Authors Note: Hello, hello! Long time, huh? So sorry I've been AWOL the past.. woah, has it really been TWO YEARS? A lot of stuff has been going on with me. Personal stuff, and then writers block didn't help at all. I lived in the US for a full year, and now I'm back in Ireland. I was super busy when I was over there. It was an experience! Today I was just looking at my story and saw all the flaws in it. I plan on re-writing it soon. Some terrible flaws are in there. I've definitely grown as a writer, a very different one. I'm not that much into Twilight anymore. But I've gotten messages from some people who want to know when this story will be updated next, and I know some people like this story and I don't want to be one of those authors that never updates again. Writing this story was an escape for me, and talking to you reviewers was always nice for me. So, I owe you guys this. I'm going to bring this all to a finish.

I don't know how many of you guys still follow stories here on this website, or if you guys will still want to read my story. Due to it not have been updated in two years, not remembering, not being into Twilight anymore etc. But I hope you guys will stick with me. (: Reviews are always welcome! I love to know what you guys think.


There wasn't much of my things to box up to move into Edward's apartment. A few books and movies, and then some of my clothes. I had left most of my belongings in my parents' house when I decided to move out. Goodness knows what they did with them now. Probably had a little garage sale with the amount of books, movies, CD's and teddy bears I owned. I was a secret pack rat. I didn't like to throw anything out.

Edward seemed pretty excited about having me move in with him. I knew it wasn't for his own security, he genuinely seemed to enjoy my company when we were together. I was also excited about this new stepping stone in our lives.

"You don't have much stuff," Edward noted as the guys and I carried the boxes into the apartment and laid them down by the door.

"Here, anyway. Back in Charlie and Renee's, I have enough stuff that would put Wal-Mart to shame. I hate getting rid of stuff, so my old bedroom is like an old cat lady's apartment," I said flopping down on the couch.

"Now that I would like to see," he grinned and I laughed. Of course he would. All Edward had seen of me was neat, organized Bella.

"How about we leave the unpacking until later and just chill around here for a while?" he suggested and I agreed. It wouldn't take much time anyway.

Emmett and Jasper sat on the couch opposite us.

"Ooft," Emmett winced, "well Bells, now that you've moved in maybe you can persuade Eddie here to buy some more comfortable couches."

"There's nothing wrong with the furniture I own!" Edward glared. "You just can't get comfortable in anything that doesn't fit your lard ass in."

"Hey!" Emmett laughed, throwing a cushion at Edward who was choking in laughter.

This was nice, I smiled to myself. I liked seeing Edward and the guys joke around. There was too much serious drama in Edward's life and it was nice to see him finally relax and be free with his humor. I loved to see him happy.

For the rest of the afternoon the guys and I just lay around talking, ordered a pizza and hung out. It was nice, I felt like I fit in nicely with Emmett and Jasper. They accepted me in Edward's life and treated me just like one of them.

Emmett announced that he had to leave for the night, early start in the morning for a new job he had lined up, and Jasper had a date night with Alice. I thought it was incredibly cute that Alice and Jasper had been together for so long and still had date nights.

Edward and I decided to just cuddle up in bed and watch a movie. It was my choice, too bad for him.

"I still can't believe I'm a grown man and I'm watching Winnie the Pooh."

"Hey, Pooh Bear is classic! You're never too old for him. And Piglet! He's my favourite." I said, snuggling into his side after I playfully hit him for making fun of the movie.

"Hmm, I wonder why," Edward mused "perhaps because Piglet is adorable just like you." He kissed my hair sweetly and I snorted.

"You're such a kiss ass."

"I know," he laughed.

Even though to his dismay we watched a childrens' movie, he seemed to enjoy it. I had grown up watching this when I was sick as a child or felt sad in my teens. I found myself not embarrassed to admit it, it was a part of myself I was sharing with him. He listened as I told him stories of the times I had watched it and he listened intently. Stories I had sworn to myself that I'd never tell anybody. They were silly or embarrassing. But he seemed to find whatever I had to say interesting. How a man could find a six year old in bed with the flu and still screaming out the lyrics to Heffalumps and Woozles was confusing to me.

After the movie, we huddled under the covers. We didn't speak, we just looked into each others eyes. Like we were just realizing where we were at this point in our lives. How we had found each other. The fact that I was here with him.

He touched my cheek with his fingertips gently. "You're really here, aren't you?" he whispered.

"Yes, I'm not going anywhere" I whispered back and he smiled.

"I'm so happy you're here. You've really been there for me throughout everything. And I can't wait for the future. I can't wait to spend many more Thanksgivings, Christmases and Birthdays with you."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. Me neither.

"There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about," he said, hesistating. Whatever it was, he seemed nervous.

"Yeah? What's that?" I smiled reassuringly.

"I've been thinking about my financial situation. It's not fair to rely on other people for many and honestly, I feel like a charity case."

"Edward, you're not-"

"Shh," he said, putting a finger to my lips "let me finish. I've been thinking a lot about it. I fucked up in high school, and I want take the GED, and then work my way into college. I want to make something out of myself, Bella."

"Wow. Are you sure that's what you want? I mean, you're not just doing it because of me, right?"

"No, this is something I want, no, need to do for myself. So, what do you think?"

"I think it's a good idea. It'll be good for you," I smiled, laying my hand against his cheek.

And it would be good for him. He would feel good about himself, he would get back to communicating socially with people. And he would feel independent as he could be. I was fiercly proud of him for making this decision.

I kissed his lips softly and said, "I'll be here for you throughout it all, no matter what."