By the next morning, the Water Tribe family had packed their things and was ready to leave. Both families gathered on the docks, saying their 'good bye's before the guests piled onto the boat and sailed home.

"What part of 'don't touch me' do you fail to understand?" Azula growled, trying (unsuccessfully) to fend off Sokka's hugs. If it weren't for Ursa and Kana's watchful gazes, she would've shoved him into the ocean by that point.

"It's been a pleasure having you with us," Iroh said, bowing politely. "I hope to see you again soon."

"Likewise," Hakoda said, returning the gesture. "You should come visit us down in the South Pole sometime."

Down at the far end of the dock, Katara and Zuko stood across from each other, the former smiling cheerfully as she said, "Thanks for reading me all those stories."

Glancing away, he tried to ignore how unusually warm his face felt (it was cloudy, after all), attempting to act aloof by muttering, "Whatever."

His attempt to drive her away with faked apathy was unsuccessful. Instead of hurrying to join the rest of her family on the boat, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, giggling in his ear.

Then she was skipping away down the dock, leaving Zuko to stare after her with one hand pressed to his scarlet cheek.

Girls, he decided, were most definitely crazy. He just wasn't so sure it was a bad thing.

Author's Notes: I get the feeling this turned out really awkward. D: The scene didn't want to flow together properly. Grr.

But I do like the little Zuko/Katara scene. And I'm thinking of writing a sequel. Probably obvious what that will involve. xD

Anyway, thanks for all the feedback and reviews and stuff. I hope you guys enjoyed my little fic!

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Avatar' or any of its characters.