Chapter 9-

Rosalie shrugged off her jacket and deposited it on the bed and sat down on the sofa in the corner of the suite, in front of the TV. I remained standing, unsure of what to do or more like what Rosalie wanted me to do.

"Well, are you gonna keep standing or come sit down?" Rosalie snapped. I quickly scampered over to the sofa, tripping thrice but managing to keep my balance and finally, took a seat on the sofa opposite Rosalie.

She eyed me with a critical eye and I suddenly felt very self conscious. I looked around the suite for a topic. My eyes spotted scattered make up on the bathroom counter through the mirror.

"Why do you need to use make up?" I said, unintentionally voicing my thought.

"Hmm?" Rosalie questioned, following my gaze. That's when I realized I hadn't been as silent as I had thought, I blushed.

"I mean, why do you need make up when you're…y'know…naturally gorgeous?" I asked shyly.

Rosalie smiled and gave me a soft look; something I had never seen before.

"Thank you Bella." She said, I blushed deeper and murmured a reply. Rosalie looked back at the make up and sighed, "It just…makes me feel normal. It's the only thing I can have in common with normal human girls…like you."

I blushed even deeper, cursing myself inwardly. Why was I blushing so much? In front of Rosalie too at that.

"You're so pretty," she continued and I blushed even more if that was possible, "Seriously," she said, nodding, "You've got those typical 'girl next door' looks, I'm not comparing your beauty to mine, oh no. But still, you could do so much with yourself!"

"Thanks," I said quietly.

Rosalie waved a hand as if saying it was nothing. "Next time there's an event for dressing up, I have my bids on you." She said.

I smiled back at her and she settled back in her seat, resting her head against the bag of the sofa and closing her eyes.

"So tell me Bella," she said, "How is Edward in bed?"

Her casual tone, manner and the fact that she had even asked me that made me blush so fiercely, I was sure I would be some serious competition for tomatoes.

"W-what?" I stammered in shock, wanting to confirm that I had heard correctly.

"OH MY GOD," Rosalie said, opening her eyes and straightening up to look at me, "You two haven't had sex yet, have you?" she asked, a very familiar sneer in place.

I didn't reply, just kept blushing and staring at my feet, discovering the pleasures of examining one's feet.

"SHUT UP!" Rosalie laughed.

I looked up at her, "But I didn't say anything," I said quietly.

Rosalie continued to laugh, "I cannot believe this," she said, shaking her head.

I looked down again, thinking over the similarities between Emmett and Rosalie. Both it seemed, enjoyed tormenting and embarrassing me on the topic of my sex life.

"You know you can always take tips from me," Rosalie offered. "I have plenty experience. I know how the male mind works. There's this thing I do with Emmett where I bend him over and…"

I honestly didn't know how to react to Rosalie sharing her sex techniques with me. An image of a naked Emmett getting spanked by Rosalie was one I would much rather keep out of my mind's eye. My brain was running a hundred miles a minute, thinking, searching for a different topic. Something, anything…

"Get to know what kind of flowers Rosalie likes…whether she prefers the color blue or pink…"

Oh how I loved Emmett and his favors at this point. "What color flowers do you like?" I blurted out.

Rosalie stopped her story and looked taken aback for a second. "Oh no! no, no no! Flowers are a most definite no! Not while having sex! It ruins the whole atmosphere! Flowers are romantic but candles…now candles are sexy. I'd say get as many as you can…white one's give a peaceful look but-"

God Emmett and Rosalie were made for each other, their sex talks never seemed to end.

"No! NO! I meant…genuinely…what color flowers do you like?" I asked, cutting her off.

Realization dawned on her face and she just shrugged, "I dunno…sex is more about-"

"NOT DURING SEX!" I shouted loud enough for Edward to hear me down the hall. Rosalie looked even more taken aback, I took an inconspicuous deep breath, "I mean what color flowers do you like y'know…just…"

"I dunno," Rosalie replied, lying back against the sofa. "I usually like red. Red is sexy and it represents deep, passionate love. In fact, I'd say red is my favorite color…"

I 'hmphed' in response, thankful that she had finally steered away from the topic of my sex life.

"How does it feel being human?" Rosalie asked, eyes still closed.

Though she had been hyped up about sex and love a minute ago, I was damn sure I wasn't imagining the regret and longing in her voice. I swallowed, unsure of how to continue.

"I dunno…slow?" I asked laughing slightly.

"I wish I could remember what it was like…every time I try to remember my human memories I come up with hazy images…"

I felt bad for her, the tone of her voice was unlike any I had heard her use. "Well," I began in a cheerful voice, "I'm sure even without you're vampire abilities you would have been beautiful"

Rosalie opened her eyes and looked at me, "Thanks Bella," she said smiling.

"Anytime." I said shyly.

Rosalie switched on the TV after that and tuned into some chick flick which she commented through causing me to double over with laughter at times. Time passed in such a hurry that I didn't even notice it was 3.30 am when Emmett pushed the suite door open.

