A yawn, another bad sci-fi movie and all the junk food a normal twenty eight year old female shouldn't be eating. Unless she wants to be a fat ass; thankfully the gods blessed me with a high metabolism.

It was a lazy Tuesday night when after watching the Transformers Movie for about the 96th time, a yawn escaped the mouth of a girl in an AutoBots T-shirt. Munching on a cheesy nacho she watched as Optimus Prime transformed and introduced himself to the flesh-lings that were Shia LoBeef and the chick with the short creepy thumbs.

"Optimus Prime is the shit..." she stated out loud as she popped another nacho into her mouth.

Still up when at this time people were usually long asleep or getting up for an early commute to their jobs. Sparrow as her family had named her so appropriately was all much like a small brown bird. She wasn't very tall or lean, she made it a habit to push weights and be athletic. She didn't like to feel incapable so strength and fitness made up for her complex of a small chest and short stature. Cropped short black hair, tanned skin, a body that was fit and curvy; nothing model like what so ever.

"What's next on the playlist? Oh Starship Troopers! Ha! This is so bad it's great." She giggled a bit, Sparrow enjoyed sci-fi and 80's early 90's classics.

Earlier that week her boss had ordered her to take some time off and try a vacation; she rarely ever took days off of work. Being single, suffering from insomnia and a being a workaholic didn't leave much space to encourage a social life. Sparrow worked for a design and tech company that manufactured everything; from fashion to vehicles. Her "father" was one of the leading experts that created the first hydrogen cars and hands free visual display.

"I need a life... and cherry coke." all the cheese and salty chips was making her kind of thirsty.

Prone to a lazy nature that kicked in only when she found that oh so comfy position on her couch; the gods themselves wouldn't dare move her. She shrugged off the feeling planning to get the fizzy drink just a little bit later.

"Wonder when Kane will call me back in. I guess he was serious this time." She almost pouted at the thought of having to be out of the office for the rest of the week. She scratched the tip of her nose and proceeded to comment every minute of the movie.

"Ah the future, flying cars, co-ed showers, and giant man eating aliens insects. Pfft. Ha! Yeah right. I think the world could use some excitement, aliens, robots… hell anything would be more exciting than just sitting here on my ass..."

The roof of her apartment collapsed in an instant as a huge dark mass crashed into her coffee table right at her feet.

"HOLY SHIT!" being her sudden outburst turned into an irritated one after seeing her coffee table in pieces. She stood up and flung her arms directing to the now smashed furniture.

"WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS?! Why?! I just bought that damn thing, it was the last one and it matched perfectly! FUCK!" Sparrow reared back and kicked the debris pile in annoyance only to have tears sting her eyes as she fell on her butt rubbing a now sore foot.

"That wasn't smart…" Muttering obscenities under her breath she glazed over the heap noticing a form that looked human. "What the fuck are corpses falling out of the sky?!" She kicked backwards against her couch keeping a somewhat safe distance.

Looking over the form Sparrow saw that it was covered in glowing green goo. "What the shit?! Was there a rave party blimp over my house that turned violent? Seriously, blood isn't green… right?"

She placed a hand onto what looked like to be a shoulder and rolled the body onto its back. It was plated in metallic armor and a mask that hid its face. "I guess fishnets are back in style…" Something caused the body to stir as she checked its wounds.

"Oh thank goodness it's still alive… Oh gods its alive?!" Franticly leaping backwards again on to the couch she paused as the creature produced more strange sounds; clicks and low growls of pain it seemed.

"What am I going to do? Just because I watched all every sci-fi movie known to man and dreamed of meeting intelligent life beyond our world does not mean I wanted to do so right now!"

Fortunately, being the considerate person Sparrow is she did the only reasonable thing… she dialed 911.

"911 Emergency…"

"Oh thank god look there's this…"

"...apologizes for the inconvenience but all lines are currently busy. Please stay on the line and someone will be with you shortly."

"NO FUCKING WAY!" Franticly she gasped for air and turned her attention to the "thing" lying in the middle of her living room.

"Okay I just have to think about this logically…." She dialed up a new number.

"County Animal Control Center…"

"YES!" She just about finished a fist pump when the automated receptionist started.

"We are currently closed our operating hours are from…"

"GOD DAMNIT!" Throwing the phone at the wall which then rebounded off, flew behind her and hit the creature on the head or helmet… whatever. Luckily it didn't move, for that matter was it still breathing?!

"Aw geez…Come on, no dying in my house." Kneeling to the side of "him" figuring it was male due to the amount of muscles this thing was packing.

Curiously she studied the mask, figuring out how to remove it she started to randomly push what looked like buttons of the side of it.

"That's not it. Nope. Another?" She pressed a few more. "Sixth times the charm?" Abruptly the tubes that were attached to the sides of his face burst off with a fizz of gas.

"GAH! Shit… that was stupid." She laughed herself for being so jumpy at the fizzy blast of air. "I mean really what's so scary about a cosplayer dropping out of the sky, through my roof and into my living room?"

She squinted and reared back slightly as she curved her fingers under the mask and lifted up slowly. "Ha, I'm such a wuss like something else could possibly go wahhhh…"

Sparrows body froze, her eyes widened, her mouth hanged loosely as she tried to make sense of the face in front of her and then remembered she had to breathe least she pass out.

