Okay so this is my very first fan fic so please go easy. I am very discouraged to say that I do not own any of the characters. Hannah Montana does not exist!

AN: Miley and Lilly are not friends in this fic. Just go along with it.

It Was All a Bet

I watched as the girl of my dreams made her way into the cafeteria. Everything about her was just so enticing. She walks into the room and it seems everyone can't help but look her way. She has that effect on people.

'I just want to be with you.'

'Well I don't want to be with you. So go away, Truscott. The answer is and will always be no!'

I scoff at my flashback. That was around sophomore year. I was dumb to even think I had a chance with her. I asked her out all day, every day. She's got the whole school on lock with her southern accent, shining brunette hair and radiant blue eyes. Shoot, she even caught the attention of the famous movie star, Jake Ryan, who has now been her current on and off boyfriend for the past year. Right now, they had a fall out about three months ago before the summer started and now they're just really good friends. Oh yeah, I've definitely got a big shot now compared to him.

Whoa. Sorry for the rambling fest. I almost forgot to introduce myself. The name is Lilly, Lilly Truscott. I'm the blonde, blue-eyed, athletic girl crushing on none other than Miley Stewart. I'm honestly just wasting my time since the only time we've ever talked was when we were insulting each other. She's classified a popular. A prep. Me, I'm not sure what I am. I'm in a band, I skateboard, and I do sports. Oh yeah, that definitely shouts, 'Lilly Truscott is not straight!'.

Meh, the people in our school are not idiots. They actually support gays. Heck, some of the populars are bisexual. Jake Ryan dated my best friend, Oliver, once. They were totally happy but then Jake couldn't keep his eyes off of Miley. Oliver and him broke up and he almost instantly pursued the object of my affection the next day. Anyway, you can tell that Oliver is most definitely not over him and forgive me if I'm false but I do catch Jake momentarily examining Oliver everyone once in a while.

"LILLY!!!" I jumped as I heard my name being shouted. Dang, I must have been daydreaming again. I wonder if she noticed. I look up and notice her glaring at me. I chuckle and then give a deep sigh. 'Story of my life. She probably thinks I'm going to hit on her again.'

I looked to my right which was where my name was shouted and head over. At the farthest table, playing with Mitchie's drumsticks was Oliver Oken. Along with him were Mitchie Torres and Joanie Palumbo, my other band members and my best friends. We've known each other since kindergarten and formed our band, December Sickness, in eighth grade. We're now seniors in high school.

"Hey guys," I say monotone once I sit. "What's up?" Joanie, who had her head on the table with curly dark blonde locks being seen stuck up her hand and wiggled it meaning, 'so-so.' Mitchie, who is staring lovingly at Mikayla clicks her tongue and Oliver just grunts, gives us all a funny look and says

"We are one strange group."

"Here here!!!" us three girls reply boredly and then lazily smile. We all fall into a comfortable silence.

"Honestly, Mitchie, my head is down and I still know that you're checking out Mikayla. Why don't you stop getting all googly eyed and ask her out already?!?! Everyone knows she's bi and has totally been giving you the once over," Joanie explodes making us all jump and everyone in the room stare at our table.

Oliver and I burst out laughing at everyone's' gaze while Mitchie turns beet red starts 'shh'ing Joanie. They're bickering like an old married couple now with Mitchie saying how she hates Joanie and Joanie replying with, 'well it's the truth!'

Curious, I glance at Mikayla, who was currently staring at MItchie. Once her brown eyes meet mine, she realizes she's been caught and her cheeks turn a cherry red and starts picking up her conversation with the table. From the looks of it they had been playing a game. I look at Miley again and get lost. The way her eyebrows scrunch up like can't believe something. Or the way her hands look so soft.

'You're an idiot for falling for her in the first place.' But this year was different. I've decided there's no point in going after someone who doesn't care for me. There would be no point. Besides, I have to get back to the books and sports. I've been offered a basketball scholarship at UCLA. My mom is pretty proud of that. With the help of my friends, I'm sure I'm going to do just fine. Oliver, Mitchie and Joanie are thinking about going there too. They're all still undecided. But hey, we've got the entire year to think about that.