"Are they fake or what?!" Rosalie commented, laughing and pointing at the TV screen at the blond actress flashing heavy cleavage. I laughed along, wiping unclean tears from her last comment.

"Ooookay…" I heard Emmett say.

"Hey babe," Rosalie replied, smiling up at him. Emmett perched cautiously on the edge of Rosalie's sofa and looked at me with an amused expression, watching me roll around in laughter.

"What the hell did you do to her?" Emmett asked incredulously.

"Oh nothing. We were just having some girl time." Rosalie replied.

Emmett looked between Rosalie to me. I shrugged and he shook his head, "I should do this more often. I think I've just found a companion babysitter."

I crossed my arms. "Ha ha. Very funny Emmett." I said. "How was the concert?" I asked.

"It was WICKED! Better than sex!" he exclaimed, grinning widely. But then he suddenly looked down at Rosalie who was glaring up at him, "No babe, I meant sex in general…not sex with YOU…YOU are unlike anything…nothing can match up to…"

"Save it." Rosalie snapped, standing up. "We'll see how much better you like stupid metal bands after I refuse to have sex with you throughout this holiday."

"Babe no, babe…BABE NO! I DIDN'T MEAN IT THAT WAY!" Emmett called dejectedly after Rosalie as she walked off to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

He turned back to me and I shrugged innocently. "Damn it!" he cursed. I laughed. "Go ahead, laugh. It wouldn't make a difference to you if you were in this situation since Edward doesn't give it to you anyways." He said irately.

I stopped laughing, "Shut up," I said to him.

He grinned and held out a hand, "C'mon, it's late. I bet Edward's waiting to kill me." He said coming to stand in front of me. "Lets get you back to him."

"I am perfectly capable of going myself." I said, pushing him back.

Emmett raised his eyebrows, "I don't really enjoy getting threatened by Eddie. He cant do nothing but still…it's an insult to my image." He said, nodding his head.

I rolled my eyes. "FINE," I said turning round but I took deliberate slow steps. Emmett put a hand at the small of my back and pushed gently.

"Get a move on, slowpoke," he said.

I groaned but didn't move, compelling Emmett to push me. "Damn it Bella! Move your bloody feet!" he said.

I refused to do so and Emmett stopped pushing me. "Have it your way then," he said, shrugging.

I nodded my head in victory.

Emmett reached down to wrap an arm around my waist and scooped my up, over his shoulder. I was so shocked it took me a moment to react.

"EMMETT!! EMMETT PUT ME DOWN!" I demanded, pounding on his back.

Emmett just laughed and continued walking. As we were passing the elevator, a man walked out.

"EMMETT! PUT! ME! DOWWWNN!!!" I yelled.

The man stopped in his tracks, blocking Emmett's path. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"Perfect." Emmett replied, winking at him.

"NO!!!" I protested. "HELP PLEASE!!!"

The man hesitated, eyeing Emmett's large form. "Let her go," he said in a shaky voice.

"C'mon dude, she's my sister." Emmett said.

"Is he telling the truth?" the man asked me.

I sighed in defeat and nodded, "Thanks for trying." I said helplessly, smiling at him.

The man gave us a weird look and walked on. "He thought I was gonna rape you or something." Emmett said, shaking his head as he continued walking.

I didn't reply, just huffed in frustration. Emmett stopped walking and the door opened instantly. Edward stood in the doorway, glaring at Emmett.

"This is how you bring her back huh? 4 in the morning, slung over your shoulder?" he asked through gritted teeth.

Emmett laughed and set me down. "Edward helllppp!" I whined running and hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me, continuing to glare at Emmett. I turned my face and stuck my tongue out at him who made a face back at me.

"God, handle your baby! I have more important things to do! I'm going back to my wife and trying to talk her out of her corporal punishment scheme for me!" Emmett exclaimed, waving farewell.

I blew a raspberry at his retreating back and he turned around to shake his head at me. I smiled innocently back.

"We'll see how confident you are tomorrow. When we go skiing." He said. That wiped the smile from my face. I gulped. "And not even fifty sparkly suns can stop me from dragging you out to the slopes," Emmett mocked.

I glared at him. Emmett grinned but Edward held me tighter and slammed the door in Emmett's face.

"HEY! KEEP IT LOW!" I heard the guy next door shout.

"What corporal punishment is he talking about?" Edward asked.

"Rosalie refused to have any more sex with him for the duration of his trip." I told him.

Edward shook his head, "Now you made me feel bad for him."

I narrowed my eyes at him and Edward quickly held up his hands, "I mean, he- he doesn't deserve such a… I mean she should… I… I love you…" he said.

I shook my head and hugged him. His desperate face making me laugh. How easily he had thought I was mad at him or suspicious. Edward was too good to be true.

I reached up and kissed him, the kiss becoming too feverish causing me to bang against the wall and cause the painting to fall to the ground with a crash.


Yep, we were definitely the most animated family present.

A/N: Hope you liked it. A little less of Emmett in this chapter but I hoped that you might enjoy Rosalie/ Bella interactions too. =] Let me know what you thought! I'll give you a cookie...or maybe a box with Emmett inside as a thank you present.