"What in the sweet name of Odin's raven is that?! Please tell me that's just one very detailed mask…"

There before her lay a large fore headed creature with claw like appendages on the sides of its face; she saw no apparent nose but a big toothy mouth with very sharp looking teeth. It groaned low and stirred slightly; bringing a clawed hand to his chest.

"Dude that's a mask right? Right?!" She softly poked that hand that laid on him. No response. She did it again with more force.

The eyes of the creature flew open as it came back to life, reeling backwards away as an arm knocked Sparrow away. It roared at her as it used its good arm attempting to stand up, but fumbled back down as his injured leg gave under the weight.

"Woah big boy! I come in peace, live long and prosper and all that shit." She took a few steps away to make him less nervous and to keep a safe distance as well. She didn't know what he could do with those teeth or claws but she wasn't about to go finding out.

It's glared at her with big cat like eyes; they were the brightest green she'd ever seen. "…they're just contacts and you're obviously really into character right?"

The creature continued to watch her with a low growl coming from deep in his throat. Sparrow was very sure that even though it was injured it could defend itself or even kill her.

"I'm going to guess that you can't understand anything I'm saying, right?" She searched its eyes waiting for even a nod from it.


"Thought not…"

Sparrow's gaze wondered to the floor lost in thought as to her next move. In most movies when someone encounters an injured alien creature they become friends when they help them. Although, in most horror sci-fi movies the human gets owned every time he thinks he's made a connection with it. Never the less it doesn't hurt to try, right?

"I know that you might not understand what I'm saying but I want to help you." Her eyes searched his as she continued to speak. "You can obviously tell I can't be a threat to someone of your size and strength." She took a few steps towards him and bent down to his size. "So what do you say? Let's be friends?"

It responded appropriately by grabbing the nearest object that being an ottoman and hurled it at her. Screaming as she barely dodged the projectile furniture the large creature followed the assault with a series of roars and grunts.

"THAT'S IT!" Sparrow scrambled to her feet and threw a pillow landing it directly square in its face. "You asshole! You crash into my home, break my table, here I am trying to help and you try to kill me with an ottoman?! Fuck you!" She throws another pillow at him and grabs one more. "I should let you rot there!"

The brief fight between the two stopped as a loud crack from above drew their attention to the collapsed ceiling.

A large dark mass lunged, slamming and pinning her to the floor. The pillow she was using as a shield was pierced by a small sharp toothed mouth. Screaming as the tiny toothed death spear repeatedly tried to reach her face. The slimy skeletal monster fought with the down cushion that was stuck to his mouth as Sparrow tried to flail out from underneath.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Sparrow tried to push away and the kicked at the creature. The huge head of the creature and its sharp teeth came down at her throat; she turned her head away knowing all too well what happens next; only it didn't happen.

The humanoid creature that had previously thrown furniture at her lunged at the beast and gripped his head.

Her hands finally found some random object and brought it up to defend herself. It was yet another pillow. "I am going to… DIE!"

The dark snake like creature threw off the humanoid warrior and turned back to Sparrow.

"Oh shit…"

She threw the cushion and reached again finding a metal handle and lunged it at the creature. The twist of her wrist caused the contraption to slide open and spring the tip of a spear into the beasts head. After a few seconds it stopped its wild thrashing and grew still. The blood that fell from the massive creature dissolved the floors of the home where is lay. Sparrow snapped back into reality from watching the floor melt away to quickly wipe her hands off absentmindedly.

"That cannot be good for oak." Shocked by the sudden clicking noise made by her new partner she bust into laughter. "I almost died! HA! We almost died!" Her amusement steadied as she watched the strange male creature that sort of saved her life. "Thank you…"

The humanoid creature clicked and made a less than amused noise at her. He reached to retrieve his spear only to have the painful reminder of his injuries kick in. The large armored being quickly fell to its knees and hissed. The raven haired woman reached out a hand to him and held his shoulders steadily up.

"You really shouldn't around anymore; you're losing a lot of… uh blood. Although, I still don't understand the glow in the dark thing you got going on. You should have that looked at."

She managed to help the tall male huddle over to the couch against the wall and have him sit down. She fell back on her rear next to him exhausted and took a few breaths before looking up at the creature.

"Kainde amedha ellosde theide…" he spoke low in a dark voice while watching her.

"Woah… for all I know you could have just called my mother a hamster or sentenced me to death, but still very cool." She flipped some strands of hair away from her face as she chuckled when he tilted his head to the side like a puppy. "Maybe I should see about fixing you up a bit, kay?"

A silent stare, as he slowly lowered his head and gaze was enough as an "okay" for her. Sparrow went and found a first aid kit in the bathroom, wrapping up his cuts with gauze; she didn't use any antiseptics because she was sure how his body would react to it. Last was a large band aid over his forehead; to which she gave a little pat.

"Well I guess this'll teach me for opening my big mouth." she smiled at him and dropped to the side of him on the couch.

The much shorter one sat next to her new found friend as they eyed the dead creature lying in the middle of the room. Peeking over at the strange male alien that now poked at her nurse work; seeming to be somewhat satisfied with the results. She didn't know what to do next, call the FBI, CNN, Ripley's; but more importantly...

"You're buying me a new coffee table."