Dreams - Part 1 Royal Gardens

The palace gardens had always been my favorite place to visit when I was a child, but now . . . now it has been reduced to this, a mere outline of its former splendor. There used to be everything here: plants, trees, fountains and color. Color gave this place its soul, brought to life all that had dwelled within it. As I look upon it now corruption is smeared across the walls, draining the life as it were from this once beautiful place. The only light comes from the fertile ground and it is there that the Concubine waits for us.

The Concubine, it is said, was once a beautiful woman adept in influencing the men of the court. She yearned for power and used her beauty to get it, but when she became involved with a man of great power another woman had her thrown from the court, pride and body scarred. To get back the influence she so desperately craved she turned to the one being who could grant her this power.

And this is where I find myself, currently under her power, rooted firmly to the ground as I watch you fight this battle alone.

"Elika, get up!"

I'm trying, I swear, but I cannot seem to gather the strength necessary to break free from my imprisonment. There is a point during all this when you quickly glance back at me, blue eyes narrowed and disappointment clearly showing on your face. For a moment I think of how stupid you are, cursing you with every foul name that I can think of. I'm not some weak damsel in distress waiting for her prince to come and rescue her. I can do perfectly well without you, it's just, well . . . maybe I have gotten too use to your presence.

"This is no time to be napping on the job, princess." You say as you pull me up. There is a cocky smile on your face – one that you would probably deserve to get smacked right off your face – but your breathing is ragged and bruises are beginning to swell. I ignore your comment and take my place behind you.

"Ready when you are."

You grunt, rolling your shoulders and cracking your neck – a habit I find quite disgusting – and you look back at me with a grin, "Don't get caught again, got it? I can't keep protecting your ass." I merely roll my eyes and shake my head, thinking of where you would be without me. Then again, I probably don't want to know.

The battle begins like a dance, a quick trade off of blows, an action that requires a reaction. Despite your rather rugged manner, there is a grace in the way you handle that sword. For a moment, I lose track of everything – where we are, what we set out to accomplish – and lose myself within this experience, being here with you. It's like we are actually in tune with one another, in a place where words are not needed to express our actions. Indeed, it is like a dream and before long we have awoken from it.

"Where she gone?" you ask, your hand gripping tightly to your sword as your eyes dart from one place to the next.

"I'm fine, thank you." It's just like you not to care about anything except your own well being.

"Are you sure her disappearance isn't just another illusion?"

I sigh, "I can move, she must be gone."

"Well then let's heal this ground and get out of this place."

Closing my eyes I let the light consume me, Ormazd's power slowly devouring me. It's faint but I can hear Ahriman whispering to me. At first it sounds like encouragement. That is, until I hear his words: "Jailer. You take away my life and soon your own will become imprisoned." His words tug at me, pull at my mind, but I refuse to crumble under his pressure – after all this I will not fail. Finally I let go, releasing everything that had welled up inside me.

I fall to my knees as I watch this land regain its life. For a moment I'm breathless, partially from this whole ordeal which weakens me more and more, but more so from the place itself and even though it makes me depressed to see it in such a state the fact that I brought back its light is a reward in itself.

Slowly I stand and cautiously make my way toward the edge. I can see from my place upon platform that so many things have changed.

"You use to spend time here?" your words suddenly remind me of your presence but I do not want to look at you for I'm afraid you might see something I don't want you to.

"I use to come here with my mother."

"Oh yeah? I don't think she'd be too impressed with the way this place is now."

I'm not either. "There were fountains all around here that watered the plants." I explain, though I doubt you're interested. My eyes scan the empty fountains and overgrown weeds that had weaved their way around the structures. "Trees, flowers, herbs, spices, things you didn't see anywhere else. They must have been from before or from outside." I turn away, "She'd bring the children here to look after them."

"Yeah . . . Never got into gardening, you know."

I turn my head to look at you. "Hey, they're just plants, we can get you some more. I find Farah and we can ship them in from wherever you want; flowers, trees. You're a princess, you deserve it."

"Yes." Though I doubt you realize it, that has to be the kindest thing you have ever said to me and I allow myself the pleasure of imagining just that. Hopefully you might tell me of it some day.

"We can make this garden grow again."

"Yes." I know this is a possibility; the only sad thing is . . . I won't be here to see it.