Hermione shifted around in her sleep, as she moved the blankets up to her face. It was midnight, and Hermione Granger was fast asleep. The Dark Lord had won the war, killing nearly everybody on the Order's side. It came as a blow to the Order, when they found out Ron had betrayed them, giving the dark Lord, all the information he needed, to rid the world of Potter. Hermione had escaped with few injuries, and was now hiding in an abandoned home. She could not be found. Voldemort had been after her, since the end of the war. How was he meant to find a witch who was almost as intelligent as he was? But none the less, the reward increased and soon Hermione was worth a million galleons. She couldn't help but laugh when she first found out.

She continued to stir in her sleep, as she her breathing increased, but then stopped and went back to normal. She was dreaming about her first encounter with Voldemort.

It was in her first year of Hogwarts, she was going to see the Head Master. She remembered walking up the spiral staircase and to the door. She knocked and then entered, only to see a hooded man, stepping into the fireplace, his snake eyes watching her intensely. He then disappeared.

"Ah, Ms Granger yes come sit" Dumbledore said as he gestured for her to sit.

"Who-"But he cut her off.

"Never mind that" Dumbledore said softly as they continued on. The snake eyes, never leaving her memory.

The next encounter was in her third year. She wasn't at Hogwarts, instead she was walking home. She was at a busy intersection waiting for the light to turn green so she could walk across. She looked straight ahead, and his eyes plagued her once again. She stared at him, he was wearing casual clothing, didn't look anything like a 70 year old, but merely a 20 year old. But Hermione wasn't mistaken. His eyes gave him away. The light turned green, and Hermione hurried across, their elbows touching as they passed each other. He plagued her in her dreams, talking to her, driving her insane, with his talk of the destruction of Potter.

She spoke to Dumbledore when she went back to Hogwarts. She told him, everything she could, and the Order learnt that Voldemort had been able to restore his former self, making him look in his 20's, making him younger again. Dumbledore told Hermione to inform him, whenever she encountered or dreamt of Voldemort, and told her never to approach, speak or seek him out. Hermione did as she was told, but as her dreams became less frequent, so did her trips to see Dumbledore.

Soon, Voldemort, had left her alone, and the Order presumed, he found her no longer useful. They thought he wanted information from her, and concluded that he received none from her so moved one. Dumbledore had no comment. He did not speak at the meetings, and Hermione felt he was hiding something. Did he know something she didn't?

However, the topic disappeared and Hermione continued on with her normal life, until her last year of Hogwarts. He was plaguing her again. Her dreams, becoming more vivid, her nightmares constantly waking her up. She saw him at Hogsmede, she saw him at Hogwarts, and she saw him in her room. But no one else did. No one could see him, but her. But how did he get into Hogwarts? She was too scared to sleep, she would close her eyes tightly and then open them, but he was still there. He was silent a hood covering his face, the darkness high lighting his eyes. His eyes. She was going insane.

He would stand near her in class, telling her to hurt Harry, to kill him, when he wasn't looking. Hermione ignored him, and turned to Harry. His scar wasn't hurting so that meant Voldemort, couldn't have really been there.

Then one night whilst she tried to sleep, he spoke. Hermione kept her eyes close, pretending to be asleep. But he knew better. He told her of his plans, and what he would do, to everyone who stood against him. He told her, she wouldn't tell anyone, and he was right. She didn't. She couldn't. Every time she tried, her mouth would stop moving, and the words wouldn't come out. He spoke to her constantly, sometimes all day, making her scream. She tried throwing objects at him, but he resisted them, making her angry. One night she couldn't control herself.

"What do you want!? Take it and leave me alone, please, take it and go" She said loudly at first, but by the end of her sentence she was whispering. His head tilted to the side slightly as he approached her. He moved his hand, and cupped her cheek. Hermione tensed up as she felt his hand on her cheek, and then she fell. He had done something to her, she tried to get up, but he kept her down. He knelt down and grabbed her arm gently, and she felt an instant power rush. Her breathing increased, as she tried to slow it down. What was he doing?

"Dumbledore was a fool, to think you could withstand me" He told her. To most people, they would hear pity in his voice, but Hermione knew it was not pity, it was mockery.

"What?" Hermione whispered as she lost her breath. Dumbledore had something to do with this?

"Dumbledore, underestimated me, and because of his foolishness, your life now hangs in the balance" He told her, his voice changing, from mockery to his snake like slither. He disappeared, leaving her alone, and unable to move. She was found that way by Ginny, and was taken to the hospital wing. Everyone had come to see her, trying to figure out what happened, but she refused to tell them, she couldn't. She told them all to go away, and to leave her alone. Harry didn't visit her, the reason eluded her. Yes she told everyone to go away, but he only came once and then stopped.

Dumbledore had tried to speak to her but she ignored him. He had something to do with this, and he never told her or tried to help her.

He questioned her asking if Voldemort had returned, but he already knew.

"What did he do?" He asked her, trying to get any response.

"Well you should know shouldn't you? You didn't tell me anything, you did this not him" Hermione said angrily, and she was right in some aspects, "What did he do?"

Hermione asked, because in all honesty, she did not know.

Dumbledore was silent, and then spoke.

"I'm not sure, yet, but, well, whenever Harry is near you, His scar is burning" Dumbledore said gravely, and Hermione's jaw dropped.

His scar was burning. That's why he stopped seeing her. Hermione stayed silent, and did not speak, for the rest of her stay in the hospital wing. Harry's scar only burned when Voldemort was near, and now it was burning while she was near him too. What did he do to her? What was she going to do?

Hermione woke up, the sound of screaming above her terrifying. She grabbed her wand, and held it tightly. She went to the nearest window and looked outside. Death eaters had swarmed the entire area. She could hear banging on her door. She turned and headed for the attic. She would be safe there, with the wards she placed on it. She pulled the string from the ceiling and instantly a pair of stairs fell to her. She climbed them and then closed it, hiding in the corner of the room. She was 22 now, and was living in a world of darkness. Nowhere was safe. She could hear them raiding the house, but they would never find her. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead there. She waited and waited and after a moment she looked up. She froze. How was that possible? How was he here, standing before her?

She stood up, and lifted her wand, his eyes piercing through her. The same eyes, that had plague her, since the very start of her wizarding years.

"And what do you intend to do with that?" He asked her gesturing to her wand.

Hermione tried t curse him, but nothing happened. Nothing at all. He laughed as he eyes widened with fear.

"You can't use my magic against me" He told her slowly as he approached her. His magic?

"Your magic?" Hermione asked as she tried to distance herself from him.

"The magic I gave you that night, I know you remember I never forget it" He told her as he walked over to her slowly, his hood still covering his face.

"You gave me your magic?" Hermione asked her voice shaky. He was directly in front of her now.

" I gave you so much more than that, Hermione, I gave you eternal life, as my own Horcrux" He told her firmly, as Hermione tried running, but her caught her around her waist he legs kicking into the air, " Potter thought he destroyed all my horcruxes, during the final battle, but little did he know you were the thing that stopped him, you should have seen the look on his face, when he tried the killing curse on me and it did nothing, pure shock and horror"

She was his last Horcrux.

Hey people, I was going to take a break after I finished my last story, but I'm bored as hell, I really want school holiday's to be over, I know I'm crazy right? Anyways enjoy and let me know if I should continue or not. DUNDUNDUN (end scary music)