Clamp's fingers flew over the keys, he had multiple windows up, on many different monitors. The tapping of keys and the click of the mouse was all that was heard for a few minutes, other than Clamp's occasional insane giggles that is. "Okay boys, here's your info." Said Clamp, spinning his chair around, satisfaction on his face. "Hee hee hee!"


Rouge watched Cream hacking into the computer and downloading files. "How did Cream learn how to do all this."

"Benjamin." Said Vanilla simply.

"Benjamin who?"

"Just Benjamin. He's Cream's father." Vector stared.

"So Cream's father is involved in the underworld stuff that goes on around here?"

"That's right, he visits me a lot, but you are all usually too busy on your adventures to be around when he's going to visit."

"Momma thinks Daddy's very handsome." Said Cream absently as she downloaded another file. Vanilla blushed.

"Yes, I do."

"How'd you meet him?" Asked Rouge.


"Come on, tell us!"

"Oh alright."

Six years ago...

A much younger Vanilla had done her shopping for the day. "See you later Vanilla!" Called a duck, waving. She waved back. It started to rain, first gently, then hard. She ducked under a table umbrella outside a cafe. She laughed to herself. "I should have brought an umbrella..." She heard muted scuffling noises, and a dull thump. Then quiet voices, she strained her ears and caught some of the words.

"... done?... dead.... leave.... angry..." She blinked, alarmed. Dead? As soon as she heard complete silence she hurried around the corner, into the alley. At the end, by the dumpsters, lay a rabbit. He had a leather jacket on, but he was incredibly bloody. Vanilla hauled him into a sitting position. She dabbed at some of the cuts with a clean handkerchief, she always kept one with her. After sufficiently cleaning the cuts (in a surprisingly short amount of time), she pulled a small kit out of her bag, dabbed ointment on the cuts, then bandaged them. She was busy with all this for thirty minutes, and was thoroughly soaked. She then put his arm around her neck and dragged him home, another thirty minutes away.

Opening her door with some difficulty she got both of them in, she got into the dining room and set him on a chair, where she toweled him dry. After that, she laid him on the couch. Then she got cleaned up, before making dinner, and some chamomile tea.

She nursed him for two days before he opened his eyes for the first time, he didn't speak until two weeks had passed though. "Who are you?" He asked, she'd had phone calls, but they'd all been brief, and when she went out to shop she was as quick as possible, after all, she might have to call the ambulance if he got worse.

"Oh, I'm Vanilla."

"I'm Benjamin." She smiled at him.

"Well Benjamin..."

"Call me Ben though."

"Alright Ben. Would you like some chamomile tea?"

"Tea...?" He looked puzzled. Vanilla helped him sit up and gave him a cup of tea.

"Drink it, it will be good for you. I'm going to set dinner up at the table." And so he sat on the couch, watching her curiously. His fur was dark, dark brown, and he had purple eyes. His black leather jacket was hung over the couch's side. After she'd set up the table, Vanilla came back and took the cup, which he'd emptied, and helped him to the table, he winced slightly as his leg bumped a chair. "Oh, I'm sorry..." Said Vanilla.

"It wasn't your fault." He sat down. She smiled.

"If you say so." She cleaned the cup and put it away, then sat down on the other side of the table. She'd made a nice stew. It had potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and numerous other ingredients. What interested Benjamin about it was the mild coconutty flavour.

"How long have I been here?" He asked.

"Two weeks and three days." He leaned back in the chair and looked at the empty bowl thoughtfully.

"Two weeks and three days... a lot has happened."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I let a rival team get me, I met you, and I've lived here. That's quite a lot to me."

"How is it a lot Ben?"

"Well... I've had girlfriends before, but I think I like you a lot more." Vanilla blushed and he chuckled. "Sorry if I've been too serious by saying that."

"No, it's quite alright, I just didn't expect you to return my feelings."

"Love at first sight eh?" Vanilla nodded, grinning. They leaned forward slowly and kissed....

"YUCK!" Yelled Charmy.

"How did you get here?!" Demanded Rouge.

"Gave Knuckles the slip." Said Charmy with a yawn. Cream looked up from the computer screen.

