Chapter 4: Just another visitor

A day had passed. Another day of strain as the riders awaited news of their most beloved sister. It had been three days since Karigan's return and although Master Destrion had worked his magic and she was alive, the fever was worsening. Laren wasn't sure if she would make it through the night. A rider had been sent to Corsa almost immediately after her wild entry to request Stevic's urgent presence. Whether he would make it in time to say goodbye to his only daughter was largely thought, although not said, to be unlikely.

Laren was screaming inside her head. She felt useless, standing next to the king, hearing the complaints of his citizens. The weary life of a councilor had never seemed so poignant; to serve the kingdom at all costs, even if that cost was the absence from a good friend's deathbed.

Suddenly, a murmur swept through the crowd. Almost instantly the crowd parted down the middle as a tall man walked purposefully to the dais. The king quickly stood to his feet as the man bowed slightly.

"Hail, Firebrand."

"You have come," the king returned simply. Straightening, the king announced that the audience was concluded for the day, much to the dismay of the many citizens wanting their troubles to be heard.

"I believe we have not been introduced."

The Eletian gave a single nod. "I am called Somial."

"We had thought you might have appeared earlier," the king replied sharply, as they headed to the healing chambers.

"We are not so naïve of this situation as you may think. We have been monitoring the Galadheon from the moment she was wounded and the prince has decided that she is now in need of our assistance."

The king nodded his thanks. "You will find her in here. Master Destrion will be with you shortly."

The Eletian nodded and entered the room, where he remained until the light had all but disappeared from the sky.

Finally, he emerged and came over to speak to Laren, who had remained outside the door at the king's request. She stood.

Although Somial appeared no different, Laren had the feeling that weariness lay heavy on his shoulders as he battled to save their only remaining hope against Mornhaven.

"She rests," he replied simply to her unspoken query, to which Laren sagged in relief. "Then she will live," Laren stated.

"For the moment," came the eletian's chilling reply.

With that, he quietly left to speak with the king. Laren entered Karigan's room determined to see for herself that her rider was healing. Karigan slept peacefully, the moans and spasms that had been her constant companion for the last three days all but a memory. Her leg was freshly bandaged and a calm, healing scent lingered in the air.

* * * * *

Karigan walked slowly around the edge of the horse pasture. She was finally allowed outside the confines of the infernal healing house. Never before had she felt so glad to have the breeze caress her skin and the warmth of the sun beat down upon her back. She stopped walking and closed her eyes, feeling the calm of the day steady her mind.

"A beautiful day such as this is a good reason to fight to live."

Karigan's eyes opened in surprise and she looked up to find her friend leaning casually against the rails.

"Somial," she cried. He laughed in response.

"It has been a while, youngling," he replied warmly, pulling her into a gentle embrace.

"How did you know I was in trouble," she asked, as they began to circle the field together.

"We have our ways, little human. Besides you are far too important in the future of both of our kinds to be unguarded."

"You have been watching me!" she asked in surprise.

"Of course, and if we had not you would be in a far worse shape."

She stopped. She stared into his eyes with a serious expression on her face. "And I cannot thank you enough for saving me Somial. Without you, I would be dead. If I can do anything to repay you, please let me know."

Somial shook his head solemnly. "Karigan, the question of our existence lies on your shoulders. Without you, there is no hope. We will come to your aid anytime that you require it, for if you succeed, the whole of civilization will owe you a debt that can never be repaid. Do not think you owe the Eletians for healing you."

Karigan turned the words over in her mind.

"What do I do, Somial?" she asked quietly.

He was silent for a long time.

"I cannot tell you the path to take Karigan, for you must travel it alone. However, I can tell you that the prince foresaw Mornhaven's return will not be as immediate as we first suspected. I would suggest that you finish your training with the arms master, at which point it would be best for you to receive further instruction from us."

His calmly spoken words sent a thrill of dread and excitement through her. To learn from the Eletian's was an honour words could not describe. But Mornhaven would come soon after and she was not ready to face him. She was terrified and truly did not believe any amount of training could possibly give her an advantage over him.

But I won't let him win, she thought fiercely. If I fail, then I fail my father, my friends and…my king.

With that last thought lingering in her mind, strengthening her resolve and paining her heart, Somial led her back towards the infirmary to rest her weary body.