A/N – I haven't wrote anything in a while. I had this idea and quite liked it so I hope you enjoy it too, I will try to update as much as possible but I am so busy at the moment. I don't own any of the Taggart characters. Please Read and Review.

Matt Burke sat in his office one Tuesday afternoon. He sat thinking about their latest murder case; it didn't seem to add up, no motive, just a young man, recent university graduate, found dead, no enemies, no habits and no debts. Nothing to make anyone wan to kill him. He looked up and watched his team, Stuart tapping away at his keyboard, Jackie on the phone chasing up bank details and Robbie scribbling away at his paperwork. His phone began to ring and he picked it up,

"DCI Burke."

"Sir, this is WPC Smith, there's been another murder."

"What happened?"

"Young woman; same MO as first murder. On Broad Street."

"Right, thanks, we're on our way."

He put the phone down and stepped out of the office addressing the team.

"Get your coats, there's been another murder!"

They all sprang up and were just putting their coats on when a man walked into the office,

"DCI Burke, could I please have a word with you."

"What is it?" Burke asked, annoyed at the man just for coming in when they were in such a hurry.

"I need you and your team to sign this filming consent form," he began, "you see…"

"Another cop show being filmed, what The Bill again?" Burke asked,

"Well not exactly…"

"Look I don't have time for this just give me the form." Matt said taking the clipboard and signing it.

"I really think…"

"I haven't got time!" Burke repeated.

"Your team need to sign it too." The man said,

"Fine." He looked at the team, "Just sign the dam contract and let's get out of here."

The man handed each of the team a few stapled sheets of paper they looked at the tiny print on them, starting to read it,

"Come on we haven't got all day, just sign it."

"Shouldn't we read what we are signing though sir?" Stuart said.

"There's someone lying dead Stuart, just sign it."

'Yes Sir."

They all signed the contracts and rushed out the door handing them back to the unknown man who sighed. He walked out of the room behind all the officers,

"Someone's gonna get in trouble for this," he muttered, "but it is not going to be me."