"You could write a book about yourself Momma, and I think that everyone would like it." Vanilla laughed.

"Of course they would dear. Are you done?"

"Yes Momma." Everyone crowded around as Cream went off to play Monopoly with Cheese and Charmy. Rouge clicked open a file titled "TOP TOP TOP SECRET".

"Could they have been more obvious?" Muttered Rouge as she made the script bigger so it was easier to read.

Top Top Top Secret

Smash and Laz

We had had our eyes on them for awhile, we had no idea

that we would get them! It was quite a pleasant surprise

when they wandered into our gang territory, it is a good

thing that none of the other gangs knew about their interesting

condition. Sometimes they would go around with Team

Chaotix and then they were quite dull... but when they went

off alone, then things got interesting. They changed

completely. Even their outfits, Mighty the Armadillo became

something else, we named the form Smash. Originally, we

were only going to try to get him, but like when Smash is

Mighty, he is too attached to Ray the squirrel, we named his

alter-ego Laz. They seem to accept the names, we were

afraid they would get rid of Smash and Laz forever, then

we intervened, and helped the alter-egos take over. Now

we have the perfect team, we have risen to the top gang. We

can steal more, and with more impunity, than any of the other

gangs! And soon... we shall be kings of the underworld! We only

need to be patient. Start small... and end large.

"Of all the corny things I've ever read..." Said Rouge, shaking her head.

"So those guys I saw were to blame for all this?!" Asked Silver indignantly.

"Yes." Said Blaze, re-reading the file, her eyes whizzing over the text. There was silence as everyone thought about it.

"Is there some way..." Espio was cut off by a ringing of the doorbell. Vanilla got up and went to answer it. She came in two minutes later with a dark brown rabbit, and Mighty and Ray.

"Hello all, my friends Smash and Laz here wanted to talk to you."

"May we sit down?" Asked Smash quietly. Vanilla smiled.

"Of course you can." He and Laz sat down carefully and then looked at everyone. Benjamin hugged Vanilla and kissed her cheek.

"Hello darling, where's our little girl?"

"Upstairs, she'll be glad to see you." Benjamin bounded up the stairs.

"He taught her to hack?" Asked Rouge incredulously.

"Yes, he's a prince among the underworld you could say."

"He is, but his position is threatened by our gang." Said Smash.

"Why exactly did you join that gang?" Asked Amy. Laz shrugged.

"I joined because Smash did, only because of that. He doesn't know why he did."

"It's as if I had no choice in the matter." Said Smash.

"Would you like some tea?" Vanilla had brought a tea set into the living room. Smash and Laz accepted cups and drank theirs.

"So why have you come here?" Asked Shadow.

"To have some questions answered." Smash held up a picture of the old Team Chaotix, Mighty and Ray were in it. "About why we are different from how we look in this picture, and why we don't seem to remember any times looking like this." Vector was speechless, he hadn't thought that Mighty and Ray would investigate Team Chaotix...

"Will you answer our questions?" Asked Laz.

"As best we can buddy." Said Sonic, grinning. Knuckles appeared in the room.

"Hey guys." From the unconcerned look on Knuckles' face, Shadow guessed that he'd figured out Charmy would come to Vanilla's house, and that Mighty and Ray would be there.

"Knuckles?" Smash's appearance kept flickering back and forth.

"Yes?" Smash's appearance once again took hold.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, how about you?"

"As good as is possible with the present situation."

Wow.... a sudden burst of creativity.... yay for the defeat of writer's block! :D Even if temporary. ^_^

Disclaimer: *yawns*

Any other comment? -_-

Disclaimer: Why can't I have a popsicle? I'm hungry.

-_- i hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until the next one..... this is CrazyNutSquirrel and Disclaimer the Hedgehog.

Disclaimer: Sonic and co. belong to SEGA etc. etc. Smash, Laz and Benjamin belong to me. So does Clamp.

They belong to ME not you.

Disclaimer: Whatever, it's basically the same thing.

*fingers red button* It isn't.

Disclaimer: It is.

Wrong answer. *presses red button*


Have a nice day! ^_^