was messy, but she wore some sort of party dress. She's from some event, Toushiro guessed.

"Momo, what brings you here?"

"Damn this door! Won't open!" She said, kicking the door. She repeated doing this.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Toushiro said, trying to stop her.

"Huh? Oh. Toushiro! Why are you here?" Momo said, eyes droopy.

"I should be the one asking you that."

"Get out of my way!" She exclaimed, weakly pushing Toushiro sidewards. She banged the door afterwards.

She began walking to the bedroom.

"Wait! Where do you think you're going?"

"To my room, stupid."

"What are you talking about? This is my unit." Toushiro said, holding Momo by her arms.

"Shut up. This is mine." Momo shook him away. She threw her bag on the bed.

"You're drunk, aren't you?"

"Trunk? Whatever." She threw herself on the bed.

"You are drunk." It was a statement.

"Huh." Momo began removing her platform shoes.

"I'll get you some aspirin." After speaking, Toushiro walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Yeah, baby!" Momo said out of the blue. After removing her shoes, she started unbuttoning her purple ruffled top.

"Here's your aspirin, Momo." Toushiro came back with some aspirin and a glass of water.

But to his failure, Momo fell asleep before even drinking what he brought. Her hair was loosely free. Momo seemed to mumble some unidentified words.


The day after…

Momo opened her eyes and sat up on the bed. But her head was aching terribly, so she fell back. She groaned.

Toushiro arrived. "Are you okay now?"

"No, my head is killing me."

"Here's your aspirin." He said, handing over the aspirin and a glass of water.

"Thanks." Momo grabbed them.

After drinking, Momo noticed that her top was half open. "What happened?"

"Well, you bashed in here and kept insisting that this is your unit, even though it isn't."

"And... this?" With a smirk, she pointed to her top.

"You unbuttoned it yourself." Toushiro told her.

Momo's face turned into a smug one, as if saying "really?".

"I'm not that kind of guy, Momo."

Momo just laughed sarcastically. "Come here." Motioning to the bed.

Toushiro raised an eyebrow at first, and then walked to the bed.

"Sit beside me."

"Okay." And so, he sat.

Momo placed her right hand on his left cheek, pulling and directioning his face closer to her. She leaned to his ear and whispered softly.

"You're such a good boy… too bad, I'm a bad girl…"

She began nibbling on his ear, making Toushiro shrug involuntarily.

Toushiro shook his head, making Momo stop. He stood up and said…

"Look, you're just not my type of girl. I'm sorry. It would be better if… you wouldn't force yourself on me." He said.

Momo just looked at him intriguingly.

"…And… If you would leave… now." Toushiro said carefully, maintaining his 'gentleman attitude'.

Momo glared at Toushiro. "Fine." She grabbed her bag and wore her shoes.

Toushiro beat her to the door. He opened it for her. Momo stomped away, disappointed.

"Things will turn out to be the exact opposite for you, soon." She thought with a huge and confident smirk on her face.


Okay, okay! I know. This chapter is so boring. No fun at all. No thrill, just random, But, I promise, things will be better, soon. Haha! By the way, is 'aspirin' used correctly in this story? I don't really know what exactly it is. I just read it somewhere… Anyways. in a hurry. So, goodbye! :D Just wait for chapter 3 and, REVIEW! And Fave too. :D