My name is Kairi. I am sixteen, my hair is red, my eyes blue, my skin pale.

I am a lesbian. I'm not ashamed of it.

But although I am a lesbian, the idea of an all girls' boarding school scared the shit out of me. I would never fit in. Most likely, there was no one else like me at the Twilight Academy. Oh joy.

" Kairi, time to go to the airport!" " Oh kill me." I muttered under my breath, leaving my much-loved room and getting into the car outside.

As we drove to the airport, I stared glumly out the window at the beach. The small town. The green grass and tall palm trees.

Why did this damn school have to be able to take one last girl? Why did my mom insist that I attend her old school??!!


I got onto my plane. The stewardess came by. She was wearing too much make-up. Her dress was too low cut. Her voice was too nasaly.

Yes, I'm hard to please. I sent her away without a nice comment. Oh well. She'll get over it. Probably wanted to go fuck one of the waiters in a bathroom anyways.

The girl sitting in the seat next to me is another one of those girls. Only her make-up is impeccable. Her hair perfectly styled. Her skirt just short enough to be sexy, but not too short to be slutty. She turned to me. " Hi, I'm Olette." she said. " Kairi." I muttered. We didn't bother to shake hands. I noticed her arms were covered in jelly bracelets. " Why do you have so many?" I asked curiously. She giggled. " Kairi, you've never heard of the sex bracelets?" she asked. I shook my head.

She spent ten minutes explaining the bracelets and what you had to do for each color, then gave me a bunch of them.

Olette ran her hand through her brown hair. " Kairi, I have a bit of a personal question." " Ok." " What's your orientation?" she asked. I blushed. " Don't tell anyone, I'm a lez." Her jaw dropped. " Me too!" she whispered. I smiled. Olette was pretty. " I like you." she said. I grinned wider.

As the plane landed, she said, " Too bad we might not see each other again. I'm off to the Twilight Academy for Girls." " Me too!" I shouted. " Yay!" we hugged.

This was starting to look better.

We got to the school and were assigned different dorms. They were only three dorms apart, but that was enough to upset her. " I'll see you at dinner." she promised. I nodded, and we kissed each other's cheeks before going into our dorms.

My room mate looked up. Her blonde hair was slightly curled, and her blue eyes were framed by dark make-up." Hey." she said vivaciously. " Hey. I'm Kairi." " Namine." she said, looking un interested. I set my stuff down on the empty bed. " Lez, right?" she said. I stiffened. " Sorry hun, it's kinda obvious." she said. " Whatev." I muttered. " Well, you aren't alone. I am too. And so are most of the chicks I hang with." Namine said, digging through her bag. I glanced at her again. She was really, really, really beautiful. Her hair fell down past her shoulders. Her eyes were big, but not creepy. Her body was shaped perfectly, curvy but slender. I also noticed she had extremely good taste in clothes. My skinny jeans and large shirt made me blush. I looked like shit compared to her.

I could really like her. But at the same time, I didn't want awkwardness with my room mate. And Olette was just fine.

" Dinner starts in five. I'll show you where." she said, walking out the door. I followed her, and Olette was outside the door. I grabbed her hand. I thought I saw Namine roll her eyes at Olette. But maybe not. Olette squeezed my hand, looking nervous. " Kairi, this school is huge! And my room-mate, Larxene, scares me." I giggled. I tunred, seeing the girl Olette pointed to. She was tall. Her eyes were green, her hair blonde. She was wearing black shorts and a red halter. Her make-up was darker than Namine's. She had four piercings in each ear. " Holy shit." I whispered. " yeah, no kidding." Olette whispered back.

This was really going to be interesting.